Fire is King

Chapter 114

What task is the fire for the king of the main text chapter 114? Now Gao Guang actually doesn’t need Mike to be his driver, because after learning in the training camp for so long, Gao Guang’s biggest gain at present is that his car skills have improved greatly.

In the United States, not being able to drive is equivalent to not being able to walk, and most PMCs need special driving technology, so Gao Guang must also practice cars, and not only practice driving, but even how to shoot in the moving car.

But to go back to the company, Gao Guang still has to call Mike, because he can rub Mike’s car, let Mike be his driver, and more importantly, he can also let Mike give him strong momentum.

But Gao Guang never imagined that Wharton would also rub Mike’s car, and this guy would stick to him like a dog skin plaster.

Although Gao Guang believes that it is important to expand his network, but he needs to come gradually, Wharton obviously has a lot of trouble, and he can’t let Wharton’s trouble come to the door in order to expand the relationship.

Gao Guang decided to ask Wharton what was the trouble with anyway.

“Hey Wharton, I’m curious, you don’t seem to have a good relationship with your colleagues, why?”

Gao Guang felt that Wharton should not answer his question, but unexpectedly, Wharton immediately said: “It’s very complicated to talk about this, in general, they think that I played a trick to squeeze out the promotion quota of one of their friends, so I was targeted, that’s it.” ”

It seems to be a workplace fight, but even if it is a workplace competition, it will not be retaliated by beating Wharton with a black hand during training, they are all adults, so it is a little naïve.”

Mike was puzzled: “Did you really squeeze out a colleague’s spot?”

“Uh… Let me be clear, this has something to do with my girlfriend, and the main problem is that my girlfriend is an assistant chief commissioner and the deputy commissioner of the Los Angeles Police Department. Remembering for a second s://vip

Mike was at a loss, so Gao Guang was also a little confused, because he didn’t know what the position of this assistant chief police commissioner was, he felt that the chief police commissioner seemed to be very powerful, but with the word assistant is not so bullish.

Asking without understanding, Gao Guang said cautiously: “So is your girlfriend very high-level?”

“Very high, number three.”

I don’t know what Mike thinks, but Gao Guang chuckles in his heart.

Wharton continued with a helpless expression: “I originally worked in the police headquarters, but after confirming the relationship with my girlfriend, she helped transfer me from the police detective station to the operations department, and my first-class police officer was promoted to detective, and there was news that I was about to be promoted to superintendent, in charge of the North Hollywood or West Hollywood police department, well, well, some of them were promoted, but the number of places was limited, you know.”

But Mike said without hesitation: “You really squeezed out one of their colleagues, right?”

Wharton thought about it, nodded, and said very bluntly: “I think so.” ”

As long as you are not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

Wharton was frank, but Gao Guang didn’t know how to answer.

After hesitating for a moment, Gao Guang finally said, “They you like this, aren’t they afraid that your girlfriend will be angry?”

Wharton shrugged, “They just want me to cry to my girlfriend like a child, they know it’s impossible to get rid of me, but they want to make me ugly, but they don’t want to think about what’s the point?”

Gao Guang couldn’t help but look back at Wharton, Wharton definitely not handsome, but certainly not ugly, slightly chubby face, as if it was quite attractive to older women.

It seemed that something was wrong, but Gao Guang could no longer care about the question of whether it was rude, and he said without hesitation: “How old are you this year?”


“So how old is your girlfriend?”

Gao Guang was very apprehensive, he was afraid that this question would make Wharton turn his face, but no, Wharton said very directly: “She is forty-five years old this year.”


took a breath of cold air,

Looking back at Wharton, he was surprised: “Dude, you can!” Mike also stretched out his fist back, but Wharton stretched out his fist and bumped Mike and said, “I don’t think age is a problem, but many people can’t accept it, I’m strange, it’s about them.” ”

Is this the supreme realm of soft rice?

