Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2486: : The bloodthirsty battle to the extreme

The breath delivered by that fierce beast was too terrifying. This kind of breath made Zhang Mofan feel very familiar. It was an aura of fighting spirit, but it was stronger than this fighting spirit, mixed with bloodthirsty killing. meaning.

This is a kind of fighting intent, fighting to the extreme, has turned into killing intent, this is a kind of change, but it is a very bad change.

This killing intent will even make oneself gradually lose his mind.

However, the fierce beast was holding a halberd, and his figure turned into seven phantoms.

Whoops whoops!

Seven streamers burst out.

Obviously seven streamers burst at the same time, but at the moment they were swung out, the seven streamers merged together instantly, turning into a brand new streamer.

call out!

This stream of light directly tore the void to pieces.

After the fierce beast finished his move, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Zhang Mofan. The scarlet eyes flashed continuously.

Zhang Mofan was shocked and felt that he was enveloped by a strong murderous intent, as if to erode his will and turn him into a bloodthirsty person.

At this time, Zhang Mofan finally understood why the old man would remind him this way, as expected, there is something tricky in the halberd art **** on this stone tablet.

Moreover, that bloodthirsty aura was too terrifying, even the Qiongyu Holy Spirit body couldn't resist.

You know, Zhang Mofan used the Qiongyu Holy Spirit body to resolve crises again and again, but now, it was bloodthirsty, and it began to corrode him, and for a while, **** pictures appeared before his eyes.

Baby Dragon felt this scene, but also secretly shouted badly, and immediately said: "Zhang Mofan, immediately keep your heart, otherwise, you will become a bloodthirsty person, you should listen to the old man's persuasion."

However, Zhang Mofan didn't listen to Baby Long's words at all, because Baby Long's words were meaningless, and now they are meaningless.

Zhang Mofan fiercely urged Qiongyu's Holy Spirit body, holding on to his own heart, to resist the bloodthirsty aura, but the bloodthirsty aura was completely enveloped in Zhang Mofan's Holy Spirit body.

This also led to Zhang Mofan still having his own thoughts, but his actions were completely out of his control.

Zhang Mofan himself, began to wave the halberd, his figure moved, and he turned into seven lights and shadows, and shot a single attack, tearing the void in front of him to pieces.

Zhang Mofan was stunned there, feeling incredible.

Although it was not under his control, he could feel that this halberd was definitely not weaker than the thirty-sixth halberd of the Great Dao.

"how come?"

Zhang Mofan had horror in his eyes, "The seven streams of light, each of them is not very powerful, but the combination of the seven streams, the new streamer formed is at least ten times stronger in power, and even More than that, how is this possible? I typed it out myself?"

In Zhang Mofan's view, seven attacks of the same power were condensed together and gathered into a brand new attack. Even if the slightest amount of power was not escaped, the stack could only be seven times.

However, he played out seven halberd lights of the same power, combined and superimposed, but truly played a dozen times more powerful.

In the past, Zhang Mofan hadn't practiced similar methods. "The Punishment of the Halberd" included the Five Wildernesses. However, these methods only increased his attack by five times, or even less than five times.

Did not expect at all.

He actually hit a dozen times more attacks than normal.

"This unique halberd technique is really amazing, who is it that left behind?"

Zhang Mofan was secretly surprised.

At this moment, he truly had a new understanding of the halberd technique, which truly broke his previous cognition.

If Baby Dragon knows at this time, Zhang Mofan's idea is not how to dissolve bloodthirsty erosion, but immersed in this halberd technique, he will definitely vomit blood.

His own will is about to be eroded, and there is still time to feel the **** of the halberd technique.

"The methods of the two of us should be different. The same is fusion, but the rules of fusion are not the same. Although this halberd was played by me, it was not played by myself, but by the bloodthirsty will. I typed it out, no, I will continue to let him do it and slowly realize it."

Zhang Mofan muttered, and continued to fall silent the next moment.

Sure enough, that bloodthirsty will controlled Zhang Mofan, and constantly used that trick. Zhang Mofan's Qiongyu Holy Spirit body stuck to his heart, remained calm, and began to feel it.

He felt that he had turned seven streams of light time and time again, merged, and played a powerful halberd.

Zhang Mofan carefully felt the process of fusion and superposition, and carefully felt the law of the application of the power, because it was created with the help of his own body, it can be said that Zhang Mofan felt the most profoundly.

"I used to think that fusion is just one plus one. It seems that I was wrong. The real mistake is really wrong. It's not one plus one at all. What's the point of fusion of one plus one? One plus one is equal to two. , And fusion is to make one plus one equal to three, equal to four, or even ten."

Zhang Mofan smiled, his whole person has sunk into the insight of this halberd technique.

This stone monument actually has a lot of background, because it was left by the strong man who once ranked first in the talent list.

This halberd technique is unique, not to mention the younger generation, many of the older generations have tried it.

Even before speaking to remind Zhang Mofan's old man, he actually tried to cultivate, but his own cultivation is strong, the Holy Spirit scale is high, and he retired in time, without being corroded by the bloodthirsty aura.

However, many young geniuses are not so lucky. They are completely eroded by the bloodthirsty aura. Although they also display the halberd technique, they are not displayed by the warrior themselves, but are controlled by the bloodthirsty aura. The ones that came on display became murderous monsters.

In the end, they were beheaded one by one by the coming warriors.

But Zhang Mofan really had some chances.

His will is protected by the Qiongyu Holy Spirit Body, and it has not been completely corroded, and he can still feel the subtleties of the halberd technique.

Of course, if Zhang Mofan fails to dissolve the bloodthirsty aura, the aura will become stronger and stronger, and eventually he will also become confused.

It can be said that any chance and adventure must be on the premise that one has the strength, and if one does not have the strength, it cannot be seized.

Zhang Mofan possessed Qiongyu's Holy Spirit body and seized this opportunity.

As for whether or not they can seize this opportunity, it depends on Zhang Mofan's own good fortune.

Because, with the passage of time, the bloodthirsty aura has become stronger and stronger, and a trace of blood has penetrated into Zhang Mofan's Qiongyu Holy Spirit body.

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