Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2572: : Bad situation

King Li Huo thinks that his talent is not weak. Among his peers, there are definitely not many talents that can surpass him. However, he still has no confidence that he can reach the level of a talented tyrant at the age of Heaven and Earth Tyrant.

A strong man like Tiandi Bajun may not be able to be born in a million years.


The Nine Yin Demon Man gritted his teeth and waved his hands. The endless demon energy penetrated a little bit, actually infiltrating the Heaven and Earth Overlord's Overlord Realm.

"Want to escape?"

Heaven and Earth Tyrant smiled coldly, strode out, and wanted to chase him directly, but stopped again, looking at the void.

Immediately afterwards, a huge black lotus landed, and the black lotus bloomed, blasting towards the heaven and earth tyrant.

Tiandi Bajun frowned and said: "Since it's here, why hide in hiding!"

"Heaven and Earth Overlord, you can't contend with the Divine Remains Sect alone. Sooner or later, this seat will fight you. Wait and see!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black lotus bloomed completely.

Heaven and Earth Tyrant blasted with a punch, and forced all the black lotus that bloomed back. The petals of the black lotus exploded continuously, shaking the void in front of him and shattering.

King Li Huo and Ba Ye flee madly for fear of spreading.

However, the explosion of the black lotus could not spread to the back of Heaven and Earth Tyrant.

When the explosion disappeared, the energy dissipated, leaving only a voice echoing in the space: "Heaven and Earth Overlord, Zhang Mofan has been completely evil, even if he wakes up, he will lose his mind. The life and death battle two years later, I see Who are you in line to fight with the genius of my god's legacy!"

Heaven and Earth Tyrant put his arm around Zhang Mofan, looked at the void, then turned to look at King Li Huo and Ba Ye, and said, "Let's go back!"


The endless seas gradually became calm.

The plan to assassinate Zhang Mofan, planned by the gods, once again failed.

The news of this incident also caused an uproar, and countless people lamented Zhang Mofan's amazing luck.

Of course, they also got the exact news that Zhang Mofan forcibly merged evil characters and was directly evilized, and he was unconscious.

Everyone speculated that it was difficult for Zhang Mofan to wake up, and even if he could wake up, he would not be able to return to normal.

And just a month later!

On that day, among the gods, there was a vision from the sky, the majesty and majesty of the avenue came, and there was no feeling between the world.

"Heaven descends from the sky, there must be evildoers, where is it that the evildoers are born again?"

"This vision is not simple, it contains powerful fate, I am afraid it is a medium life or even a high life, awakened fate!"

"What? Awakening fate?"

At this moment, countless old monsters who had fallen into retreat were awakening one after another, sounding everywhere.

In addition, the gods and tens of thousands, the top forces, ancient sacred places, and a country of Taoism have sent people to inquire, wanting to know who has awakened their fate.

Only geniuses with medium life or above can awaken fate.

Half a year passed in a flash.

East Wasteland.

On a huge sacred stone, Zhang Mofan was lying on the sacred stone. No matter how strong the sacred light the sacred stone contained, it would be difficult for Zhang Mofan to get rid of the evil qi in his body.

Gu Lao looked at Zhang Mofan and couldn't help but said, "Overlord, it's been half a year. Isn't Zhang Mofan going to sleep like this forever? There is still a year and a half of life and death!"

At this moment, Zhang Mofan was like a dead person, he didn't even breathe in his body, and he fell into that kind of truly terrifying sleep.

Heaven and Earth Tyrant shook his head and said: "It is very rare for this kid to be able to cultivate evil characters in such a short period of time. When he had to, he even dared to forcibly merge evil characters. In the past six months, I I searched for a lot of solutions, but it still didn't work."

"Then what to do?"

Gu Lao's face was also extremely heavy, and said, "Could it be that there is no way at all?"

"Of course there is, but it's impossible!"

Heaven and Earth Hegemony: "The power of evil characters has completely occupied his heart position. It is deeply rooted and cannot be driven away by external force. Unless Zhang Mofan can get rid of it by himself, this is only one condition. The second condition requires external force. Support."

At this time, Mu Xiaoman, who was hiding outside, heard the words of Tiandi Tyrant, immediately walked over, knelt down towards Tiandi Tyrant, and said: "Senior Tyrant, if there is a way, then there must be a way. I hope you can save Xiaofan, even if I sacrifice my life, I am willing!"

"What are you doing? Get up quickly!"

Heaven and Earth Tyrant waved his hand and lifted Mu Xiaoman up and said, "Zhang Mofan is my disciple. If I have a way, how can I not save him? If there is a way, I will do it long ago. Up."

"It's not impossible!"

At this moment, a voice came from Zhang Mofan's body.


Old Gu immediately locked onto Zhang Mofan and said, "Who is hiding in Zhang Mofan's body, come out quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

Heaven and Earth Tyrant stopped Gu Lao and said: "He should be another life hidden in Zhang Mofan's body, and he should not harm Zhang Mofan, and only he knows Zhang Mofan best."

Although Heaven and Earth Tyrant is Zhang Mofan's master, he doesn't know Zhang Mofan's details, but the other life hiding in Zhang Mofan's body must know Zhang Mofan very well.

"Zhang Mofan got a pill in the cave, the Heavenly King Battle Body Pill, and Zhang Mofan's divine body is the Diamond Fighting Buddha Body, and the Diamond Fighting Buddha Body itself has the effect of dispelling evil spirits. If Zhang Mofan's body can be further improved, perhaps Can force evil characters out!"

Long Baobao said.

"Heavenly King Battle Body Pill? He actually got this pill?"

Heaven and Earth Tyrant was extremely shocked This kind of pill is too rare, and ordinary people can't find it. If the news of the Heavenly King Fighting Body Pill goes out, it may cause a catastrophe.

Soon, a pill flew out of Zhang Mofan's body.

The pill conveyed a trace of ancient aura, obviously old for a long time, but it exuded strong medicinal power.

"This pill is probably older than my age. After such years, it can still remain so complete!"

Heaven and Earth Tyrant exclaimed, flicked his finger, and thrust it directly into Zhang Mofan's mouth.

Afterwards, he carried his hands and said, "Although he has the help of the pill, but the pill enters his body, it will not be automatically refined. It depends on his own good fortune, whether his life instinct, whether Absorb the Heavenly King's Battle Body Pill, otherwise, it will be really useless."

Mu Xiaoman on the side was also extremely worried and anxious. He clenched his fists tightly, praying that Zhang Mofan could absorb the medicine.

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