Wharton continued indifferently: “I never think that age is a problem, I want to get married, I don’t care about age, but my girlfriend is not very willing, she feels that the pressure of public opinion is too much, now our relationship has not been fully public, but most of it is already known, so I have encountered some troubles recently, but I think it should pass soon.”

Gao Guang whispered, “Well, well, bless you.”

Wharton smiled and said, “Thank you, I invited you to my wedding, and if you want, I will send you an official invitation card at that time.”

Mike was very curious and said, “Dude, it’s purely a topic between men, I really want to ask you how you got your girlfriend.”

“I can’t use the word “get it, I should say that we are really attracted to each other, I think she is very attractive, so I started a pursuit of her, it is normal, we are in love, of course, pursuing the boss is a very stressful thing, but it is not a big problem for me.”

Walt spread his hands and said, “Originally, I liked working at the Parker Center, but my girlfriend thought that we didn’t have a good impact working together, and going to the precinct to work was conducive to rapid promotion, otherwise I wouldn’t be transferred, guys, I can’t deny that my promotion did get help from my girlfriend, but my qualifications and merits are fine, there is absolutely no problem, otherwise this will become a scandal, and those people just find that there is no way to kill me by normal means, Only then will he try to humiliate me with such childish behavior. ”

Wharton is a man who talks a lot, but when he speaks, he is very sincere, just that feeling of not being able to speak.

Gao Guang thinks that this feeling may be cute, and it is a bit contrary to put cuteness on a big man, but Wharton is really cute. At this time, the mobile phone on Wharton

rang, Wharton took out the phone and looked at it, then connected the phone and said with a smile: “Honey, I’m in a friend’s car, oh yes, today I met two new friends, they are very good, have you heard?”

Wharton smiled and said in a spoiled tone: “Don’t worry about me, of course I won’t let them have a chance to attack me, well, this matter has passed, as long as my friends are okay I don’t plan to pursue them, I’m with my friends, that’s it, my hang up, love you.”

Wharton hung up the phone, and then he shrugged: “No way, my girlfriend is just a little pestering, she heard about what happened at the training camp, and it’s normal to be a little worried.”

Gao Guang looked at Wharton, a promising young talent, again, and then he really, really, really didn’t know what to do.

I’m still too young to have the experience to deal with this kind of thing.

It’s almost time for the company, what to do next, let Wharton go wherever he wants, or let him sit in the company? Or, just send him back?

At this time, Mike, who was driving, suddenly said: “Boss, there is someone at the door.”

Gao Guang glanced at it, there was a person standing at the door of the company, looking at the time, it should be Antonio’s cousin.

The appointed time is six o’clock in the afternoon, and now it is five fifty-six, and Gao Guang is stuck and comes back, but it is quite rare that this cousin can arrive a few minutes early.

Gao Guang had to say: “Wharton, please go to my company, I have to interview a new person, it shouldn’t be too long.”

Wharton laughed, “Well, of course.”

Mike drove the car over and parked in front of the company, and the man standing in the doorway looked straight over.

Gao Guang was the first to get out of the car, Wharton also got out of the car, and after waiting for Mike to get off as well, the person waiting at the door suddenly said: “Who is the mad dog?”

This question is not very polite, Wharton was stunned at first, and then looked at Mike,

maybe Wharton felt that the name Mad Dog would be sorry for Mike’s image if it was placed on the highlight, and the person waiting also thought so.

Antonio’s cousin stared directly at Wharton, but he found that Wharton looked at Mike and then said, “Hello Mad Dog, I am Antonio’s cousin, my name is Francisco. Grillo,.

“I’m a mad dog.” When he said this,

Gao Guang decided that he must change this damn nickname, and he had to change anything.

Francisco looked a little surprised, but he immediately said to Gao Guang: “Hello Mad Dog, my cousin said that you have a job here that suits me, so I came.”

Gao Guang looked up at Francisco, and he looked up because Francisco was so tall, at least about the same as Mike, or even slightly taller than Mike.

