Fire is King

Chapter 148

The elevator went down to the sixth floor, and Gao Guang used the time it took for the elevator to go down two floors to complete the observation.

The highlight is standing against the inner wall of the elevator, and the person entering the elevator is standing facing the elevator door, and the highlight is behind him.

So, so be it.

Gao Guang put his hand on his waist, where was his pistol, but the man standing in front of him, with his back to him, still did not move, judging from the shoulder movements, the muscles in his neck, and the subtle body language of his arms, he was not alert, or meant to move.

If this person was Ryan, then he probably wouldn’t be so relaxed.

Gao Guang took his hand away, and the person in front of him still did not move.

Gao Guang lowered his head, his eyes were observing the man’s heels, the man was wearing leather shoes, the outer edge of the heel of the leather shoes was clean, there was not a little dust, if you had gone up to the top floor, there should be dust.

It looks like it, but it’s not very similar, what to do.

Gao Guang was a little hesitant, but he felt that even if he recognized the wrong person, it was better than letting the person go.

When the elevator reached the fourth floor, Gao Guang suddenly put his hand on the handle of the gun again, and then, at the moment when the elevator suddenly stopped, and then the elevator door opened, he took out the gun.

It was unprofessional to not put the gun against the back of the man’s head, so Gao Guang not only did not extend the gun, but also raised his left hand to make a cover action, and held the gun in his right hand, close to his waist, and aimed at the man in front of him.

“Don’t allow…”

Gao Guang shouted, he didn’t want to control the man in front of him, he wanted to determine the man’s identity, but his gun was not even aimed at the back of the man’s head, but the man standing with his back to him suddenly leaned back at the same time, turned around extremely quickly, and then his arm hit Gao Guang’s neck reluctantly.

Gao Guang used the cover of the left hand subconsciously blocked, and then his left arm hit his face hard, and while the left arm and face were in severe pain, his body was involuntarily pushed to the right.

The gun in Gao Guang’s hand went off, and the bullet hit the right elevator door that was opening.

The elevator doors opened about half a meter wide.

Gao Guang leaned heavily against the elevator wall, his body covering his pistol from being taken away, but also blocking his shot.

The man kicked Gao Guang’s ankles, Gao Guang raised his foot, turned around, stretched his right arm forward, and shot the man in the stomach.

The bullet hit the edge of the elevator door on the right.

The elevator doors opened seventy centimeters.

The man swung his right fist again and hit Gao Guang’s eyes, and Gao Guang subconsciously raised his left arm to block again, bending his knees to avoid the man’s kick hitting his crotch.

The man grabbed Gao Guang’s arm and pulled it, Gao Guang lost his balance, and the third shot hit the edge of the elevator door on the left.

The elevator doors were open for a meter.

Gao Guang shot again, and the man always hid on his left side, attacking fiercely towards his left side, and he needed to complete the fatal shot while protecting his head and face.

Gun fighting is useless, absolutely gunshot sense is useless, because the man does not let the highlight create a chance to hit him.

Gao Guang finally stretched out his arm for a short time, completed the muzzle turn with his wrist, and he aimed at the man’s chest, but the moment he pulled the trigger, the man hit him hard, so that Gao Guang stuck the whole person to the elevator wall again.

The fourth shot hit the elevator door on the left, and the fifth shot hit the elevator outside.

The elevator door opened a meter wide, and there was a man standing outside, his mouth wide open in amazement as a bullet had just flown over his head.

Looking at the two people entangled in the elevator, the people outside the elevator immediately retreated, he fell, and then crawled on the ground to escape.

Gao Guang fired a sixth shot, hitting the top of the elevator.

He was never able to point the muzzle at the man, but this shot was not fired indiscriminately, and Gao Guang felt that he had found an opportunity, but his muzzle was held up by the man.

Gao Guang and the man completed the turn, and now Gao Guang has his back to the elevator door, which is open.

Gao Guang tried to exit the elevator, he wanted to distance himself from the man, but the man’s left hand didn’t know when he pulled his right arm, and his right hand grabbed his left arm to protect his head, pulled it reluctantly, and then smashed it with a heavy head hammer.

Subconsciously lowered his head, turned over, and faced the man’s head hammer with his shoulder.

But the man’s head hammer did not really fall, and after discovering that Gao Guang was biased, the man let go of Gao Guang’s left arm, grabbed the pistol and pulled it reluctantly.

Gao Guang refused to let go, pulled the trigger, and the seventh bullet hit the elevator floor.

The man’s right hand let go of Gao Guang’s left arm, and he struck his wrist, and Gao Guang’s hand involuntarily let go.

The gun changed hands.

The left hand grabbed the sleeve, the right foot reluctantly kicked, Gao Guang was hit in the lower abdomen, Gao Guang had body armor, but he was kicked away.

The man grabbed the gun with his right hand, he swung the gun at Gao Guang, Gao Guang’s back hit the elevator wall hard, and then he threw himself forward with the help of the rebound force.

The man did not raise the gun, but also only raised the gun slightly.

Gao Guang lunged forward with all his strength, he crashed into the man, the gun rang out, and the eighth bullet hit Gao Guang’s chest.

With his hands folded, Gao Guang tried to grab the gun, but he was pushed to the throat by the man’s elbow, and Gao Guang could only change the gun to defense, and this elbow was on his left arm.

