First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1535: Point out

?How to do?

This is the confusion in Li Shimin's heart at this time.

If the dragon clan died a Qinglong king, how could he give up?

What is the Azure Dragon King?

He was a talented talent who chased the ancestor dragon. He was pardoned and named the prince of the Dragon of the Four Seas as soon as he was born. He was destined to become the master of the world in the future. He would look down upon the vast numbers of beings all his life, and his thoughts would determine the future of the world.

But now?

The future of the dragon clan, the Azure Dragon King, who entrusted countless hard work of the Four Seas Dragon King, was cut off like this!

Not only a Qinglong King died, but also the aura of the Four Seas Dragons.

Especially in the present time when Jingrui is about to come, it is simply a fundamental event that shakes the dragon clan.

How many resources have Sihai poured into the Azure Dragon King? How much is it?

Killing the Azure Dragon King is equivalent to slashing the Qi of the Four Seas and the future of the Four Seas.

It's strange that the Four Seas Dragon King doesn't go wild.

Since things can't be good, then Tiangong is not good to offend.

Li Shimin stopped when he heard the words and stood in front of the Tai Chi Hall, feeling extremely sad, and suddenly he understood Yang Guang's feelings back then.

It is indeed to understand Yang Guang's feelings!

All betrayed! Power struggle!

"Your Majesty, Wei Zheng is here!" the guard said.

"Call him in" Li Shimin said with a grimace.

Not long after, Wei Zheng walked in and bowed to Li Shimin: "Farewell to your Majesty!"

"Wei Zheng, you are so courageous, you dare to defy your order!" Li Shimin suddenly shouted angrily.


Wei Zheng fell on his knees, looking at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes, and said eagerly: "Your Majesty forgive your sins, it is involuntary to subordinate your majesty! Before the subordinates and your majesty were playing chess, they suddenly fell into a dream when sleepy struck, and then they fainted. The azure dragon was severely chopped off, and the subordinate himself didn't know what was going on! Your Majesty... the subordinate was also in the mist, knowing nothing!

Listening to Wei Zheng's crying and pushing his own responsibility completely, what can Li Shimin do?

What can he say?

"Fine, you go back!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and turned to look at Chunguijun: "Sir..."

Chunguijun nodded: "Your Majesty, later, I will go to find out the news for your Majesty."

The storm is brewing

Everyone looked at the four seas, but the strange thing is that the four seas have been calm, without any waves.

"Weird? Killing the Azure Dragon King and breaking the hope of the Dragon Clan’s future is not enough to cause the Dragon Clan to hurt his muscles and bones? Why is there no movement?" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of surprise, and his eyes looked towards the four seas, and there was nothing in his heart. Bottom line.

The Azure Dragon King is all cut, why is there no movement from the Sihailong Clan?

Zhang Bairen would not believe it if the Four Seas Dragon Clan was soft. But why is there no movement from the Four Seas Dragons?

Why is there no movement from Sihailong?

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of contemplation, such a calm Sihailong Clan, on the contrary, it made him feel no bottom.

"My lord, the corpse of the Azure Dragon King has been transported over," Zuo Qiu wuji said.

The Azure Dragon King is pregnant with the blood of the ancient dragons, and he is a treasure of the whole world, which is also of great benefit to the most powerful, but no one dares to get involved.

The Sihailong clan was watching, the corpse of the Azure Dragon King who ate the bear heart and leopard gall?


At this moment, a group of purple light flew out of Zhang Bairen's eyebrows and ancestor aperture, and across the sky in an instant, it took about half a day to return.

"My lord, it's okay! The body of the Azure Dragon King was actually swallowed by a cloud of purple light. Brothers are incompetent and can't hold the purple light. I ask the adults to atone for their sins!" A group of samurai hurried over, eyes full of panic. .

"Adult" Zuoqiu Wuji heard the words and looked at Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen tapped his finger on his belt and waved his hand to interrupt Zuo Qiu Wuji's words: "I see, you wait to get out!"

Looking inwardly at his eyebrow ancestor aperture, Zhang Bairen Yang Shen looked at the dragon ball in front of him, with a solemn look in his eyes.

The Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball swallowed the Azure Dragon King, not driven by himself, but by the subconscious action of the Dragon Ball. At that moment, he actually lost control of Dragon Ball.

"How come! The dragon clan is a dead thing, the Ancestral Dragon memory is completely turned into fragments, and then is swallowed by my Demon Seed. The Ancestral Dragon is already dead, how can this Dragon Ball still have instinct?

There was a solemn look in Zhang Bairen's eyes: "It's not right!"

While thinking about it, Zhang Bairen directly sat on the ground and began to constantly check every inch of space in the dragon ball.

Time is slowly passing, the moon is setting and the sun is rising, in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea

At this time, the door of the secret room opened, and only the Beihai Dragon King said: "Brothers, how did you say that the human race got down?"

"I don't know how to step down, but this compensation will definitely be delivered soon. According to the king's prediction, the heavenly envoy is already waiting outside the door!" Xihai Dragon King smiled proudly.

"That's right, elder brothers, are you thinking about what kind of treasure you want to ask for from the human race?"

"I think that Li Shimin's queen is pretty good. If you are willing to accompany me to the palace and play, it won't hurt to let the human race go once!"



The four dragon kings laughed and walked out of the bedroom, but they met the anxious Turtle Cheng greeted him: "Four kings, things are not good!"

