First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1454: The Change of Xuanwu Gate (1)

Chai Shao was crying, crying in front of the grave, his eyes full of grief and anger, but he didn't even look at Li Shimin's fist, and his voice pierced through the field: "The one who got you, I have Without your heart, you never liked me! You never liked me!"

Chai Shao seemed to be a wounded lone wolf, with anger in his eyes: "It was the governor, not me, that you went to see before your death. You never liked me! You and me are married for decades, and I will serve you. Where do you put me behind the saddle? Where do you put me!"

Li Shimin's fist stopped and was pulled by Li Jiancheng. A pair of eyes stared at the man lying on the ground blankly, with a touch of emotion in his eyes, and all the anger disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Also a poor man!

"You still have the face to see her. She wants to see you the most before you die, but what about you? You disappeared and disappeared. You still have the face to see her!" Chai Shao turned and rushed towards Zhang Bairen. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Li Shimin grabbed Chai Shao, Zhang Bairen just stood quietly in front of the grave, looking at the white flowers, and sighed softly, "What's the use of being hearty!"

For a woman, your body is righteous, can your heart be refreshed? Can you eat it?

In Zhang Bairen's eyes, Chai Shao had a second grade, and his brain was abnormal.

A glass of sake overturned in front of Li Xiuning's grave, and the drizzle fell on the oil paper umbrella. Looking at Li Xiuning's grave, Zhang Bairen remained silent.

Compared with a painful life, death may be the best destination for Li Xiuning.

Standing in front of the grave and watching for a long time, Zhang Bairen turned and left. Life has been hurried for decades, and one day he will be used to life and death.

"Zhang Bairen, I will never let you go! I will never let you go!" Chai Shao roared behind Zhang Bairen.

"Look at Xiuning's face and spare your life. If you don't know how to advance or retreat, you will behead your head at the grave and ask you to accompany the princess to reincarnate." Zhang Bairen paused in his footsteps and said coldly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>


After a word fell, Zhai Rang did not dare to speak, but kept crying bitterly.

Back to the mansion

Zhang Bairen was in a bad mood, so he just got up and returned to Zhuo County for a drink.

In any case, the departure of an old person is not a happy thing.

"Sir, why is your head white?" Looking at the whiteness of Zhang Bairen's temples, Zhang Lihua was shocked and quickly put down the cloth in his hand.

"It's just a feeling." Zhang Bairen hugged Zhang Lihua, turned and got into the small building.

After some clouds and rain, Zhang Lihua lay on Zhang Bairen: "Sir, we have been together for decades, but it's a pity that my concubine is too late to have children for you."

"What are you in a hurry?" Zhang Bairen stroked Zhang Lihua's satin-like length, and a smile appeared in his eyes: "It won't be long before I can complete the blood exchange in my body. Then we will be born with the strongest blood of the gods in the world, there is unparalleled Potential."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

When Zhang Lihua heard this, her lips moved, but she wanted to say something but didn't say anything. Instead, she slowly sat up and put on her clothes. He picked up the brocade on one side and embroidered the pattern stitch by stitch.

"You have made enough clothes. I'm afraid I won't wear them for ten years." Zhang Bairen slowly sat up and began to organize his clothes.

"Isn’t I just idle and boring? Do a few more sets on weekdays!" Having said that, Zhang Lihua said: "Life is short. You and Empress Xiao are all known to your concubine. Now Empress Xiao is alone, you Don’t ask them to wait too much. You must know that life is short, and be happy in time."

After hearing this, Zhang Bairen came to Zhang Lihua and hugged him slowly: "People are eager for their men to have as few women as possible, but you are good, and they want to push their men out."

Zhang Lihua turned and looked at Zhang Bairen: "Everyone has three wives and four concubines. You are only a few women. Now you don't even have an heir. The concubine body is also worried about you."&1t;i>&1t;/i>

Zhang Bairen stopped talking, turned around and splashed ink, slowly painting landscape paintings, constantly practicing the sun **** body.

When Li Xiuning died, no one could deal with the grievances between Li Yuan, Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin, I was afraid that the Xuanwu Gate incident would not be far away.

After Li Xiuning's death, the relationship between the three brothers of the Li family became more and more tense, and there was an Laozi who was always on the sidelines, it is strange that Li Shimin was not angry.

Desperate, Li Shimin is now almost desperate.

This day

Li Shimin was practicing martial arts at home, but saw his elder Sun Wuji walking into the backyard: "Second son, the prince calls you to drink."

"Oh?" Li Shimin heard the words in his hands and said in a thoughtful voice: "Who are there?"

"The civil servants in the court, there are some military generals, and even members of the royal family!" At this point, Changsun Wuji said: "The prince occupies the name of righteousness. Now the second son is constantly falling into the wind. It is not suitable to drag it anymore. If you continue to drag on, I'm afraid that there will be variables in the army, and some people will swing from side to side, shaking the son's prestige in the army. At that time, I am afraid that the son will be eaten by the prince step by step, and there is only a dead end."&1t;i >&1t;/i>

This is the power of the name of righteousness. Li Jiancheng is the righteous monarch of Li Tang in the future, and he has the support of most of the civil servants in the court. Although Li Shimin is powerful, he will never fall into his hands anyway in the future.

