Fire is King

Chapter 058

In Gao Guang’s imagination, Smith is a white-bearded old man, at least the kind with white hair and beard, but when he sees the real thing, he finds that Smith is much younger than he thought.

Although I know that Smith is in his fifties, it seems that Smith is at most forty, his muscles are still very developed, and his body is still strong.

Just by looking at appearance, you can’t associate Smith with the word retirement.

And Smith gave Gao Guang the best reception and showed his strength, but his dress is very casual, that is, Nike’s T-shirt and shorts are worn on the big guy at his level, which is really synonymous with economy and simplicity.

Gao Guang took Smith’s hand with sincere trepidation and said, “Mr. Smith, hello, I am so happy to see you.”

Gao Guang was a little clumsy, Smith smiled, patted Gao Guang’s back, and said, “Please come in.” The

interior of Smith’s mansion is not golden, but it is very technological, as for the big and luxurious this needless to say, in short, there is absolutely no problem with using Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden to describe the feeling of the highlight.

After sitting down on a cloth sofa that didn’t look very luxurious, he could feel the comfort of the sofa, and after watching Smith sit down opposite him, he wanted to find something to say, but he didn’t know what to say.

Smith, on the other hand, looked very curious and said: “I heard your name, Frank told me about you, more than once, he said that you saved John, otherwise John would have died.”

Gao Guang said very politely: “I should have done it, and without Frank’s help, I couldn’t have rescued John alone, so we saved John together.”

The answer was official and polite, Smith nodded, and then he pointed with interest to the holster that was not much hidden by the highlight, and said, “Is that the pistol that John lost to you?” I heard that your marksmanship shocked them so hard, and Frank had to emphasize that you are a shooting genius every time, which made me have to be very curious about you. Gao Guang held the handle of the gun, and there

were only two people in the entire living room, him and Smith, but Smith looked at him expectantly, so Gao Guang did not hesitate, he directly pulled out the pistol, turned it upside down, gently put the pistol on the coffee table, and smiled: “This is John’s bet that lost to me, it is my first pistol.” Smith took the pistol,

he looked over and over twice, nodded: “It’s too hard to make John admit defeat, this guy never admits defeat, Smith & Wesson 1911, is this your main combat pistol?”

Gao Guang was stunned for a moment and said, “No, this is a pistol that I use every day, but it’s not a combat pistol.”

“What pistol do you like?” What brand or model do you like?

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, “I don’t know, I’m actually not particularly familiar with pistols, I’ve only used Glock, but I don’t have a particularly loyal pistol brand.”

Smith raised the pistol, aimed it at the side, and said with a smile: “This gun is good, suitable as a portable defense gun, but it is not very suitable to be taken to the battlefield as a combat pistol, because this gun is too delicate, and some are too heavy.”

Gao Guang nodded again and again and said, “It’s really heavy.”

Smith put the pistol on the table, he smiled and said: “1911 is a classic, John likes it, I like it, everyone likes it, but if you want to choose a combat pistol, guess what I choose?” The pace of the

conversation was completely controlled by Smith, and Smith’s use of a gun as an opening statement quickly dispelled the tension of the highlights.

Gao Guang thought for a moment and said curiously, “Glock?

Smith immediately shook his head, smiled, and said, “When I first debuted, Glock was not as popular as it is now, and when I first debuted, I < div class="ad_content"> in desktop content

I could only afford the most common pistol on the market, so I used a Beretta M9.

Gao Guang nodded subconsciously, and Smith continued to laugh: “What about the pistol, what you are used to is good, I am a sniper, basically there is no chance to use a pistol, when I have the ability to buy any pistol, but found that I am still used to bring an M9 when I go to the battlefield, because I adapt to the size, weight, and carrying method of M9, so I have always used M9, but outside the battlefield, I will also choose a 1911, who in the United States does not like 1911?” Hahaha…”

After laughing, Smith put the high-gloss pistol on the coffee table, and then he said with a relaxed face: “When I saw you, I remembered myself, when I decided to become a mercenary, I directly chose to be my boss, I want to pull up my own team to grab food, you are the same, directly become your own boss, but your starting point is much higher than mine.”

Gao Guang said a little embarrassed: “No, how can I compare with you.”

Smith waved his hand and said, “Young people have to dare to break in, they have to dare to fight, and starting a business in their twenties is better than starting a business in their thirties, better than being in their forties, young has advantages, young people can withstand failure, young people have enough time and energy to learn from failure, and then become better.”

To get to the point, sure enough, Smith became serious, he said in a deep voice: “Frank is too late to start a business, and he went it alone not because he wanted to do it alone, but because of Danny’s stimulation and decided to go it alone, he is not suitable for entrepreneurship, he is not a qualified businessman, so he… It’s a sad failure.

Gao Guang nodded, did not speak, and made a listening gesture.

Smith smiled and said, “I haven’t touched you and don’t know your abilities, but Frank said that you are a natural warrior, and I absolutely trust Frank’s vision when it comes to selecting fighters, and Danny says that although you are a rookie, you have the traits you need to succeed, and in this regard, I absolutely believe in Danny’s ability.”

“Thank you for your evaluation of me.”

Smith nodded and smiled, “I don’t give too much attention to young people, but since Frank highly recommends you, then I will definitely help you, so tell me now, what can you do?”

