Fire is King

Chapter 074

With a loud noise, the highlight that roared into the water immediately choked firmly.

Struggling to adjust the posture of his body, and then looking left and right, Gao Guang saw the girl who was thrown into the water by him, who was struggling in the water at this time, and her body began to float up.

It’s safe underwater, because bullets don’t go vertically into the water, so as long as the water depth is more than half a meter, most bullets in the world lose their threat, even if they shoot vertically at the surface of the water, more than one meter deep is safe, because of this, Sam will throw himself into the water, and press Renato underwater, instead of rushing to get Renato ashore.

Gao Guang swam towards the girl, and he pulled the girl back down with his hands indiscriminately, and then pressed her underneath so that she would not float up.

The depth of this pool is two meters, and as long as you can stay underwater, you can guarantee absolute safety.

Gao Guang had body armor, ammunition, and three guns, which was enough to push him to the bottom, but at the moment, after having one more girl, it increased buoyancy.

Gao Guang felt that he had a tendency to rise, and just as he began to struggle, a black shadow appeared above him, and with just a slight push, it immediately pressed him to the bottom.

Seeing Mike’s black face, the highlight calmed himself down, and instead of struggling, he opened his mouth and spit out a cloud of bubbles, reducing the air in his lungs, so that he could reduce his buoyancy and stay under the water.

The water in the pool was particularly clean, and when Gao Guang turned his head to look around, he could see black shadows dancing in the water, but he also saw a cloud of red spreading out.

The faint sound of gunfire could still be heard, the gunfire became dull and faint, and bullets still hit the surface of the water, slowing down after drilling into the white gas pillars in the water.

Unless they use bombs, they are safe underwater.

Wait, bomb?

Gao Guang suddenly couldn’t stay under the water and wait for the battle to end.

Analyzing, Renato and his son left the room, just launched, and then the helicopter immediately appeared and immediately attacked, which shows that there must be an inner ghost around Renato, otherwise the enemy cannot be so accurate in the time card and cannot attack so accurately.

Since the enemy had planned for a long time, then why did the enemy not use bombs, even if there were no bombs, then it was enough to throw only a few grenades into the water.

Although the fragments of the grenade cannot produce a lethal effect in water, because of the incompressibility of water,

The shock wave generated by the explosion can kill everyone in the pool without attenuation, which means that if even one grenade is thrown into the pool, everyone in the pool will die.

Glayev has already done everything, he actually dared to turn Beverly Hills into a battlefield, and he actually dared to launch a surprise attack with helicopters.

And Glayev has done everything to the extreme, can there be no grenades, can you still do without grenades?

Gao Guang immediately reached out to the surface of the water, and seeing his movements, Mike immediately kicked the bottom of the water with both feet, grabbed Gao Guang and then suddenly got up, and lifted Gao Guang and the girl out of the water at the same time.

Inhale heavily, then a violent cough, eyes vaguely can’t see anything, reach out and wipe your hand on the eye, and then the highlight sees the situation in the sky.

The intensity of the ground fire far exceeded the fire on the helicopter, which had been beaten with holes, and two corpses hung in the position of the helicopter hatch, shaking with the swing of the helicopter, but no one on the helicopter fired a shot.

The other helicopter was still firing, but it was about thirty or forty meters away from the pool.

It is impossible for the helicopter to hover in the air, because it will become the target of ground fire, and it is not conducive to the fire of the side hatch, and the helicopter also needs flight space, and the two helicopters cannot be too close, which is likely to lead to collision and crash.

The current situation is that the helicopter above the courtyard has basically lost its firepower, and the pilot has driven the helicopter away shakily, while the other helicopter is still shooting, but it is far from the pool, and there is no way to accurately throw the grenade into the pool.

At this time, the scene that Gao Guang was most afraid of appeared, and a person raised his hand in the hatch and threw a black thing.

Mike held Gao Guang’s waist, Gao Guang’s left hand held the girl’s armpit, and with his right hand, he lifted the wet pistol and shot at the helicopter that was still spinning in the sky.

The dense bullets immediately covered the enemy throwing the grenade, and when the enemy raised his hand again to throw the second grenade, he fell backwards and lay down, and the grenade also fell in the cabin.

It is not known who exactly killed the enemy, but it didn’t matter, what mattered was that the grenade fell, but ended up landing on the lawn at the edge of the pool and then making a loud noise.

A few moments later, there was an explosion in the helicopter cabin in the air, and then the second helicopter flew diagonally and fell to the side, and then there was a huge explosion.

One helicopter fled, one fell, and now it was safe, so Gao Guang immediately roared hoarsely: “Go to the water and save the boss!”

Immediately, four or five people jumped into the pool, and then they fluttered to Renato’s location, and Gao Guang yelled, “Mike! Let go of me and let me… Goooo

“Pull me up! Gao

Guang was still holding the girl’s armpit, and the girl was also grabbing the pool shore at this time, coughing violently.

Someone went to pull the girl, and Gao Guang roared: “Pull me up, pull me first!” The

person who should be regarded as a colleague of Gao Guang hesitated, and finally took Gao Guang’s hand, Mike held it below, someone pulled it above, and felt that the extremely heavy Gao Guang on his body immediately ran out along the pool shore.

When he came to the closest place to Renato and watched a few people help Renato out of the water, and then Renato began to gasp for air, Gao Guang knew that today was stable.

Sam was being lifted up, his head was pulling, but he was also coughing, so he must not be dead, and Gao Guang yelled on the shore: “Sam! Sam!

Sam shook his head with difficulty, UU read a book looked at Gao Guang, Gao Guang took out a second pistol, quickly scanned the surroundings, and shouted: “There are inner ghosts!” Let someone reliable take over your command!

Sam had a horrible red color on his body, and he was shot, but he still heard the bright yell, but he only shook his head slightly, but he couldn’t say anything.

Gao Guang looked at the few people around Renato anxiously and vigilantly, because if there were inner ghosts among these people, it was very likely that a shot would come towards Renato.

Sam was in charge of security here, but he was shot and may be dead now, and the six bodyguards who followed Renato, including Sam, seemed to be dead.

Gao Guang wants to keep Renato safe, but he can’t command anyone except Mike, and he can’t believe the rest except himself and Mike.

At this time, Renato threw off the person who was supporting him, pointed a finger at Gao Guang, and shouted: “Listen to his command!” Everyone obeys his command, otherwise it is an inner ghost! You, Mad Dog, call Smith and tell him what’s going on here! Fast! ”

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