Fire is King

Chapter 176

“Well, uh, huh? Mad dogs again, more than twenty dead this time? Did this mad dog come to Baghdad and kill him! What is this mad dog doing again! ”

Dawson was furious, his first impression of the highlight was not bad, it was a gentle-looking, polite young man, and a little thin, in the PMC team full of strong men and muscular men, he looked weak and weak.

But Dawson never expected that he finally thought of a safe and suitable job and handed it to Gao Guang, who turned his head and showed his fangs.

It’s really a mad dog, it’s only been two days, and he hasn’t been idle.

Although killing a few people in Baghdad is nothing, after all, the first time was to kill the attacker of Ace Ace, this is also a meritorious achievement, so the highlight does not have to cooperate with the Iraqi security forces to record a confession, the United States regards him as a hero, then he is a hero.

But how did more than twenty die this time, even if they carried guns or did something hostile, but killing more than twenty at once, it would become a big trouble, if the Baghdadians linked this matter with the PMC in the United States and demonstrated again, it would be very troublesome, and the last time Blackwater was notoriously discredited by this kind of thing.

It seems that it is right to separate the mad dog from the war group, otherwise if the mad dog implicates the war group, it will be very troublesome.

So when Dawson heard that the mad dog killed more than twenty people, the first reaction was that this guy was here again, and the second reaction was wait, he killed more than twenty?

“Wait a minute, he killed more than twenty? Did he get involved in some conflict, otherwise how could he have killed more than twenty. ”

Dawson was angry and then suspicious, but after the person on the phone finished speaking, he became silent.

“More than twenty people were killed by mad dogs? Is he alone? Gunshots headshots? Are you sure you’re not drunk? What the? It was the mercenaries who were killed? Is it the Tiger Mercenary Group? Hiss…… Fak! Are you serious, not drunk, and not fooling me? ”

Dawson listened to the phone angrily, and then he was silent, silently hung up the phone, stood up silently, and silently began to pace in the room.

It would be different if more than twenty people were killed by Gao Guang himself.

Dawson thought it was better to ask, at least to figure out the cause of the matter, to make sure that this matter was really true and not passed around by people, turning a very ordinary little thing into a mythical story.

It’s been a few hours since this happened,

It should be good to inquire, the only thing that makes Dawson angry is that Mad Dog has done something big again without informing him.

At this moment, Dawson’s mobile phone rang, and he connected the call, and listened to it very loudly: “Hey, Mr. Mobile?” Dawson. Is Mr. Mobile you? I’m a mad dog, hey, I can’t hear, now my ears are deaf and I can’t hear you, I just want to tell you, I protected Moussa to the home of a man named Camille, I was attacked, in order to protect myself I shot back, killed several people, I was in good defense, sorry I just let the doctor check it out, so I just called now, uh, I can’t communicate with you, otherwise we’ll still text, if you need to know the details, text me. ”

First-hand information from the parties, but the difference between killing a few people and two dozen people is great, and Dawson is eager to verify the rumors he heard.

Hanging up, Dawson immediately texted.

“Where are you and how many people have you killed? ”

The text messages came back quickly. “

“I killed about twenty people, I’m not sure, now I’m in the clinic, but I don’t know the name of the clinic, I asked the name of the clinic.” ”

Dawson exhaled softly, and then he quickly typed a line on his phone with both hands.

“No need to ask, I know where the clinic is, meet and talk. ”

After sending the text message, Dawson rushed out of the office, and he shouted at the people outside: “Coachman, go out now, go drive, no, wait for me.” ”

Dawson closed the office door again, and he quickly broadcast a number that was addressed to Danny.

“Danny, I’m Dawson, it’s like this, that mad dog you sent has an accident again. ”

It was early in the morning on Danny’s side, but he still answered the phone as fast as he could, and it was only after hearing the news that his anger finally exploded.

“What? Mad dog getting into trouble again? I shouldn’t care about this mad dog, what is this damn bastard doing! ”

Dawson said in a low voice: “He killed more than twenty people of the Tiger Mercenary Group, and one person crippled the Tiger Mercenary Group, you know the Tiger Mercenary Group, which is very famous in Iraq, and the leader of the regiment is a Russian called Otrov.” ”

“I know about the tiger, but what did you just say about mad dogs? ”

“Mad Dog protected Moussa and encountered a raid on a local home, he killed more than two dozen people and shot his head. ”

“Are you crazy? This kind of nonsense is also believed, I know Mad Dog very well, he has a talent for shooting, his marksmanship is very good, but he just came out of the training camp, he is a rookie, a rookie, a rookie Do you understand? ”

Dawson was silent for a moment, and then he whispered, “Is Mad Dog a rookie?” Well, then from today he is no longer a rookie, because I just confirmed with Mad Dog that he killed more than twenty people alone, and he was executing a Pentagon contract, and when performing the duties of bodyguards, he killed more than twenty mercenaries, most of them Russians, so there are no legal problems and it will not cause disgust among the locals. ”

Danny felt that his old face was crackled by the fan, sloppy, just said that mad dogs are rookies, turned his head and said that the news had been confirmed, hit the face.

