Fire is King

Chapter 105

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, firepower is king

Gao Guang can see that things are more serious than he thought, Much more serious.

people on a rugby team to fight is simply commonplace, as the coach of a rugby team, what kind of players have not seen, and the fight can not be dealt with less.

< "content_detail" > scares a football coach into this virtue, which is enough to show that Mike may not have been the kind of person before.

now there is a highlight blocking Mike, the coach’s shock is a little settled, he looked at the highlight and said in a trembling voice: “Who are you!”

< "P" content_detail "> “I’m Mike’s boss.”

Gao Guang glanced back at Mike, and then he immediately pointed to a chair next to him and said, “You go sit there, sit down!” Right away!

< "content_detail" Mike scratched his face >, and then he still sat down on the chair pointed by Gao Guang, and immediately said: “What about Coach Jebry?”

“You shut up, you don’t talk yet.”

< p "content_detail" > warned Mike again, Gao Guang looked at the terrified coach, immediately smiled, stretched out his hand, “Hello, my name is… Otto, is Mike’s current boss, Mike is now in psychotherapy, he can already control his emotions well, are you? <"P" content_detail ">” Gary. Carol is the acting head coach of the University of Southern California. “Remember URL

Acting Head Coach,

Also the head coach, Gao Guang immediately said with a smile on his face: “Hello, Mr. Carol, uh, I came over with Mike today, I want to ask, can he still play?”

Gary looked at Mike, Mike stood up, then he nodded and said, “Coach, I want to play.”

conversation reminded Gao Guang of a famous scene, and then he felt that Mike had been doing well so far, and if he was really a star player, the coach should give him a chance.

< "content_detail"> but Gary didn’t dare to sit down, but said to Mike: “I, I…”

the coach’s panic does not feign, which is the great fear that comes when life is threatened.

Gao Guang couldn’t help but look at Mike, he was really surprised, what Mike had done.

looked at the acting coach’s sluggishness, Mike looked a little ashamed, he stood up and said in a low voice: “Coach, I’m better now, I really won’t be impulsive, let alone hit people, uh, where is Coach Jebry?” ”

“Coach Jebrey resigned, he, he couldn’t stay in this team, he retired.” Coach Gary swallowed his spit, but refused to sit back, and then he said to Mike: “Mike! You’ve violated the prohibition order, and now you get out of here right away, I can act like this hasn’t happened, but if you get close to here again, I’ll just, I can only call the police, Mike, don’t be impulsive, as long as you leave now, I promise I won’t call the police, okay?

< "content_detail" > Gary is not threatening Mike, he is discussing with Mike in a gentle voice, but Gao Guang is stunned: “What prohibition order?”

Mike did not speak, Gary said carefully: “The criminal court ruled that Mike must not be within a hundred meters of Coach Jebry, not close to the various campuses of USC for five hundred meters, not close to the team This is here, if he breaks in without permission, he violates the protection order, He will be released on bail, and he will have to pay a hefty fine and go to jail, what are you doing!

< "content_detail" Mike > rubbed his feet up, and Gary immediately took a step back.

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang immediately snapped: “Mike! Sit down!

< "content_detail" > saw that Mike didn’t move, and Gao Guang said loudly again: “I order you to sit down!”

< "content_detail" > Mike’s nostrils expanded, and then he sat down heavily in his chair.

saw that Gao Guang could actually command Mike, Gary seemed to have found a savior, he stepped forward, grabbed Gao Guang’s arm, and whispered: “Please, please take him away, as long as you promise that he will not come again in the future, I really won’t call the police, please.”

” Can you tell me what happened before?”

Gary looked at Mike, but did not dare to speak, Gao Guang thought about it, he said to Mike: “I have a good talk with the coach, you go out first, just stand at the door, don’t go anywhere, don’t do anything.”

< "content_detail" > Mike with a wooden face, “I just want to play, I just want to play…”

Gao Guang walked over and grabbed Mike’s arm, and whispered: “Man, you are not good to say, I will help you talk, you are waiting for my good news outside.”

< "content_detail" > Mike’s eyes began to light up a little, he nodded, looked at Coach Gary, smiled reluctantly, turned and walked out of the office, and closed the door.

< p "content_detail" > Gary breathed a long sigh of relief, supported the transferred backrest with both hands, and whispered: “You, you can take him away, I, I don’t want to say anything, please take him away, please.”

tell me what happened, well, it seems to be a lot more serious than I know.”

< p "content_detail" > Gary sighed and whispered: “He broke Coach Jebrey’s ribs, had a severe concussion, broke the arms of two people, broke the leg of a very talented quarterback on our team, because he was driven to the reserve, and the quarterback refused to pass him, He broke a person’s leg and completely ruined a young man’s career, these are felonies, you know? This is a felony!

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang opened his mouth in surprise, “So serious? “He didn’t have long in the team, we went to a psychiatrist, but it didn’t work, he was born to be a … Well, he regrets it now, he wants to play football, but it’s late, adults are responsible for their actions, some things can’t be solved by saying forgiveness, do you understand?

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang nodded and said in a low voice: “What if… Well, Coach Carroll, do you think a hundred thousand dollars will solve his problem?

