Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2425: : Battle body promotion

To advance to the realm of Taoist enlightenment, another kind of power of heaven is necessary.

The power of Heaven's Dao that Feng Lou understood was the power of magic thunder.

This power, blessed on the intermediate Taobao spear, can be said to urge one's own attacks to the extreme.

Faced with this sudden blow, Zhang Mofan couldn't avoid it, and he couldn't even use the halberd to resist it in time, so he could barely block the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd in front of him.


With a loud noise, Zhang Mofan's figure resembled a meteorite, and instantly burst out toward the ground below, and finally hit the ground below, causing a big hole in the ground.

But it didn't take long for this big hole to appear, and the vast battle intent turned into substance, suddenly swept up.

This warfare contains amazing power, like a flame, directly burning the surrounding earth into dust, and at the core of this warfare, a figure appears, it is Zhang Mofan.

At this moment, he is like the king of war.

"Under the blessing of my heavenly power, there is no serious injury, how is this possible?"

When Feng Lou saw this scene, his eyes flashed incredible. He seemed to feel that Zhang Mofan's aura was completely different from before.

It seems to be stronger than before.

Zhang Mofan felt the powerful combat intent conveyed by the Xumi battle body, his face also showed incredible, and said: "My Xumi battle body seems to be promoted again!"

Before, Zhang Mofan's Xumi battle body was already an intermediate divine body, and now in such a battle, he has made breakthroughs and directly promoted to a high-level divine body.

He could feel that the fighting intent radiated by his own fighting intent was astonishing, and it was many times stronger than usual.

"Hahaha, kill!"

Zhang Mofan laughed, and the whole person directly rushed out, flashing a halberd like lightning, and a halberd light arrogantly crisscrossed towards Feng Lou.

"You can resist it once, I don't believe it, you can resist the second time!"

Feng Lou let out an icy cold sound, his body agitated, and the spear in his hand was once again filled with the power of the demon thunder, and in an instant, he bombed out one after another.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two fought frantically, leaving countless afterimages in the void.

"This Huang Qing, what's going on, the fighting spirit is so strong, and the power is getting more and more terrifying."

Feng Lou's pupils shrink slightly.

Before he and Zhang Mofan were fighting head-on, and he was able to fight evenly against each other, but now that Zhang Mofan is showing a strong fighting spirit, his pressure has greatly increased.

"Huang Qing, try this trick with me!"

Feng Lou was more and more shocked, and his heart was extremely shocked. In front of him, a large amount of black mist filled the sky and covered the sky, making the whole world plunged into a darkness.

The black mist was like an open mouth of the blood basin, extremely ferocious, and swallowed directly towards Zhang Mofan.

The range of this black mist was too large, covering the sky and the sun, and Zhang Mofan couldn't get rid of it at all.


"Four thousand and five hundred Dao Fa, the Great Dao is dead and annihilated!"


The terrifying breath of death rushed towards Zhang Mofan.

This breath was directly crushed to Zhang Mofan in all directions.

Zhang Mofan's face was cold, waving his hands, a large number of tombstones, frantically swept out, protecting his whole body.

Boom boom boom!

Those death breaths rushed in, but they were directly resisted by the tombstone.

However, the black fog was directly detonated, exploding frantically, instantly destroying the tombstones, and blasting Zhang Mofan fiercely.


Zhang Mofan felt the pain and also let out a screaming scream, but his body did not suffer any harm.

Because Xumi's combat body is stronger.

"It should be!"

Looking at the broken scene, Feng Lou's face was also stunned. No matter what, he was dead. It would be better to kill Zhang Mofan.

However, at this moment, Zhang Mofan rushed out of the shattered black fog. His figure was embarrassed, his hat would explode, and his long hair dropped, making it impossible to see his appearance.

As for the clothes on his upper body, it was completely blown apart, revealing the combined muscles.

The intrepid fighting spirit is constantly distributed.

Zhang Mofan stood in the void, but his complexion was flushed, and his body was also sweaty.

After a long time, he raised his head again and smiled coldly, "As expected, he is a warrior in the early stage of Dao Enlightenment Realm. It is really amazing, but unfortunately, he still failed to kill me!"

Feng Lou was silent, and his expression was quite ugly, "The Dao Death Annihilation that I used all my strength to do, even the powerful early Taoist martial artists must do their best to deal with it, but this Huang Qing actually resisted it by force. Is his body really that powerful?"

He didn't know that Zhang Mofan's Xumi battle body had been promoted to a high-level divine body. In the Heavenly Desolate Lord Realm, many warriors have divine bodies, but there are not many who can be promoted to Dao Body in this realm.

Feng Lou's move can kill the warriors in the early Taoist stage, but it can't hurt Zhang Mofan.

You know, Zhang Mofan's Xumi combat body is not only strong in its own defense, but even his combat intent can be turned into a substantial barrier ~ ~ to resist some attacks.

"Feng Lou, what else do you attack?"

Zhang Mofan's aura returned to its peak again, his eyes were cold, and he swept away.

Feng Lou's brows were frowning tightly, and he fell silent.

Both of his powerful methods were urged and failed to kill Zhang Mofan. Now, that can only guarantee undefeated at best.

Can't kill Zhang Mofan, it is very likely that Zhang Mofan will be beheaded.

"Old hunchback, it's your turn!"

at this time……


A terrifying roar suddenly resounded from the void not far away, and at the same time it spread, exploding with two shocking powers, and rushed towards the old man with hunchback.

Nowadays, Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei have watched enough of the theater, so naturally they have to take action against the old man with hunchback.

This time, they had seen Zhang Mofan's greatness.

"Jian Qingyang, I surrender, I give up, give you the key, spare my life!"

The humpback boss said loudly.

"It's late, two brothers, kill him!"

Jian Qing Yang said.

"Damn it, fight it!"

He was hunched and old-fashioned and gritted his teeth, but he was helpless. He could only fight to the death. It was impossible for Jian Qingyang to let him go. He could only admit it and see if he could find a chance and escape directly.

If Jian Qingyang hasn't shot, perhaps, there is still a way to survive.

Suddenly, the three struggled again.

As for Zhang Mofan, he didn't want to delay time. At this time, Jian Qingyang was probably looking for Li Light Rail and Luo Yunfei.

Therefore, a quick fight must be made.

"Now, my fighting spirit is much stronger than before. I don't know how many Dao skills can be achieved this time with the Dao Zhan Tian Fist!"

Zhang Mofan was full of fighting spirit and looked forward to how powerful his punch was.

Dadao fight Tianquan, the stronger the fighting spirit, the stronger the power!

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