Dawson continued to whisper: “You said not to let Mad Dog get too close to us, this is a guy who can cause trouble, but now, Danny, the situation is different now, he can only be regarded as famous yesterday, but today, he has made a legend.” ”

“Well, I know. ”

Dawson continued: “Our business in Iraq is not perfect, we have almost no business in high-end force, whether it is a senior Iraqi official, or a staff sent by the United States, we can only undertake some peripheral protection work, but now, Mad Dog absolutely has a say in the field of high-end force, he will be contested, but how much role can he play alone?” He protects one person at most, but we have to fill the market he created. ”

The field of private force should also be subdivided, the so-called high-end force, must be high-priced, protect particularly important people, this is a legal and bright matter, there is no need to say more in the dark, even the ranking of the killer can affect the price, PMC of course, if you really do some black work, then the greater the fame, the higher the price.

After all, there is only one person, he cannot occupy the entire market alone, then if he is related to Mad Dog at this time, such as Mad Dog comes out of the War Training Camp, Mad Dog is a subcontractor of the War Fire Group, Mad Dog is a partner of the War Fire Group, this is the advertising effect, this is the driving effect.

Danny was such a clever man, he immediately understood what Dawson meant.

Now Danny only applauds madly for his vision, he has long known that Mad Dog is a young man worth investing in, so he is very happy to pull the highlight, and how long has it been since his investment… Bah, what an investment, his friendship has paid off handsomely.

Mad dogs are going to be on fire in Baghdad, the whole of Iraq, if the whole Middle East has to sound the name of mad dogs, then the war training camp will follow the fire, and the business of the war group in Baghdad will be on fire.

The best thing is that there is a super powerful bastard out of the war training camp, and it is okay that a super powerful hero comes out of the war training camp, but that school will be implicated because of a bad guy? No, right?

There is no need to be responsible for the benefits of all, where under the sky to find such a good thing.

The gaze is like a torch, describing people like Danny.

Danny began to be proud, he said urgently: “I understand what you mean, this matter has to be operated, it must work well, well, I will go to Baghdad, now I will call the plane to prepare, the details will be discussed, now I will call the mad dog first, it is also good to congratulate it.” ”

Dawson whispered: “Mad Dog is injured, his ears are deaf, he can’t hear anything, I’m going to see him in the clinic now, and besides, we have to revise the contract.” ”

“Don’t rush to change the contract, I’ll call first, it doesn’t matter if he can’t hear it, then I’ll take him back to the United States by plane for treatment, the ear is deaf is nothing more than a perforation or tear of the eardrum, no big problem, wait, can’t rush back to the United States, well, I brought the best experts from the United States.” ”

Dawson was extremely pleased and said: “Yes, it should be done, if I want to say bring a team of experts over, now it is early in the morning on your side, the hospital has not yet started to work, the doctors are at home, easy to find, it will not cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to bring the entire expert group, but this effect is different, at this time we have to reflect our sincerity, no, reflect our care.” ”

Danny suddenly hesitated, he whispered: “No, no, there is a little problem, I think this seems too deliberate, in fact, I have a good relationship with Mad Dog, it is really good, we have a very deep personal friendship and extensive business cooperation, UU read if I try to please him too deliberately at this time, it will actually have a bad effect, well, It is somewhat inappropriate to bring a group of experts. ”

Dawson can be the regional manager, of course, he is not a fuel-saving lamp, so he said without hesitation: “You prepare the plane over there, contact the experts, I will go to see Mad Dog now, if his ear problems are serious, and Baghdad’s medical level is not enough, then I will contact you again and let you bring the experts over, now is the time I need to establish a friendship with Mad Dog.” ”

Danny said: “Dawson, I have told you many times, pattern, to have a pattern, you guy is smart enough, but you do things too directly, too blunt and too deliberate, we show that we care about friends is enough, don’t make the concern for friends like a conspiracy, in addition, I must emphasize that I am really very happy with the achievements of Mad Dog.” ”

Dawson was silent, and then he sighed, “Danny, are you really… You’re really good, so you’re the general manager, I’m the regional manager, okay, I’m going to visit Mad Dog, I’ll contact you later. ”


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