< "content_detail" > Gary startled, then looked at Gao Guang in amazement, and said, “You want to bribe me?” <"content_detail" > Gao Guang hurriedly said: “No, no, I mean, can Mike’s problem be solved with money?”


Gary was much more bold, but his voice was still very small: “He was expelled, not only from the team, but also from school, he was a violent crime, do you understand?” It’s already very good not to go to prison for a few years, he can’t play rugby in his life, because he is banned from playing, any regular competition, whether it is a varsity team, a professional team, an acting team, in short, he doesn’t want to participate in any game, impossible, absolutely impossible, he will practice catching and throwing balls with others at most in this life, do you understand? It’s illegal for him to play wild ball with a few friends, do you understand when I say that?

Gao Guang understood, he finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

“So he doesn’t want to touch football in his life?”

Coach Gary nodded heavily, “He was ordered by the court, and our team was given a protection order, sir, you and him are already breaking the law here, I can call the police and arrest him, and you… Also an accomplice.

said all this, what else can Gao Guang say, he took a breath and said in a low voice: “I understand, Coach Carol, I didn’t know the seriousness of the matter before, please don’t call the police, I will take him away immediately, and I promise that he will not come again in the future, you can rest assured of this, But if you call the police… Uh, goodbye.

Gao Guang fled out the door, and Mike at the door said expectantly: “So soon?” What do you think? How’s it going?

Mike should know that he can’t play anymore, so his current performance is escapism, is unwilling to face reality, he is paranoid.

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang couldn’t say it here, and he said urgently: “Follow me.”

< "content_detail" >Mike didn’t move, he whispered, “Is it… Hopeless?

“No, there is hope, I told you, find the problem and solve it, you come with me.”

involved Mike, Gao Guang hurriedly fled the office building, got into Mike’s car, and whispered: “Hurry back to the company, go back and say, quickly!”

< "content_detail" Mike > said with a blank look: “Why can’t you say it now?”

“I have a way, you less nonsense, go back and talk about it.”

< p "content_detail" > Mike was overjoyed, he forcibly pressed the joy and excitement in his heart, until he returned to the company, and then hurriedly said: “What can be done?” Boss, what can be done? Can you tell me now?

Highlight rushed back to the bedroom as fast as he could, pulling out the pill box from his bag.

“Drink the medicine, drink the medicine.”

not stupid, he looked at the medicine in Gao Guang’s hand and knew what it meant, so he looked directly at the medicine in Gao Guang’s hand, and suddenly said: “Actually, it can’t work, right?”

a little dazed, he licked his lips, did not wait for Gao Guang to answer, took a bunch of medicine from Gao Guang’s hand and threw it into his mouth, and then rolled his eyes, after swallowing the medicine by his neck, he whispered: “I can’t harm you, well, don’t worry, I’m fine, I’m fine, I won’t hit you, I… I go out for a walk.

“Don’t worry, listen to me, come and come, you sit, sit down and say.”

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang pulled Mike to sit down, and then he said directly: “Do you simply like to play, or do you want to be a star?”

< "content_detail" Mike sighed > and whispered, “Is there any difference?” There is a difference between ”

“, the difference is big! Stars are not only football stars, basketball, singing and dancing, but also movie stars.

< "content_detail" > Mike exhaled and said, “I love rugby, but what keeps me going until now is that I want to be a football star.”

Gao pointed at Mike and said excitedly: “By the way, that’s right, the focus is on the stars!” What you want most is stars instead of rugby, so let’s get rid of rugby and you can still be a star.

Mike said with a blank look: “I thought about it, but I’m not good at other sports, I’m okay in basketball, but it’s too far from a professional player, I can’t shoot accurately, I can’t dribble…”

“Don’t play, not only ball sports, you have better options, I think you hit people much better than ball, so the best for you is martial arts, man, boxing what do you think? Or unlimited fighting? Brother, UFC think about it? MMA to consider?

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang said, but Mike hesitated: “I thought about it too, but I won’t.” <"p" content_detail ">” will not go to school, brother, you are still young, you have a chance, think of the mouth cannon Connor, think of the eaglet! Make them your goal, you’re the one to become a heavyweight boxer! You are the one who wants to be a big star! ”

Mike seemed to be moved, his eyes were no longer dazed, but a little more expectant, but he still chattered: “It sounds good, I used to want to practice, but I don’t have the money to ask someone to teach me, but now I have money, but this needs to be practiced for a long time, and it is difficult to be famous, I play rugby is already a star, well, UFC, but this really needs technology, not the ingenuity of street fights can deal with it, I don’t know what to practice…”

< "content_detail" >Mike was babbling, because he was upset.

Mike needs to change goals, UU reading more need to build confidence, then highlight to give him a goal, but also to help him quickly build confidence.

< "content_detail" > Gao Guang smiled slightly and said, “At this time, I know who can help you, come on brother, follow me!” What does “”

do? Who can help me?

Gao Guang stood up, and he said with a solemn face: “I want you to know what magical kung fu is, brother, as long as you can stick to it, the heavyweight boxing king is not a dream, the fighting champion is all a small meaning, go to his rugby, you will be a martial arts star in the future!”

—— digression——

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