Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2415: : Portal closed

Chapter 2413 the door closed

The rough time stone is an extremely rare stone, which contains a special time energy.

Ordinary people, even if they get the rough time stone, it has no effect, unless they need to practice the Taoism and martial arts about time, or just arrange this kind of formation.

This formation can last for one month, which means that the energy of the original stone can only last for one month at that time.

"This five-level treasury is pretty good for me. Three hundred days, nearly a year, is enough for me to cultivate to the middle stage of the Taoist realm!"

Zhang Mofan took out the Zhu Yanguo and planned to use the three hundred days in this formation to attack the middle stage of the Taoist realm.

In fact, after a martial artist has cultivated to the realm of Taoism, it will become more and more difficult to practice, and it will take more and more time. Even if you really get an adventure and are assisted by the treasures of heaven and earth, it will take time to break through.

Ordinary martial artists, from the early stage of promotion to the middle stage of Taoism, there is no time for three to five years, and they may not be able to break through.

Even if Zhang Mofan gets Zhu Yanguo and wants to refine it instantly, it will take a long time.

Next, Zhang Mofan swallowed Zhu Yanguo and refined Zhu Yanguo. If he could successfully break through to the middle stage of the Taoist realm within this month, it would be of great help to his fight for the second level of the Dong Mansion.

You know, those who can enter the second level, no matter how many keys are snatched, are not weak.

Moreover, if you really enter the second level, you will definitely be able to meet the martial artist of Dao Enlightenment Realm, who is on the list of natural talents, but there are also Dao Enlightenment warriors, although the ranking is not high.

However, the opponent is a real Taoist martial artist.

Just as Zhang Mofan broke through the cultivation base with the help of the tenfold cultivation formation, the competition for the first level of the cave mansion has really become fierce. Many warriors accept it when they see it, and when they get the key, they find a portal and directly send it in.

Yuan Zong's key was plundered by Zhang Mofan, and he was also struggling to **** the key. He directly stared at a martial artist and said coldly: "Hand over the key and spare you not to die."

The warrior was trembling, knowing that Yuanzong would not let him go, he also yelled frantically: "Yuanzong, you are a trash, you will only come to **** my key, and you have the ability to **** Huang Qing's key! But you are sure I dare not, because you are not Huang Qing's opponent at all!"

"What are you talking about? I'm not Huang Qing's opponent? Who said I'm not Huang Qing's opponent? I can pinch him to death with one hand!"

Yuan Zongdao.

"You can squeeze him to death with one hand? Hahahaha, how did I hear that you were defeated by the black sword youth, but the black sword youth directly surrendered in front of Huang Qing, how do you squeeze him to death?"

That martial artist said.

"Where did you hear about it!"

Yuan Zong was so angry that he couldn't imagine that the incident spread throughout the cave so quickly.

"Ha ha ha, who doesn't know about this matter now? Huang Qing didn't break up his ideas, but you, who came to rob us of the keys to casual repairs. Isn't it shameful?"

The warrior continued to mock him, anyway, Yuan Zong would not let him go, but he mocked a few times, even if he died, he would be able to anger a genius with a rare talent list.

"court death!"

Yuan Zong shouted angrily, just about to take action.

call out!

A sword light swept across, directly splitting a warrior in half, only to see a fierce figure descending, appeared in front of Yuanzong, it was Jian Qingyang.

Jian Qingyang said: "Yuanzong, I just heard something about your strength from some casual cultivators. Is it true or not?"

Yuan Zong gritted his teeth and nodded: "It's true!"

"Hmph, let you **** Huang Qing's key, but in the end, you made him famous!"

Jian Qingyang said: "More important things, you haven't even found out the details of Huang Qing."

If Yuan Zong and Huang Qing fought against each other, that would be great, at least one could know Huang Qing's details and methods.

Now, the details have not been found out, but have made a wedding dress for Zhang Mofan.

Now, the warriors on the first floor of the entire cave were talking about how powerful Zhang Mofan was, and killed the evil sword old ghost.

Yuan Zong's face was ugly, and he said, "I don't know what's going on. The black sword young man surrendered to Huang Qing on his own initiative. His strength is indeed very strong."

"You can't let them continue to be arrogant, otherwise, he will be squeezed down by him if he re-ranks the talent list!"

Jian Qingyang said slowly.

The fact that Zhang Mofan killed the evil sword old ghost alone proved that his talent was terrifying.

However, Jian Qingyang would not allow such a thing to happen, and when he reached the second floor, he would personally take action and behead it.

"I have already cultivated to the peak of Daozhen's early stage. It is already a bottleneck period. I can break through the middle of Daozhen at any time. If this time the treasure house can get some resources, I will be able to break through the middle of Daozhen immediately!"

Yuan Zong said slowly.

If he is allowed to break through the middle stage of Dao Dao Zhen, his Dao power, I don't know how many times he will increase, the Dao Fa in Dao Heart will be much more vigorous and can release more Dao Fa martial arts.

In the early stage and the middle stage of Taoism, there is a world, not to mention the true early and middle stages.

Jian Qingyang waved his big hand and threw a pill into Yuan Zong's hands, saying: "This pill is enough to make you break through the bottleneck, promote to the middle stage of Daozhen, and kill Huang Qing. I don't want him to be alive."

Yuan Zong took the pill, and his face was surprised: "Is this? Baihu Zhenpo Pill? You actually have this kind of pill. Great. With such a pill, I have the confidence to directly break through the middle stage of Daozhen, Jian Qing Yang, don't worry, this Huang Qing, I will definitely kill him personally."


With the passage of time, the distance from the portal is completely closed, getting closer and closer, and the space on the first floor of the cave is more and more terrifying.

Some casual cultivators have chosen to flee, and some casual cultivators are still unwilling to give up the opportunity, wanting to fight for the last to enter the second floor of the cave.

When the portal was completely closed, many casual practitioners also shook their heads, and then left the cave.

"This time the battle for the cave house of the formation machine attracted tens of thousands of warriors, but only a thousand people actually entered the second floor of the cave house."

Tianhuang Pavilion main road.

"When it comes to the second level, I am afraid it will be the real fierce competition. At that time, the geniuses on the genius talent list are afraid that they will be equipped with the warriors of Dao Enlightenment."

"It's very rare for Daozhen to leapfrog a level to challenge Dao enlightenment."

Several other patrons also started talking.

When the portal is closed, everyone enters their own treasure house and has a month of cultivation time before opening the second floor of the cave.

And Zhang Mofan's cultivation has officially entered the right path, starting to refine Zhu Yanguo, and hitting the middle stage of the Taoist realm.

(End of this chapter)

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