He has long brown hair, a tall nose, and a bluish beard, and is tall but not particularly stout.

Hairstyle like Maldini, beard and nose like Jean. Renault, lacking a bit of vicissitudes, look closely, it seems to be a little like Stallone, and it still looks a little handsome.

“Come in and say it.” Shook hands with Francisco,

Gao Guang took out the key and opened the door, let several people enter the company, and then said to Mike: “Mike, you invite Wharton to the reception room and sit down, Francisco, you come with me.” Entering the office, ask Francisco to

sit down, while Gao Guang was still thinking about the wording, Francisco said with a serious face: “My cousin said that you are a good boss and should have a future, I can follow you to mix for a while to try, then how much money can you give me!”

Gao Guang immediately said, “It should be me asking you to answer, Mr. Grillo, your age.”

“Twenty-seven.” Is it only twenty-seven years old, it

doesn’t look like it, at least thirty-seven years old, Gao Guang suspected that Francisco lied about his age, but he continued: “Tell me about your service experience and combat experience.

“The 75th Ranger Regiment of the Army, served four years, enlisted at the age of nineteen, retired with the rank of non-commissioned officer under twenty-three, went to Iraq and Afghanistan.”

“And then what? What are your specialties?

Francisco said without hesitation: “I am an infantryman, can I have any specialties?” Well, I’m brave, and besides, I’m a very good goalkeeper who can play as a defender, and… What do you want to ask? ”

No matter what his specialty is, just looking at Francisco’s appearance, a word keeps popping out of Gaoguang’s mind.

Black and white, if this makes Francisco also a follower, and Mike left and right to stand behind him, that feeling, that majesty, think about it.

What else is there to ask, Gao Guang thought for a while and said, “Tell me what your ideal salary is?” Francisco immediately said: “I don’t want a fixed salary,

my cousin said, you are a person who does things according to the rules, so I should share with you instead of a fixed salary, but if you want to ask for a fixed salary, I can’t be lower than Antonio, at least thirty thousand a month!” After

stretching out three fingers and saying to Gao Guang very seriously about the monthly salary of 30,000, Francisco said very seriously: “But you can’t agree, right, so I ask not to take a fixed salary, but when you have a task, I want to share a share, only take the part I should take.” UU Reading ”

This interview always felt that something was wrong, Gao Guang thought about it, and found that Francisco was a little too naïve, judging from the way and content of his speech, it seemed that IQ was stuck in his teenage years, so that their conversation could not be carried out according to the normal recruitment model.

No wonder Antonio would say that his cousin was very simple, naïve, and to put it bluntly, a little silly.

Did Mike’s performance cause Antonio to have some misunderstanding, and felt that Gao Guang specialized in people with brain problems?

Gao Guang fell into deep thought, Francisco calmly waited for a while, but found that Gao Guang still did not speak, he couldn’t help but say: “It’s really not okay, you can give me a monthly salary of five or six thousand yuan first, I will do it for you first, and when you have a task, I will take the commission, my bottom line is that I must take the task commission, only in this way can I have the opportunity to make a lot of money.” These must

have been taught by Antonio, they must be, but Gao Guang didn’t say anything, and without temptation, Francisco himself began to reveal the bottom line with a fine light.

But as if there was something wrong, Gao Guang suddenly found that Francisco had always withheld the bottom line of mission commissions, as if he knew that he would make a fortune doing so.

Needless to say, it was Francisco who Antonio taught, but Gao Guang himself didn’t know where the next task was, why was Antonio so sure.

Gao Guang stared at Francisco for a while, and suddenly said, “Antonio told you the content of the mission?” Francisco was slightly

stunned, and then said: “No, he only said that there will be a task and you should be able to take it, it is very profitable, I should be able to share at least 300,000, then will you take it?” ”

I don’t know what task Gao Guang has, of course, I can’t answer Francisco, and now he is the most curious person.


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