First Class Taoist Gate

Chapter 1009: Pushan Gong Li Mi

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Yuan Tiangang looked at Zhang Bairen, and the guillotiner and Hong Fu who came with him were also looking at Zhang Bairen, and then looked at Yuan Shoucheng, who looked sad on the opposite side, and didn't know what to say.

Everyone did not understand the dialogue between Yuan Shoucheng and Zhang Bairen, and they did not know what dumb riddle they were playing.

"The governor really refuses to stop?" Yuan Shoucheng said bitterly.

"You have defeated me, and the local governor will naturally stop!" Zhang Bairen said without delay.

Yuan Shoucheng remained silent for a long time, standing still like a mountain.

In a gambling battle with Zhang Bairen, the people in Qilu may still have a chance. If the gambling battle fails, that's it.

"How does the governor want to gamble?" Yuan Shoucheng said.

"How do you want to bet? If you talk about the number of days of divination, I am definitely not your opponent." Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Shoucheng: "If it is better than fighting magic, the Governor of the capital will bully people too."

As he said, Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, swiftly like lightning, and grabbed something in his hand: "Well, let's guess what the Governor's hand is?"

Zhang Bairen's palms are hidden in his sleeves and his eyes are hidden in his hat. Yuan Shoucheng can't see Zhang Bairen's eyes, let alone his expression.

"So simple?" Yuan Shoucheng said.

"Simple?" Zhang Bairen smiled.

"The governor's hand is a leaf, a leaf!" Yuan Shoucheng said confidently.

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and a handful of ashes fell into the air: "You lost!"

"This... the governor is shameless!" Yuan Shoucheng was not convinced.

"Then let me guess what?" Zhang Bairen looked at Yuan Shoucheng.

Yuan Shoucheng fiddled with his sleeves before reaching out to Zhang Bairen with his fists clenched: "Guess the Governor."

"Your hand is a piece of gold" Zhang Bairen stretched out a finger and volleyed it on Yuan Shoucheng's fist. The red fingers seemed to be steamed, and the air was constantly twisting under the heat of the fingers.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! The Governor's guess is wrong! The Governor's guess is wrong! The Pan Dao's hand is a pill!" Yuan Shoucheng opened his palms with ecstasy, the next moment he looked like a duck pinched by his neck, with eyes Staring fiercely at the piece of gold shimmering in his hands, a look of ghosts appeared on his face, revealing a look of shock.

"Could it be that the old way is wrong?" Yuan Shoucheng rubbed his eyes, looking from left to right, all in his hand was gold.

With his hands on his back, Zhang Bairen turned and walked down the mountain: "Old Tao, I remember that you owed the Governor a dispatch."

"I..." Looking at Zhang Bairen's direction, Yuan Shoucheng looked down at the gold in his hand: "How is this possible!"

Kneeling down to take out the bottles and cans on his body, Yuan Shoucheng looked down at the bottle in his hand, then turned his head and looked at the gold in his hand with shock: "There is indeed one pill missing, but why has it turned into gold?"

"Uncle, the general governor has already proven the Yangshen Avenue, touching the law of material transformation, you are not unjustly defeated!" Yuan Tiangang couldn't stand aside, had to remind Yuan Shoucheng, and then turned away in a hurry.

"Yang Shen?" Yuan Shoucheng stood there blankly looking at the figure going away under the mountain, with a touch of shock in his eyes: "Have you been certified as Yang Shen?"

Luoyang City

Zhang Bairen walked slowly on Luoyang Street, stood on the Luoma Bridge, watched the ships passing by in the river, and said nothing.

Behind him, the bearded man and Hong Fu also remained silent, looking at the traffic at their feet with a touch of emotion.

Yuan Tiangang chased from behind at this time: "Captain, you are bullying."

"I'm bullying people by my abilities, what's so shameful!" Zhang Bairen was noncommittal.

Yuan Tiangang was speechless when he heard the words, looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, and then said after a while: "What did the governor do?"

"Wait for someone!" Zhang Bairen just stood on the bridge and waited quietly, seeing the lights in the river rising one after another, and countless romantic laughter echoing in his ears, Zhang Bairen sighed slightly.

No one knows what Zhang Bairen is sighing. At this moment, Yuan Tiangang’s eyes are sharp: "Isn’t that Yu Wenhua? This old boy also comes to drink flower wine? Yu Wenhua and the man beside him are somewhat temperamental, there seems to be a Qianlong I don’t know if it is the child that the family nurtured."

"He is Li Mi, the third master of Li Mi IV, who inherited Pushan Gong's Xijue, and has some friendship with Yuwenshu. In the early years, he was quite close to Yuwenshu, but he has a very close relationship with Yuwen family!" Zhang Bairen slowly began to speak. , The information about Li Mi cannot be concealed from the Military Secret Mansion.

After hearing the words, Zhang Bairen stepped on his feet and landed on a quiet boat in the void.

Only a few oil lamps were lit on the boat, which was inconspicuous compared with the surrounding flower boats.

"I have seen a real person!" Seeing Zhang Bairen fall, the boat family immediately respectfully saluted.

The boatman was a plainly dressed man, and a middle-aged woman also hurriedly wiped her hands with a respectful face.

"Stew a carp!" Zhang Bairen walked into the cabin, took out a pot of exquisite wine and drank.