Gao Guang hesitated because Smith asked about his sore spot.

What can be done? What can be done?

Gao Guang himself doesn’t know what he can do now, as a rookie, he has too many flaws and too big flaws.

But whether or not to speak, it is reflected at this time, since you don’t know what you can do, then don’t say.

“I will do whatever you need me to do!”

Gao Guang’s answer surprised Smith, and then, Smith was pleasantly surprised.

Smith laughed, he nodded, pointed to Gao Guang and said: “Now I know the basis for Danny’s evaluation of you, you have mastered the art of speaking, and you are really much better than Frank.”

This should be regarded as a compliment, but Smith quickly put his smile away and said very seriously: “Frank will only say what he can do, but if he says what he can do, he will definitely be able to do it.”

Gao Guang said with a serious face: “I will do my best, but if I do something beyond my ability, it is not that I dare not do, but I will not spoil your business.”

Smith nodded and said, “You are just starting to enter this industry, you need opportunities, and I do have many opportunities for you here, I have some personal relationships that can help you find some suitable businesses for you, such as… Can you do it to protect certain diplomats in dangerous areas on a daily basis?

Gao Guang said that he will do what Smith needs him to do, which is what he means to work for Smith, but the task Smith said is to give him a small business and let Gao Guang do his own, which is very different.

Gao Guang thought for a while and said, “I don’t have experience in protecting important personnel, and I can’t do this job well for the time being.”

Smith nodded and said: “That’s right, protection and attack are completely different categories of work, so are you interested in the next offensive mission, in Mosul, you need a team that dares to fight and fight, there are not too many people, twenty is enough.”

Gao Guang felt a little embarrassed, and he whispered: “Sorry, Mr. Smith, I don’t have any hands now, and I can’t take on such a task for the time being.” It’s okay to

blow big talk, it’s okay to slap, but you must not do bad things, and forcibly take on tasks beyond your ability, that is to find death, but also to find trouble for Smith.

But Smith kept proposing this kind of business that was obviously beyond his ability, which made Gao Guang a little puzzled, because he felt that Smith should understand his situation, and should not say such a difficult task.

Mr. Smith thought for a while, and suddenly said: “It seems that your strength is indeed very weak now, so do you have your own ideas?”

Gao Guang said honestly: “I don’t have a particularly clear business plan, I need to solve the problem of survival first, accumulate experience, enhance my ability, and then find a long-term goal that suits me.”

“Well, it’s right to look for a suitable small business and solve the problem of eating first, but frankly, I don’t have a suitable job opportunity for you right now.”

How could Smith have a business suitable for a small role like Gao Guang, but after thinking for a moment, he suddenly said: “Yes, you now have a legal security license, there is a job that suits you, a friend of mine in Los Angeles is in some trouble, he needs several legal bodyguards to protect his safety, but his bodyguards need to dare to strike when necessary.”

Smith looked very happy, he said to Gao Guang: “I know you have no experience as a bodyguard, but it doesn’t matter, my friend has a professional bodyguard, but he needs to have legal qualifications, but someone with the guts to act as a peripheral bodyguard, you don’t need to think about blocking the gun for him, you just need to dare to kill the opponent when he encounters an attack, can you do this?”

Gao Guang said without thinking: “I can do this!”

“Very good, I asked him how much he was willing to give, how many people he needed, and I had to make a phone call if he was out of company.”

Smith smiled and got up, leaving Gao Guang alone, and he went to the side room to call.

Gao Guang was still sitting on the sofa, but he had relaxed a lot.

After Smith took out his mobile phone, the call was not to the so-called friend, but to Danny.

After waiting for Danny to answer the phone, Smith smiled and said: “Frank’s child is here, he is not bad, his attitude is very good, UU reads a book Without the recklessness of young people, the performance was better than I thought, I decided to give him a chance, just give him the task you mentioned.

“Okay, the salary for that task is two thousand a day, but it’s very risky, but it’s fair for newcomers, and there is no limit on the number of people, I will contact the other party now and introduce Mad Dog to him.”

Smith suddenly said: “No, wait a minute, the requirements for the number of people, one person can not do a big thing, I want to see if the child can find helpers, three people, the requirement to find two helpers in the short term is not excessive, right?”

Danny thought for a moment and said, “If the requirements are not excessive, then more than three people are required, and the daily salary of the team is six thousand.”

Smith laughed and said, “Are you going to test his attitude towards business?” Then don’t want six thousand, give seven thousand.

“Okay, do as you want, I’ll send you the phone later, just say your name, and the other party will definitely accept them.”

Smith hung up the phone, he returned to the living room, made a gesture to Gao Guang, and said with a smile: “Ask clearly, the daily salary is seven thousand dollars, the daily end, but there are requirements for the number of people, at least three or more people, the time is a week later, can you?”

Seven thousand yuan a day, a month is 210,000 US dollars, but there are requirements for the number of people, so you have to quickly recruit talents, but there is a week, this kind of business, how can it be pushed?

Gao Guang stood up, and he said with a look of excitement: “I can!” I can do this task, thank you so much.

Smith smiled and said: “This is just a small business, too small to be small, don’t be excited, you first do a small business to earn the first pot of gold, and then, I still hope that you can come up with a long-term, promising business plan, I am optimistic about you.” ”

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