The left arm hurt sharply, but it didn’t break.

The man backed away and tried to exit the elevator, which the doors began to close but opened again after clipping the man.

While backing back, the man fired a second shot, flipping his wrist slightly, trying to get the bullet to hit Gaoguang’s jaw.

Gao Guang slammed a head hammer into the man’s chest and again caught the ninth bullet with his own chest.

Blocking the bullet with his chest, Gao Guang finally touched his pistol again, he pressed his face to the man’s chest, touched his hands down, touched the gun along the man’s arm, and then he clenched the pistol with both hands.

The inside of the elevator is small and wobbly.

Gao Guang pressed the gun to his belly, clenched it hard, and then he reluctantly stepped back.

You can’t be pulled away, you can’t let a man out, you can’t let the muzzle leave your chest and abdomen, you can’t let go.

Loosen up and die.

Like snuggling up to his lover, Gao Guang pressed his face to the man’s chest, and he even heard a rapid heartbeat.

The man’s left shoulder shook, he arched the highlight, but was also pulled forward, and when the highlight’s back hit the inner wall of the elevator again, he and the highlighter finally opened a half-meter distance between him.

The man released his right hand, and the pistol fell, but the man’s left hand copied the pistol, and the man was grabbed by Gao Guang’s right hand, but he did not forcibly break free, but like a ballroom dance, he deflected his body to the left, pulled the distance to one meter, raised his left arm, and

aimed the pistol at Gao Guang’s head.

Gao Guang could not reach the man’s left hand, and he reluctantly jumped up and jumped up in the position of a fish jumping to the top.

The man shot, and the tenth bullet, which was supposed to hit the high-gloss nose, hit the edge of the body armor below the high-gloss throat.

The highlight fell, and his body threw himself into the man’s muzzle, and the gun fired the eleventh bullet against his stomach.

The elevator doors finally closed.

Gao Guang dragged the man’s right hand deadly.

The distance was too close for the man to use his legs, he could only turn the muzzle with his left hand and try to hit Gao Guang’s thigh, Gao Guang released his right hand, picked up the man’s left arm, and let the twelfth bullet hit his lower abdomen again.

The man was impatient, he broke free of his right arm, and smashed a heavy punch on Gao Guang’s back, Gao Guang’s eyes were black, but he pushed forward desperately, pushing the man to hit the elevator door hard.

The third floor arrived.

The man fired the thirteenth shot, the fourteenth shot, the high-handed grabbed the man’s gun with both hands, and pressed the muzzle with his chest, then the fifteenth shot, the sixteenth shot.

The second floor arrived.

The gun was an M17 with one round in the chamber and seventeen rounds in the standard magazine, for a total of eighteen rounds in this gun.

The man did not fire the seventeenth bullet, he gave up the pistol, and the pistol that was tightly held and the highlight could not be taken at all suddenly loosened, but just when the highlight got the pistol, the man’s arms worked hard and finally pushed away the highlight that stuck to him like a dog skin plaster.

The man finally pulled away, and then he hit one knee against Gaoguang’s chin.

Gao Guang’s hand grasped the sleeve of the pistol, and there was no way to shoot, he could only use his arms to cover his knees.

His jaw was hit hard by his arm, and Gao Guang was black again, and in an instant he couldn’t see anything, and the pistol fell in his hand.

The man landed on the ground with his right foot, swept his foot, kicked the pistol away, and then hit Gao Guang with his elbow down, hitting the back of Gaoguang’s head.

Gao Guang lowered his head and couldn’t see the man’s blow, but he didn’t try to get up, but fell down, letting the man’s elbow fall into the air while lying on the floor and hugging the man’s legs.

Hunched over, pouting his butt, his head almost touched the floor, and the highlight lifted hard.

The man lost his balance for the first time, he raised one leg, but only one of his legs was out of the control of the highlights, so he inevitably fell backwards.

Leaning heavily against the elevator wall, the man slid down, and the moment he sat on the floor, he grabbed the pistol he had just kicked away with his left hand and turned reluctantly.

There were also two more bullets in the gun.

Gao Guang rolled on the ground, his left hand touched his lower back, slightly held up the body armor, pulled out the second gun

, Gao Guang fired the seventeenth bullet, UU reading man fired the eighteenth bullet in this elevator.

Gao Guang lay on the floor, and the moment he waved his left hand, he opened fire, and the bullet hit the man’s neck, and the bullet entered from above the man’s Adam’s apple, breaking his crest vertebrae.

The man fired his eighteenth bullet, which hit Gao Gao’s hair.

Gao Guang fired the nineteenth bullet, which entered the side of the bridge of the man’s nose, firing rapidly and continuously, with an impact point of one inch difference.

The man’s hand was in the air, unable to support and fall, and the pistol hit the elevator floor, fired, and fired the last bullet in this gun.

The bullet stuck to the bright leg and burrowed into the elevator wall on the other side.

With a soft clang, the elevator door slowly opened.

The man leaned in the elevator, motionless, Gao Guang lying in the elevator, and his left arm fell weakly to the ground.

The first floor arrived.

——Off topic——

you can say intimate or not.

Just write these two chapters in a row and send them all out, asking for a monthly pass is very reasonable, isn’t it.

For my sake, don’t keep the monthly ticket to threaten me, vote for it.

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