"The same is true for a big man!" Looking at the mighty Zhang Bairen, he fell on the bow of the farmhouse to drink leisurely, and a glint in the eyes of the squeaky bearded fell towards the bow of the boat.

Not to be outdone, Hong Fu landed on the bow of the boat and sat opposite Zhang Bairen.

Standing at the bridgehead, Yuan Tiangang felt a little helpless in his eyes: "Unfortunately, I don't know how to protect water.

While talking, a paper crane at his feet carried Yuan Tiangang into the cabin.

Everyone walked into the cabin and drank wine and ate stewed fish, all silent and thoughtful.

At the end of the moon, the shadow of Zhang Bairen's feet was shaking, and Jing Wuming was missing.

However, after Li Mi Yu Yu culture and drinking, he was about to walk to the station while drunk. Knowing that he had just stepped on the shore, he saw a figure not far away.

The figure is neither tall nor thin, and his face cannot be seen clearly in the dark, but he is blocking Li Mi's path.

The other party came for him, and Li Mi knew he couldn't escape.

"Your Excellency is in the way down, don't know any advice?" Li Mi clasped his fists in a salute, looking very polite.

Jing Wuming's words are deep: "My master wants to see you!"

"Who is your Patriarch? Since you see me, you have a name?" Li Mi stared at the dark shadow opposite.

"You will know when you go!" Jing Wuming said domineering, and not long with Zhang Bairen, but he learned Zhang Bairen's dominance by 100%. Especially after the golden crow raised by Zhang Bairen was born, Jing Wuming became more domineering than ever.

After ten days, who is the opponent of the master in the world?

Zhang Bairen may not have the ability to play chess, but he has the ability to lift the table.

With confidence, Jing Wuming naturally became more arrogant!

"The night is getting dark today, please come back, please!" Jing Wuming's domineering words called Li Mi's dislike. Li Mi was also a member of the nobility, and couldn't hear such strong words.

"I'm afraid I can't help you. I just hope you can get to know each other. Don't toast or eat fine wine. You're welcome, just like you, a bone-easy cultivator, my Patriarch can just throw a glass of wine to death. There are countless masters under my master, but your cultivation level is not even named. It is your honour to be interviewed by my master. Do you dare to push three or four?" Jing Wuming smiled coldly and had to say Jing Wu The words of fate really choked, and the choking made Li Mi's heart angry. Who is he? He is a true nobleman, a member of the system, even if Yu Wenshu and Yang Guang saw him, he would not dare to despise him like this.

"Oh, can you force me to hold me back?" Li Mi smiled coldly.

Jing Wuming turned a little bit of energy, and pressed Li Mi overwhelmingly: "You'd better be aware of it!"

How magnificent and mighty the Qi Dao is, Li Mi instantly stiffened, like a string puppet, involuntarily following Jing Wuming and walking towards the boat.

"Captain Li Mi is here!" Jing Wuming stood outside the cabin.

"Wu Ming, your way of doing this is against the way of hospitality, how can such a treat, ask him to come in!" Zhang Bairen naturally saw the outside situation clearly.

Jing Wuming glanced at Li Mi coldly and slowly merged into the shadow of Zhang Bairen. Li Mi was free now, looked at the simple and humble farm boat, and walked in with a little thought.

Now, I can't help him! Although Li Mi's cultivation is not enough, he still has eyesight. The most powerful being a servant, there are only a handful of people in the world who can do this step. But now in Luoyang, there is only one other than the emperor.

Walking into the cabin, Li Mi saw the people in the cabin, and then he was taken and looked at the guilty man. The man was too ugly, and his ugly hatred could not make Li Mi smash him with a punch. A Taoist and a woman sat beside the beard. Taoist is immortal, and the woman is bright and lovely. The most important thing is that he still recognizes this woman.

Li Mi and Yang Su also have friendship, and the friendship is not shallow.

"Li Mi pays homage to the chief governor!" Li Mi's gaze turned, and finally fell on the black-robed man.

"Sit down!" Zhang Bairen sighed softly.

Hearing this, Li Mi sat down, and Zhang Bairen looked up and down at Li Mi. He was a beautiful man, who was good at repairing his bones. It seems that there is no difference in the genes of the family.

"Isn't Pu Shan Gong always studying hard at home? It's only a few years now, is it ready to be an official?" Zhang Bairen's glass of wine automatically flew up in front of him and fell into the bowl in front of Li Mi.

Li Mi's pupils shrank, thinking of plans tonight, and he couldn't help being surprised: "The Military Secret Mansion is really all-pervasive. I came to Luoyang and I was already targeted."

"No, the governor was wrong. The students just came to see Mr. Yuwen," Li Mi said.

Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case, and said without hesitation: "It's okay, the Governor can't control who you come to see. It's just that the Governor wants to mention you, some things you can do, and some things you cannot do. It should be clearest in your heart. If you do something wrong, today's glass of wine will become poisonous!"

After speaking with a wave of his sleeves, Li Mi only felt that the sky was spinning, and when he reappeared, he had already reached the shore, holding a glass of wine in his hand in a daze.

Looking back, the boat disappeared into the night.

Watching the boat go away, Li Mi looked gloomy, standing on the bank with a drink in silence.

"What does he know? This matter has just been planned, and it is impossible for him to hear the wind!" Li Mi muttered to himself.

ps: Thank you "Leng Aochen" for your great reward.

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