Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2718: : Token to the third Shenyu area

At the foot of Po Peak.

Many disciples who were alarmed and walked out of the Taoist government looked at the mountain peaks that were gradually regaining calm. They breathed out a deep breath in their hearts and looked at each other.

"The breakthrough is over?"

"Zhang Mi has successfully broken through!"

"The Zongmen Grand Contest is about to begin soon, I don't know if Zhang Mi will show up."

Many disciples laughed and discussed with the excitement.

The chief disciple of the other lines felt this movement and felt pressured. This Zhang Mi, I am afraid that it will become an obstacle to their sect.

You know, the chief disciple of the top ten sects rarely learn from each other. Even if they are powerful, they will not find someone to learn from each other, but will slowly accumulate strength.

However, in the Zongmen Grand Competition, they had to make a move. This was a very important contest for the Shenyue Sect. The rewards from the Shenyue Sect were also very attractive. Even some chief disciples of this kind of reward were very moved.

Suddenly, because of Zhang Mofan's breakthrough, the originally calm Ten Meridians became a sensation again.

The ranking of the Shimai is likely to undergo earth-shaking changes because of Zhang Mofan.

"Is the breakthrough finally over?"

Li Tianyang was shocked secretly, this Zhang Mi is indeed amazing, and now let him face Zhang Mi, he himself is not too sure that he can win steadily.

At this time, Zhang Mofan slowly walked out of the Taoist mansion, trying to absorb some fresh air, and then he saw Li Tianyang and Mad Ape.

"Oh? Are you guys finally here?" Zhang Mofan's eyes lit up and he was energetic.

He naturally recognized the mad ape. As for Li Tianyang, looking at his breath, his strength had reached the peak of Daogui, and he was probably the chief disciple of the three elders.

Mad Ape was beaten by him, Li Tianyang was furious without a brain, and then decided to come to teach him and help Mad Ape find his place.

Zhang Mofan had just been promoted to the middle stage of Daogui, and he just needed someone to test his current strength.

Some of Pofeng's disciples were also very calm, even if Li Tianyang made the move, Zhang Mofan would be no better.

"Hehe, I am Li Tianyang, the chief disciple of the three elders. I brought Mad Ape to you today because I want Mad Ape to apologize to you."

A hearty voice came, Li Tianyang slowly greeted him, and the crazy ape who followed him was embarrassed.

"Apologize?" Zhang Mofan was a little surprised when he saw this.

He felt that Li Tianyang did not play his cards according to the routine!

"A disciple of my line, Crazy Ape, for offending you before, this time, I brought him here and apologized to you." Li Tianyang smiled faintly.

Crazy Ape gritted his teeth and was extremely humiliated, but he still knelt on the ground and squeezed a word from his mouth: "Zhang Mi, I was wrong before. I shouldn't provoke you. I hope you can forget about the villain. , The previous grievances, hope to be wiped out!"

After saying this, the head of the crazy ape was directly planted on the ground.

He couldn't believe it before. This time, he really believed it. This Zhang Mi, with extraordinary strength, really wanted a chance to kill him. He couldn't hide it.

Now, he just wanted to pray that Zhang Mofan could forgive him.

Zhang Mofan was silent.

When Li Tianyang saw this, the corners of his eyes twitched.

What he worries most is that Zhang Mofan will behead the crazy ape without even giving his face. To tell the truth, the crazy ape will not die, and the impact on him is not great. The key is his face problem, and he has Crazy Ape came to apologize, which was considered to be putting his position very low, but Zhang Mofan still didn't give him face, and he naturally couldn't save face.

Secretly gritted his teeth, Li Tianyang took out a token and said: "By the way, I was practicing outside before and accidentally got two Shenyu orders. Rumors may have something to do with the third Shenyu area. Two pieces are nothing to me. If it's useful, I will give you a piece as a gift!"

"The third Shenyu area?"

The disciples on the side were all secretly surprised after hearing this.

There is actually a token leading to the third Shenyu area?

This Li Tianyang was actually willing to take these things out.

Rumor has it that there are several sacred areas in the entire Shenyu area. The second sacred area is a restricted area and people from other sacred areas are not allowed to go. As for the third sacred area, there is no such restriction.

Rumor has it that there are not many people in the third divine cosmos area, but it contains many powerful cave houses. Once you go to the third divine cosmos area, you will surely get a lot of opportunities.

The third divine space area, in the eyes of outsiders, there is another saying that it is a treasure house divine space area, which hides too many opportunities. Many warriors even go directly to the third divine space area to find opportunities and attack Dao Yi. realm.

Above the Tao is Dao Sovereign, and above the Tao Sovereign is Dao One.

Dao One, truly stands in the entire Divine Universe area, no matter that Divine Uniform area, Dao One powerhouse can walk sideways.

Many Taoist priests want to go to the third divine space area because they can't find a way.

Putting this kind of token to the outside world will set off a **** storm, causing countless Tianjiao to fight to the death!

Li Tianyang also took a lot of effort and paid a lot of price to get two dollars He planned to wait for the strength to go further and go to the third area to find some opportunities.

Zhang Mofan was also surprised. He didn't expect Li Tianyang to be willing to produce such a good thing.

Just as he was thinking, the voice of Baby Dragon was also transmitted.

"Zhang Mofan, the third Shenyu area, must go!"

Zhang Mofan was slightly startled and asked, "Is there any special place?"

"Black Crow told me that there are a lot of Time Yuan Stones there, and Black Crow cultivation also takes time Yuan Stones. You also need a lot of Time Yuan Stones when you set up a time cultivation formation!"

Long Baobao said.

Time Yuanshi is a rare treasure of genius.

When Zhang Mofan got the Time Essence Stone, he also got it from the Jinlou Jidongfu. In fact, the time Yuanshi of the Jinlou Machine was also obtained from the third Shenyu area.

As for the first Shenyu area where they are located, because of environmental factors and the large number of warriors, it is also very difficult to give birth to a time element.

"In the third Shenyu area, you can go to experience it." Zhang Mofan said in his heart.

He had to get a bit of the Time Primal Stone, so that his cultivation speed could be improved again.

"Senior Li Tianyang, would you be too far-sighted to do this?"

Zhang Mofan smiled and raised his hand with a move, and then Shen Yuling received it directly.

Some disciples on the side also secretly scolded Zhang Mofan for being shameless.

However, they were equally shocked that Li Tianyang would actually give Zhang Mofan the order of Shenyu. You know, the chief disciple of the Dazun and the old family, Jun Shaoye, had asked him for a token, but Li Tianyang directly rejected it.

Now, Li Tianyang has changed hands to Zhang Mofan.

This had to make all the disciples marvel at Zhang Mofan's horror.

Talented, you can do whatever you want.

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