"The prime minister is so anxious, I think the palace envoy has been waiting for a long time that day!" Donghai Dragon King said with a smile.

"Don't worry about the prime minister, let's air the messenger more to let him know how great we are!" Beihai Dragon King said with disdain.

Prime Minister Turtle smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and said with a gloomy face: "Your Majesty, there was never a heavenly messenger, but the Azure Dragon King was beheaded yesterday!"

"What?" The four dragon kings were taken aback when they heard the words, and Xihai Dragon King laughed and said: "You old tortoise don't want to make a joke, who believes such absurd jokes..."

"Yes, you can't lie to people..."

"My lord, this is true!" The old turtle interrupted Sihailongwang's words: "The old minister has already mobilized the soldiers and horses of the four seas. Only when the king gives an order, he can invade the inland and avenge the Qinglongwang."

As soon as he said this, the air fell silent and turned into a dead silence.

The sea water stopped flowing under the dull pressure.

"You repeat what you said before, this king did not hear clearly!" Donghai Dragon King finally spoke.

"The Azure Dragon King was beheaded by the Human Race yesterday!" Old Turtle said.

"No kidding?" Xihai Dragon King's words were full of murderous intent.

"The soldiers and horses have been ordered, only waiting for the king's order." Prime Minister Turtle pointed to the sea tribe's air force rising into the sky in the distance.

The atmosphere fell into silence again

After a while, I heard Donghai Dragon King say: "Isn't there a world-honor and a human emperor?"

"I'm afraid that the world-honor and the human emperor have the same thoughts as the four great kings, thinking that Daomen dare not make a deadly move, so it is too late..." Kame Prime Minister sighed helplessly.

"Where is my son's body?" Donghai Dragon King said with a gloomy expression.

"Nowhere!" Prime Minister Turtle whispered.

"Huh~~~" The Dragon King of East China Sea took a deep breath, his eyes were tightly closed, the veins violent all over his body, and his fists flashed with lightning.

"Too much deception! It is simply intolerable!" The words of the North Sea Dragon King were full of murderous intent: "Big brother, break into the human race, step on the heaven, and avenge my nephew!"

"My dragons dominate the world's waters and monsters, but I have never relied on forbearance and surviving. We rely on fists. If we can't avenge the Azure Dragon King, how can our dragons take control of the world!" Nanhai Dragon King burst out in anger. Soldier, gather together!"

"Let's wait a moment! This matter is not impulsive!" Donghai Dragon King waved his hand to stop the quarrel and turned to look at Prime Minister Turtle: "You go to Li Shimin and ask him to come to the shore of the East China Sea to give this king an explanation! Otherwise, ten days later. , This king will send troops inland to conquer the palace!"

"Yes!" Hearing this, Prime Minister Turtle turned and left, feeling agitated. This is the dragon clan, this is the dragon clan that has dominated the monster clan for thousands of years since ancient times. The previous patience and humiliation were nothing more than an appearance. The dominance of the dragons comes from the bones and will never be wiped out.

Terran Chang'an City


The sky suddenly quieted down at that instant, and rolling black clouds accompanied by lightning and thunder covered the entire Chang'an City.

A giant claw tore through the clouds, but he saw Prime Minister tortoise riding a whale out of the cloud and looking down at Chang'an City: "Where is Chang'an King Li Shimin?"

"I'll do this again, since the prime minister is here, let's go into the city and tell it." Li Shimin walked out of the Tai Chi Hall.

"Li Shimin, the king of my family has a purpose, telling you to go to the coast of the East China Sea to give me an explanation for the dragon clan, otherwise... ten days later, my dragon clan will send troops to the middle earth and level the Tiangong!" After speaking, he will not give Li Shimin reaction time at all. The prime minister has already turned and left.

"Bastard!" Li Shimin's face was pale at this time: "It's just a group of crooked animals in the sea, and dare to reprimand me in front of the people of the world."

"The dragon is true this time" Ju Mang's eyes flashed with excitement.

Li Shimin watched the clouds and rain dispersed in the sky, standing there with a gloomy expression: "The dragon clan wants to explain to me, who should I explain to?"

Tiangong simply ignores Li Shimin, so what can Li Shimin do?

"To pass on my decree, all Daoist views must go out of the mountains to confront the dragons of the four seas!" Li Shimin's eyes turned murderously: "This matter is caused by Daoist sects, and I will not clean up the mess for them."

"Your Majesty, the avenues and gates have been far away from the mountains and forests. It may not be easy to find them..." the servant said cautiously.

"Hmph, not all Taoists can bigu, you spread my imperial decree ~ If the Taoist cannot handle this matter well, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Li Shimin smiled coldly and turned around and walked in. Main hall.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas wanted to confess, so Li Shimin made an order, preaching Daomen to give him an explanation.

But what can the Dao Sect explain at this time?

The tenth day passed in an instant, the tenth day, the East China Sea coast

At this time, the millions of sea people waved their flags up and down in the sea, and at a glance they could see the sky overwhelmingly.




The drums of war sounded, and the water veins in the world boiled over it. The dragons and river gods of all roads in the Middle-Earth land have all ordered their troops and horses, ready to go.

Standing on the coastline, the Dragon King of the East China Sea looked at Middle-earth with a pair of eyes: "What a Li Shimin! This king has been waiting for you for ten days, don't say that he has never given you a chance."

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