Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2478: : Good news and bad news

Both Qin Jun and Li Yunfei were very puzzled by Ji Yuyue's abnormal behavior. They disguised themselves and set up a ring outside the imperial city.

Ji Yuyue was even more outrageous than them, and actually directly attacked the guards of the Imperial City.

Immediately, the masters of Nvzhuang Pavilion appeared, a large group of masters headed by Fang Qingyi all appeared, and the ghost ladies of Yaotiange came, all locked in Ji Yuyue.

Ji Yuyue watched the master of Nvzhuang Pavilion appear, but said: I have no intention to offend you, I just want to see Huang Qing!

See Huang Qing? This is how you meet people?

Fang Qingyi said: Our daughter country has been in development for so long, and this is the first time anyone dared to act on the guards of the daughter country's imperial city. The masters of Nvzhuang Pavilion went together and captured this person.

Qin Jun and Li Yunfei rushed directly when the situation was not good.

Junior sister Ji, what on earth do you want to do is that Huang Qing is not related to our mission?

Qin Jundao: But you said, let us not have any conflicts with the people and forces of the Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm. This is the palace of the daughter kingdom. There are many masters, and there are probably a lot of masters in the world. They If it is shot, we are afraid that we will not be able to escape.

Yes, Junior Sister Ji, let's leave quickly, and what are you looking for Huang Qing for?

Li Yunfei also said.

I must see him!

Ji Yuyue said.

Junior sister Ji, it is not so easy to see that Huang Qing. Now that you have attacked the female guards in the imperial city, it is even more unlikely that they will let you see him. For the sake of the task, let's leave quickly!

Qin Jun persuaded.

Currently, the masters dispatched by Daughter City are only at the Dao Enlightenment level, and it is almost impossible to keep them.

If Daosheng is dispatched, it will be troublesome.

Dao Sheng and Dao Wu are completely two concepts!

Ji Yuyue frowned, looking at the large number of masters who rushed forward, and with a wave of her hands, a very domineering force rushed out. All the women who rushed up were shaken back. She also coldly said: I No offense. Since you don’t let me see Huang Qing, let me tell you a piece of news. The Xu family already knows that Huang Qing is the news of Zhang Mofan. They are offering a reward of 100 million pills to kill Huang Qing. I’m afraid it will be within a few days. , The news will come here.

After finishing speaking, Ji Yuyue left with the two juniors directly.

Fang Qingyi wanted to lead people to catch up, but it was too late.

Huang Qing is Zhang Mofan? What exactly does that mean?

Thinking of this, Fang Qingyi returned to the palace and told Ren Qianqian what Ji Ocularyue had said intact.

When Ren Qianqian heard the news, her pretty face showed surprise: She said that the Xu family already knew that Huang Qing was Zhang Mofan?


Fang Qingyi nodded.

Go down!

Ren Qianqian waved his hand and signaled Fang Qingyi to go down, and then she found Taihuang.

what did you say? The Xu family already knows?

Taihuang said in surprise.

Mother emperor, that woman should have come here specially, the news should not be wrong, I am afraid, there will be a large number of warriors lying in ambush on the border of our daughter country, waiting for an opportunity to take action against Zhang Mofan!

Ren Qianqian became a little worried.

Offering a reward of 100 million Dao Dan, this Xu family is really crazy, even Dao Sage, I am afraid they will not help but shoot Zhang Mofan, and they don't care what genius Zhang Mofan is, it is meaningless if he has not grown up.

What do you think?

Taihuang asked his daughter.

Let Zhang Mofan and I go to the East Desolate Land immediately. If the Xu family really comes to you, you will say that we went to the East Desolate Land. There are quotas for going to the East Desolate Land. They can never send many masters to chase after us. Kill us? Moreover, those casual cultivators are not even wishful thinking!

Ren Qianqiandao.

Are you afraid you can't wait?

Taihuang smiled and looked at his daughter: Do you think I let you go to the Eastern Desolation Land, really let you experience it? I want you and Zhang Mofan to have the opportunity to have separate contact, so that you can cultivate a good relationship, understand?

How can it be so easy to cultivate feelings? I see in Zhang Mofan's mind, there is nothing but cultivation!

Ren Qianqiandao.

Need means!

Tai Huangdao: Although I don't have a good impression of men, there are many men who fell under my pomegranate skirt back then.


Ren Qianqian was puzzled, and pouted: I don't want to play any tricks!

The means I mentioned are the means used by women to pursue men!

As the Emperor said, he passed on his experience to his daughter as a person who passed by, hoping that this trip to the East Emperor's underworld can further develop the relationship between his daughter and Zhang Mofan.


Zhang Mofan practiced in Shanhetu for more than two hundred days, completely consolidating his realm, and his use of Taoism is pure and innocent.

What does the emperor call me for? Is it possible that you want me to go to Donghuang Mingdi immediately?

Zhang Mofan came out of cultivation after he got the call.

When he came to the hall, the Emperor did not ask Zhang Mofan to salute, he directly said: Huang Qing, no, I should call you Zhang Mofan now. There is a bad news and a good news to tell you, which one do you want to listen to?

bad news?

Zhang Mofan frowned and said: You called me Zhang Mofan directly. Could the Xu family have insight into my identity?

Taihuang nodded: They not only got an insight into your identity, you are offering a reward of 100 million pill for your head, I have sent someone to confirm this, and soon, I am afraid that there will be many casual religious groups lying in wait on the border of the daughter country. .

What about the good news?

Zhang Mofan then asked.

He knows his identity and will leak out sooner or later, but let it leak out, this matter will be faced sooner or later.

The good news is that you can now set off in the East Wasteland, and the Lord Yuan Qing gave a special token.

Tai Huangdao: This special token has a lot of convenience in the East Wasteland.

Ren Qianqian also looked envious, saying: Zhang Mofan, that token represents the qualification to enter the Eastern Wasteland, but it is also a qualification. The qualifications you obtain will have higher authority than ours.


Zhang Mofan's eyes lit up and said: That's a good thing!

Ren Qianqian was a little speechless, I am afraid Zhang Mofan didn't know what that special token meant.

Every year, the Badian will issue qualification tokens to many forces, but there are only three special tokens, special means privilege, superior!

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