People always make plans and plans for their future.

"Is it so serious?" Li Shimin's eyes showed a dignified look, and his eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"It's not generally serious. It is said that some people in the army have begun to waver. This matter is like an ant den on the embankment of a thousand miles. It should not be a precedent. Once the precedent is established, I am afraid that the next things will not be under the control of the son." Du Ruhui Came out.

Li Shimin took a deep breath when he heard the words, slowly retracted the shelf, and slowly closed his eyes: "Forcing me, this is forcing me!"

"When you stop constantly, let's be in chaos. This bottle of poison will not kill the son, but it will make the son look very serious!" Changsun Wuji placed a bottle of poison in front of Li Shimin. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Looking at the bottle of poison, it seemed to weigh a thousand catties. Li Shimin held the poison in his palm, and it took a long time before he let out a sigh: "My son understands, you should understand that I am definitely not the kind of indecisive person."

That night

Li Jiancheng hosted a banquet in the Prince's Mansion to entertain his confidants, the Korean military, and win over the ministers and generals.

Li Shimin sat quietly opposite Li Jiancheng, eating wine and food without hurries, his eyes scanned the dozens of guests in the lobby, and he secretly calculated: "There are important officials in the court, generals in the army, and The royal family kin, the prince was so blatantly colluding with the party members, but the emperor regarded it as missing and let the other party move..."

Thinking of this, Li Shimin grabbed the poison in his hand and poured it into the wine glass without a trace.

The opposite Li Yuanji looked at Li Shimin with a pair of cold eyes, like a poisonous snake, he could come out and bite himself at any time. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Li Yuanji!" Li Shimin whispered in his heart and secretly sentenced Li Yuanji to death.

"Second brother, since Yuanba's departure, now the second sister has passed away, and we have one less sibling." Li Jiancheng suddenly picked up the glass and looked at Li Shimin: "You and my brothers have not been together for many years, and we still need to get close in the future. So, lest you neglect the brotherhood in the past, don't worry, when my elder brother arrives on the ninth five-year plan, the virtuous brother will be the king by one word, and my brother will never owe you my brotherhood."

Li Shimin's eyes swept away when he heard the words, and when he looked at the thoughtful Manchu civil and military, his gaze suddenly condensed. Although Li Jiancheng's words were all brotherhood, they all declared the future sovereignty of Li Tang.

"In that case, I would like to thank my eldest brother for helping me." Li Shimin picked up the drink and drank it in one go.


Looking at Li Shimin, Li Jiancheng was stunned for a moment, but the opponent did not counterattack. This is not in line with Li Shimin's temperament. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Something is wrong

Suddenly Li Jiancheng couldn't figure it out, and there was an ominous premonition in Li Shimin's attitude at this time.

"Come on, everyone, drink, congratulations to me, Li Tang will be more brilliant in the future!" Li Jiancheng picked up the glass, and the officials pushed the glass for another.

After a quarter of an hour, suddenly I saw Li Shimin spurting blood from his mouth, and his expression appeared black.

"King Qin!"

When the banquet changed, the officials were shocked and silent for a while.

Looking at Li Shimin tumbling on the ground, all the civil and military ministers looked shocked. King Qin, who had never thought of a good life, suddenly spurted Not good! "Li Jiancheng's eyelids throbbed wildly, and a sense of evil rose from his heart.

At this moment, I saw Li Ji suddenly stood up, supported Li Shimin, and yelled at Li Jiancheng: "Li Jiancheng, you have a vicious heart, even if King Qin competes with you for the position of prince, you are also brothers of the same mother. Why do you have to commit this evil hand?"&1t;i>&1t;/i>

"This...I didn't do it!" Li Jiancheng felt the suspicious look of Manchu Civil and Martial Arts, and suddenly felt a beeping dog.

But looking at the dubious gaze of the officials, Li Jiancheng suddenly felt cold.

"What a vicious mind, this is to completely stun me. A person who is willing to poison his brothers will not be worthy of becoming Li Tang's future monarch in the future. Even the brothers of a mother compatriot can attack me. What about a minister? A person who uses all means for his purpose and does not have a benevolent heart is not worthy to be a monarch." Li Jiancheng had already figured out the cause and effect in his mind. He couldn't recite this scapegoat, and he quickly said loudly: "You don't want to spit people. How could this king do such a dirty and dirty thing!"

"Oh, according to the prince's statement, it is the second son who poisoned himself? Is it because the second son has lived a good life and wants to die?" Changsun Wuji tore his face and criticized coldly.

Up to now, I am not afraid of turning my face with Li Jiancheng. I am the direct line of the King of Qin. If Li Jiancheng collapses, his grandson Wuji will definitely not end well.

At this time, Li Shentong stood up, looked at everything in the field with a sullen expression, and said quickly: "Pass the royal doctor!"

While talking, he set up Li Shimin and walked quickly out of the Prince's Mansion towards the West Palace.

ps: I've caught a cold. Today is normal two changes.


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