Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 455: :accept the challenge

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If Zhang Mofan was only carrying out ordinary challenges, the boss might actually be using some rules to prevent Zhang Mofan from passing the assessment.

However, the death challenge is not necessarily.

At first, the challenger asked Zhang Mofan to carry out a death challenge. I am afraid that Zhang Mofan could not pass the death challenge.

When the ring master heard that he was about to accept the death challenge, he was also taken aback, and said, "Do you know what the content of the death challenge is? I will call back those talents who have won a hundred games in a row. I will select ten from them. People, have a one-on-one duel with you, and you can't have any rest. Once you lose a game, your challenge will fail."


Zhang Mofan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Can't there be any rest?"

"Otherwise, what is called a death challenge? Are you sure you want to accept it?"

The lord of the ring grinned. No matter how powerful Zhang Mofan is, he can defeat Han Fei with two swords, but can he defeat ten Tianjiao who are several times more powerful than Han Fei at the same time?

Obviously impossible!

Compared with a martial artist's true energy is limited, what's more, Zhang Mofan is still a martial artist of the Hundred Aperture Realm, and it is even more impossible to compete against Zhen Qi to be an opponent of the Imperial Qi Realm.

It is impossible to defeat ten people in a row.

In short, no matter what Zhang Mofan chooses, he will not be eligible, and he can only wait for three years.

"Okay, I accept, but I have a condition, in half a month."

Zhang Mofan said.

"In half a month? Do you think you can do it in half a month?"

The lord of the ring smiled, then nodded and said: "Okay, anyway, it will take a little time for me to summon those arrogant talents in a row. Then half a month later, the death challenge will begin."

Anyway, any effort is in vain! ,

"Old Tong, come in!"

The lord of the ring said to the old Tong outside, and when he saw Tong Lao coming in, he also ordered: "Tong Lao, go and register the identity of that kid. After half a month, the death challenge begins."

After the old Tong heard this, he secretly thought: "There is still a way to challenge the Lord, the death challenge is originally an impossible challenge, otherwise how could it be called a death challenge?"

Old Tong took Zhang Mofan away and returned to his counter. He also made a token and handed it to Zhang Mofan, saying: "Zhang Mofan, drop your own blood on the token, and you are Tianjiao's Tianjiao. Now, because you accepted the death challenge, there are a hundred thousand arrogance points in it, you can use it first."

"What do you mean?"

Zhang Mofan asked inexplicably, if there is still a fight, there is actually a Tianjiao point.

"It is impossible for our Tianjiao to operate at a loss. With these 100,000 Tianjiao points, when you have a death challenge, you can take 10,000 if you defeat one, and 100,000 if you defeat ten. If you fail to complete the challenge, And I spent 10,000 tianjiao points, which is equivalent to 10,000 yuan."

Old Tong said.

Zhang Mofan completely understood it, which is equivalent to that, I can use these 100,000 arrogant points for free, but if it fails, I must compensate.

No wonder, those Tianjiao like to mix here, because they can earn Tianjiao points.

However, if the strength is weak, it is very likely that they will lose the original stone.

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan nodded, this is equivalent to one hundred thousand stones, definitely a lot of money.

After getting the token, Zhang Mofan didn't hesitate, and left Tianjiao Li directly.

What he has to do now is to use one hundred thousand talents to continue to improve his strength within half a month.

"Since the challenger believes that I cannot complete the death challenge, I will let him look at him with admiration, and no one can stop me from participating in the assessment of Zongxu Gate."

Zhang Mofan knew that after waiting for another three years, it should be very easy for him to enter the gate.

But, three years of cultivation outside and three years of cultivation in the Zonghengmen, can this be the same?

Soon, news of Zhang Mofan's death challenge spread one after another, and everyone was shocked.

"What? That Hundred Aperture Realm Zhang Mofan is going to carry out a death challenge? Why is that? This is simply impossible. For so many years, the only person who can complete the death challenge is Bai Qi ten years ago."

"I'm afraid this challenger doesn't want him to participate in the assessment of the vertical and horizontal gate."

One of Tianjiao guessed boldly.

"Why is this?"

Many people don't understand.

"That Zhang Mofan can defeat Han Fei with two swords. To tell the truth, as long as he fights a little more times, he won a hundred consecutive victories without a problem, but there is still no hope for participating in the assessment of the cross-border gate."

"Yes, he should be less than 20 years old, wait another three years, he will be more confident."

Many Tianjiao talked about it one after another.

Death challenge, this kind of challenge imagination makes people feel very scary.

And the one who accepted this challenge was actually a warrior of the Hundred Aperture Realm.

At this time, Zhang Mofan was already walking on the streets of Zhongcheng District, strolling around.

He intends to spend all the 100,000 Tianjiao points to improve his strength.

Looking at the various resources on the shop floor, such as fighting patterns, medicinal pills, and spirit treasures, they have everything in sight, which is dazzling.

At this moment, Zhang Mofan came to a stall, and an old man held a drop of fiery red liquid in the hand of The liquid, gleaming, looked particularly dazzling.

Like the red stars in the night sky.

"This Tianjiao, this mysterious blood, are you interested?"

The old man stopped Zhang Mofan in one sentence.

"Mysterious blood?"

Zhang Mofan stopped. He didn't expect that there would still be a street stall in this place. He couldn't help asking, "What is the mysterious essence? What's the use?"

"I don't know what it is for, but it is very extraordinary."

The old man smiled and said: "This bit of mysterious blood is something I accidentally acquired in a secret realm. Even if it is a wildfire, it can't help him."

The old man's words fell, Zhang Mofan frowned.

The wildfire can't help but a drop of blood.

"Zhang Mofan, don't listen to this old thing flicking, he sells things, Qicheng is relying on flicking."

At this time, Feng Xueyue came over.

"Feng Xueyue, just don't buy my things, don't stop me from doing business, I think this Tianjiao must be someone who knows the goods."

The old man slightly angered.

"You said that this wild fire can't help this blood, then tell me, what is the function of this blood?"

Feng Xueyue sneered. This old thing used some weird and wonderful things to fool them. Later, those who didn't eat this set, they asked new people to fool them.

Those things seem to be miraculous, but they don't help cultivation at all.

"If I know what kind of blood this is, I will come to set up a street stall? I believe that this drop of blood must have something wonderful."

The old man said vowedly.

Recently, the weather has been cold, I can't get up, the plot is stuck again, and I owe you another one. Help me remember, Chapter 2 will be updated around 8:30!

End of this chapter

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