Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 804: : Old Ape

Zhang Mofan looked at this scene and couldn't help but be surprised: "This should be the genius soldier of the Barbarian Ape Clan. It has been hidden by a seal. Now that the seal is loose, it is revealed. However, this pagoda seems to contain a big Once someone approaches, it will start."

   "Xiao Fan, this big formation is so powerful, that Jing Keming is the number one strong man on the ground list, and his puppet was smashed into mud in an instant."

   Yiyeqing was shocked. If he were replaced by an ordinary Celestial Martial Artist, he would be killed immediately.

   "Hehe, can't even Momen take this?"

   At this moment, a few more figures flew in the distance, all of them were disciples of the Zonghengmen.

   Yu Tianci, Bai Qiu, and a few disciples, who were second in the rankings, were all present.

   "It's Brother Yu Tianci, and Brother Li Weilong, who is fifth in the rankings. They are all here, should we go there?"

   Yiye Qing said, turning around and looking, suddenly found that Zhang Mofan was missing.

   She looked around. Since she didn't see Zhang Mofan, her anxious face became rich, she couldn't help shouting: "Xiaofan, where are you?"

The sound of    shocked many casual cultivators, and everyone turned their eyes.

   Even Yu Tianci and others were taken aback by this voice, and found it was Yiye Qing, and immediately attacked.

   "Sister Yiyeqing, how could it be you? Why are you here too?"

   Bai Qiu asked curiously.

   "I came with Zhang Mofan. Xiaofan was still with me just now, but in a blink of an eye, he was gone."

   Yiye’s green face was full of worry and anxiety, as if he had lost the most important thing.

   "What? You and Zhang Mofan came together? How is this possible? With the strength of the two of you, how can you safely resist here?"

   Li Weilong, the fifth place in the rankings, was also slightly surprised. If there is no Tiangang powerhouse to lead the way, it would be idiotic to dream of successfully coming to this island.

   "Xiao Fan has just been promoted to the Earth Gang Realm, and his strength is already very strong, but where did he go?"

   Yiyeqing was almost crying.

   "Sister Yiyeqing, I still know the tricks of Junior Brother Zhang Mofan. Even if he is really in danger, he can turn the danger into a waste. From now on, follow us."

   Bai Qiu comforted.

   Yiye Qing looked around and said, "Wait, you have to find Xiao Fan for me."

   Zhang Mofan, really didn't disappear intentionally, he was just watching Jing Keming **** the sword.

   The next moment, I felt that there was a rope on the soles of my feet. To be precise, it was a tail, a monkey tail, wrapped around the ankle, and directly dragged him deep into the ground.

   Even Zhang Mofan didn't know what was going on, he went directly through the layers of the ground and entered deep underground.


   Zhang Mofan's face changed suddenly, and he immediately saw that there was a big mountain in the distance, suppressing a huge ape.

   That ape is very thin and weak, it looks like a weather-beaten.

   Moreover, the scene before me is not a real existence, but a projection.

   "Young man, you don't need to be nervous, I will not harm you. I also felt that you were promoted to the ground, and I noticed you."

   At this time, the old ape who was suppressed under the mountain also spoke.

   "Who are you? Why did you bring me here?"

   Zhang Mofan slowly landed, and was actually taken into an underground world. Here, it was dark, but there was a passage in front of him.

The ape also said bitterly: "I am the third patriarch of the Monster Monkey tribe. I was framed by the tribe and suppressed the depths of this island. Later, the person who framed me took the position of the patriarch, but he did not expect to be killed by the blood demon tribe. Blotted."

   It can be said that if he were not from that tribe, he would probably be beheaded.

   "That's it, do you want me to save you?"

   Zhang Mofan asked back.

  "You can’t save me. The only one that can save me is myself. I summon you, just wanting

Receiving you as a successor will give you a little benefit, nothing more. "

   said the old ape.

   "What? Take me as a successor?"

   Zhang Mofan was a little surprised and couldn't tell, no matter who would feel surprised.

   was suddenly dragged into an underground world with his tail, and then he was to be accepted as a descendant.

   I'm afraid no one will believe it when I say it.

   "Do you not believe what I said?"

   asked the old ape.

   "Of course I don't believe it."

   Zhang Mofan replied simply and neatly.

   "What do you think this is?"

A huge monkey tail dangling in the air, and finally pointed at some talisman seals on the mountain peaks, and said: "This is a seal talisman unique to my monster ape clan. Only with the sword of the king of monkeys can it be cut open. The Ape King Sword can only be controlled by practicing the unique swordsmanship of the Monster Ape Clan."

   Hearing this, Zhang Mofan couldn't help but ask Xiang Wan Yao Mo Di, "Is this guy's words credible?"

   "I don't know about this, but I have heard of the Ape King Sword. Just now Jing Keming used the puppet to approach that sword. Didn't it produce many apes phantoms? It should be the power of the Ape King Sword."

   Ten Thousand Demon Emperor said.

   "Then you want me to control the Ape King Sword?"

   Zhang Mofan replied.

   "The noodle has gathered many They all want to pay attention to the Ape King Sword, but none of them can succeed. I will guide you now to a cave."

   Old Ape Monkey said: "There is the most important cave house of the Monster Ape Clan. Back then, the first patriarch of our clan fell there. If you go to the past and get his inheritance, you will naturally be able to practice the Barbarian King Sword Technique."

   Zhang Mofan was completely moved. Perhaps, the cave house of the first patriarch was the cave house the treasure was referring to.

   Now, most of the people outside are all attracted by the Barbarian King Sword. Taking advantage of this, he can directly dig out the cave mansion of the Profound Realm powerhouse.

"it is good!"

   Zhang Mofan nodded and agreed very happily. Anyway, this old ape is just a projection, and he doesn't need to worry about anything.

   Immediately afterwards, Zhang Mofan was led by the monkey's tail, walking along the passage step by step, and soon there was a bright spot in the distance.

   Zhang Mofan jumped directly from the underground passage and came out of the underground world again.

   In front of him, there was a huge cave mansion, three feet high, surrounded by glowing rays, and surrounding the cave mansion, there were layers of large formations, which directly blocked the cave mansion.

   "This? All around this cave mansion are sealed. It is impossible for ordinary warriors to enter from the outside world. It seems that this old ape did not deceive me."

   Zhang Mofan was secretly shocked. If the other party really wants to lie, who is not good, lie to him a warrior in the realm?

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