Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 919: : Guiji means

"I always say the same thing. As long as you automatically release the blood chain of the Ten Thousand Demon Buddha Tower, I can guarantee your safety."

The demon soul said with a knife.

"Hmph, I killed the genius of Beiming, you will let me go? Tell me, who will believe it?"

Zhang Mofan said coldly.

"Anyway, you are a dead person, why don't you take a bet?"

Gui Jiyue also said.

"You should be very coveted by the Ten Thousand Demon Pagoda. I bet why you will not kill me."

Zhang Mofan kept delaying time with the other party, and his heart was constantly turning, trying to find a way to escape here.

The demon soul knew that Zhang Mofan would not enter with a knife. With a wave of his hands, a large amount of sword energy swept from the surrounding area, all aimed at Zhang Mofan.

As long as he has a single thought and those sword auras, Zhang Mofan can be beaten into a sieve.

However, Zhang Mofan didn't take it seriously. Looking at the hideous appearance of Demon Soul Blade, he said with great joy in his heart: "If you really wanted to kill me, you would have killed me long ago, didn't you?"


The demon soul let out an anger, wanted to attack, but was stopped by Gui Jiyue.

"This person clearly knows that we want to get the Pagoda of the Ten Thousand Demon Buddha. Back then, in the ancient times, the Sacred Sage, in order to deal with the 36 veins of our blood demon race, created 36 ten Thousand Demon treasures. Now, There are already eight pieces in our hands, and they must all be collected."

Ghost Jiyue's soul passed through.

Moreover, these 36 ten thousand demon treasures were not just as simple as dealing with their 36 meridians.

The ancestors of their blood demons, the blood soul ancestors, were sealed together by the thirty-six ten thousand demon treasures. Later, the sacred slaughter was to scattered the thirty-six ten thousand demon treasures to every corner of the Zhouyuan world. .

One of the purposes of the Blood Demon Race's attack on the Holy Land of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was to search for the Myriad Monster Baby.

Because, they can only rescue the blood soul ancestors from the seal by collecting 36 ten thousand monster treasures again.

Of course, even Zhou Yuanjie rarely knew about blood soul ancestors.

Gui Jiyue walked slowly in front of Zhang Mofan and said, "Boy, have you tried what is called Zui Sheng Meng Di?"

While she was talking, every magic sound passed through Zhang Mofan's ears.

Suddenly, he felt that he had an invisible mind, and he wanted to change his mind so that he would completely abandon cultivation and everything, unable to extricate himself.

Zhang Mofan fiercely urged the exercises, the two gods' spirit forms directly flared out with a powerful aura, breaking through all the falsehoods, and no demonic mood can invade his body.

At this time, he suddenly realized that the geniuses of these blood demon races have a lot of artistic conceptions in their own understanding.

An ordinary warrior, who has cultivated to the five souls of the dazzling soul, can condense to twenty, it is already good. The female warrior in front of her has at least sixty moods.

Moreover, these artistic conceptions are all to charm the enemy and trap the enemy deeply.

However, this kind of artistic conception does not have much effect for Zhang Mofan. His exercises have great restraint against this type of artistic conception.

"It's useless. For me, many of your artistic concepts are nothing but a passing glance. If you want to get the Ten Thousand Demon Buddha Pagoda, you have to be practical."

Zhang Mofan shook his head.

Seeing that her tactics were useless, Gui Jiyue became furious, and said, "Sure enough, there are some tactics, so let you see my tricks, ghost possession."

While she was talking, her body unexpectedly floated out of a ghost-like phantom, directly drilling towards Zhang Mofan's eyebrows.

This ghost is not a real ghost, but a magical power of the line of demons and ghosts. It is a kind of soul martial arts. It can be released with soul power and transformed into a ghost. It attaches to the body of the warrior and completely controls the warrior.

As long as the Holy Spirit's level is three or higher than the opponent, he can easily control the opponent.

What's more, Zhang Mofan has not yet condensed the Holy Spirit.

How could this method of invading Zhang Mofan's knowledge of the sea and controlling Zhang Mofan's body be useful to Zhang Mofan?

Once invaded, the Dragon Soul Indestructible Gloves will immediately destroy it.

However, Zhang Mofan thought in his heart that if this trick of Gui Jiyue didn't work for him, he would be frustrated.

Moreover, Gui Jiyue's move was not because of her own Holy Spirit body, but directly using her soul power to transform into a ghost invasion.

If he used the Dragon Soul Immortal Gloves, Gui Jiyue would also be able to perceive it.

It can be said that he is now in a dilemma.

However, at this moment, the Heavenly God Tree stretched out a rhizome and struck into his sea of ​​consciousness.

The demon soul swept in, and the strength began to weaken a little bit, and it was actually absorbed by the rhizome.

Suddenly, another fruit condensed on the Tongtian God Tree, but that fruit was very few, it seemed to have just grown.

Zhang Mofan probed, his face was shocked: "This? Is this a soul fruit?"

This soul fruit is not an ordinary fruit, but a genius treasure that can condense the Holy Spirit.

Generally, it is very easy to take the soul fruit to condense the spirit body.

Condensing the body of the Holy Spirit means that you can break through the realm of soul-stirring.

Zhang Mofan also didn't expect that the Heaven-Through God Tree could still absorb soul power.

If it weren't for this crisis, Zhang Mofan would use the Dragon Soul Immortal Gloves to resolve the attacks from many souls.

"Tongtian sacred tree is worthy of being the ancestor of all things."

Zhang Mofan secretly exclaimed.

The ghost invaded Zhang Mofan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and disappeared instantly, making Gui Jiyue stunned.

"what happened?"

The Demon Soul couldn't help asking.

"That guy should have a magic weapon to defend against soul attacks."

Gui Jiyue said.

"What? A magic weapon to defend against soul attacks?"

The demon soul was surprised and said: "What is the identity of this kid? He actually has so many cards?"

The magic weapon to defend against soul attacks is very rare.

"However, his magic weapon can't withstand the soul attack with too high holy spirit scale. Your holy spirit scale has reached the sixth level. It should be able to contain his magic weapon. I will urge the demon soul to possess it."

Gui Jiyue said.

If Zhang Mofan's magic weapon is too strong, her demon soul power will instantly shatter and disappear, but it will disappear little by little.

Therefore, she thinks Zhang Mofan's magic weapon should not be very strong.

"it is good!"

The demon soul responded with a knife, and an illusory sword light struck directly from the center of his eyebrows, almost ignoring the distance of space, and plunged into Zhang Mofan's sea of ​​consciousness.

As for Gui Jiyue, he once again used ghost possession to invade Zhang Mofan's sea of ​​consciousness, to completely control Zhang Mofan.

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