Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 877: : Exterminate

A genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (Top Chinese), the fastest update! No ads!? Zhang Mofan sacrificed the twin souls, and his momentum rose wildly, directly giving the four people a strong oppression.

"Twin fighting spirit!"

Many people saw this scene, and their faces showed horror.

Ignoring the shock of others, Zhang Mofan jumped and rushed directly in front of Nangong Juan'er, and the halberd waved again.

"No, it's impossible. How can you have such a strong strength if you are a Tiangang?"

While Nangong Juan'er was shaking, she didn't react at all.


Zhang Mofan swung the stab with a halberd and directly pierced her chest. Despite the strong defense of her battle armor, it was directly pierced through the body.

In the end, he fell to the ground, motionless, and was actually obliterated by a trick.

With just one move, Zhang Mofan beheaded a Jade Girl Palace Master who thought he could break the battle.

Jade Whale Gang leader Ding Qiu, Eleven Swords, and the Dragon Sword of the Dragon Sword Alliance, all stared at this scene.

They still couldn't believe that a Tiangang could actually leapfrog and kill the powerful.

"You actually surrounded me? I can tell you that you have been surrounded by me."

Zhang Mofan's body shook, a large amount of qi swept out, and he rushed to the eleven sword again, and then swung out with a halberd.

When he cast the rabbit halberd method, his speed almost skyrocketed to the extreme, and he wanted to wipe out the eleven swords with a halberd.

"What? The sword points to the world!"

The complexion of Eleven Swords changed slightly, integrating his own sword aura into himself, constantly waving, one sword pointed to the sky, one sword pointed to the ground, the combination of two swords, powerful swordsmanship, unexpectedly condensed the shock of the earth and the fluctuation of the sky.

"Zhang Mofan, if you bend a celestial gun, you think you can shake the powerhouse? It's ridiculous."

The eleven swords smiled coldly, his swordsmanship continued to be elementary, like a long river, rushing for nine days, among the mighty, it also contains the meaning of sword.


Zhang Mofan waved a halberd, and immediately, the power of restraint swept across all sides, like a cage, blocking all the attacks of eleven swords, and it was impossible to perform at all.

"Just relying on you, want to fight with me? You casual practitioners, thinking that you form a sect, you can really get on the table? The real big sect, but it takes tens of thousands of years."

Zhang Mofan waved the sand again, silently and silently. Several powerful artistic conceptions merged together. Although the halberd technique did not bring any improvement, it contained many changes.


Two voices came out. This sound was the sound of sword qi breaking, and it was the weapon of the eleven swords, which had been broken.

The eleven swords roared and felt the powerful force rushing forward, breaking open on his body, and even his battle armor was blown to pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Mofan rushed over and hit it with a punch, smashing it like a muddy mud, and collapsed to the ground.

He was another powerful man who robbed his soul and soul, but he was a real casual cultivator, and he was just assassinated.

Everyone did not react. With so many people, they besieged together, and they were still discussing **** Zhang Mofan and **** the holy order. Whoever got the holy order did not expect that it would be such a result.

Ding Qiu watched this scene, and between his eyebrows, a black light was directly released and struck into Zhang Mofan's mind, trying to attack Zhang Mofan with his soul, dizzying Zhang Mofan.

However, he didn't expect that Zhang Mofan looked like a okay person, and directly cast his eyes on him, one last palm!


The Great Desolate Floating Palm blasted out, and the powerful energy of the Five Desolations continued to vent, forming a violent storm.

Ding Qiu, the help of the Jade Whale Gang, was directly slapped by Zhang Mofan.


Dragon Sword, the leader of the Dragon Sword League, was completely occupied by fear in his heart. Seeing Ding Qiu was slapped to death by Zhang Mofan, he knew that he would be beheaded if he didn't leave.

He made a decisive action, wandering around, and fleeing directly into the distance.

Even the soul attack was useless to that Zhang Mo Fan, he was desperate in his heart.

Originally, they thought that Zhang Mofan was the prey in their eyes, but they did not expect that this prey was not a cat or puppy, but an ancient dragon.

It is a pity that Zhang Mofan has already locked him down, and those shrimp soldiers and crabs will be able to escape. As for the four stunners, don't even want to escape.

The Eastern Emperor's Great Sword was directly condensed in his hand, the golden sword aura like a tsunami, directly impacted away.

Accompanied by a scream, the dragon sword was completely submerged in the Eastern Emperor's sword energy.

"Escape, escape!"

The disciples of the three major gangs fled around in shock.


Zhang Mofan locked onto Chen San, swung a sword, and directly obliterated him.

In an instant, Nangong Juan'er died, Eleven Swords died, Ding Qiu died, and Longdao died.

These people were all powerhouses who stunned the soul, and they were all beheaded.

As for Jing Zhiruo, he was completely stunned, the martial artist who had dazzled the soul, in front of Zhang Mofan, was completely vulnerable.

Zhang Mofan scraped away the Naling Rings of the four fascinating powerhouses, leaped forward, and left here with Jing Zhiruo.

"Zhang Mofan, you are too strong!"

Jing Zhiruo said in shock.

"It's that they are too weak, but I didn't even use the domineering technique."

Zhang Mofan smiled.

This slaying of four warriors in the stunning state made him full of confidence in his own strength.

Even if he encounters the genius on the Tianjiao list, he still has the confidence to fight against it.

Zhang Mofan was on his way, while scoring the results of the list. These four people were indeed martial artists in the world, and they had a lot of resources.

Except for some materials, there are more than 8,000 Gang Qi Pills, which is equivalent to eight billion nine-revolution Qi Yang Pills.

A high-level profound treasure that has been refined by blood is only worth one hundred million.

"Jing Zhiruo, here is a Thousand Gang Qi Pill, here you are."

Zhang Mofan gave Jing Zhiruo a thousand gang qi pill, and that day, Jing Zhiruo gave her a high-level profound treasure that was refined by blood.

Now, it's a tenfold return.

Jing Zhiruo happily took the pill and said with satisfaction: "It's not bad, you will need resources in the future, I can still borrow you."

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan smiled slightly, speeded up, and hurried towards Dousheng Mountain.

Dousheng Mountain is very high, and on the top of Dousheng Mountain, Tiangui Villa stands tall, which is very majestic.

At the foot of the mountain, many battle formations were set up, and even experts in the Kun Profound Realm would not dare to force in.

Regardless of the deterrent power of Heavenly Ghost Dousheng, these battle formations are also very powerful.

At this time, many people had gathered at the foot of Dousheng Mountain, and the pass was guarded by men in uniform.

"Brother Ming, we finally arrived safely at Dousheng Mountain. Fortunately, we have a lot of resources and hired a few powerful thugs. Otherwise, we may not be able to arrive here."

The group of Zhuge family also successfully resisted Dousheng Mountain.

Behind them, there are two old men, both with the strength of the three souls.

"Guess, can Zhang Mofan resist here?"

Zhuge Tian asked curiously.

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