Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2400: : Snatch the key

Those casual cultivators didn't realize at first that Zhang Mofan attacked the formation beast, but a one-armed man. Seeing Zhang Mofan was fighting with a person exactly like him, he immediately guessed that it was the formation beast.

In other words, the beasts can change the way they are.

"That should be the formation beast, kill the formation beast, you can get a key."

"Whoever can **** the key will be able to enter the depths of the cave mansion first."

"I don't want to collect just one key, but five keys. I'm afraid that only by collecting five keys can I truly teleport to the core position and get more precious treasures!"


The ten casual cultivators, with fiery eyes, had already seen Zhang Mofan hit the formation beast with a punch.


This punch definitely brought out the offensive of the Dao Zhan Tian Quan. The four thousand horses of Dao Fa was fully used and bombarded the body of the beast. The formation contained in the beast was completely shattered and transformed. As bursts of energy dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, a golden jade talisman also floated out, emitting a faint energy.


Zhang Mofan smiled and grabbed the golden jade talisman with his big hand. There were some special fluctuations in the jade talisman. There is no doubt that this golden jade talisman is the key.

"I don't know if I got the key first!"

Zhang Mofan's eyes flickered, and he said, "Collect five keys and open the door together to get even greater benefits. Then go find the beast to kill!"

However, just when Zhang Mofan was about to leave, a sound of breaking through the air came from a distance, and the figures of ten warriors also appeared.

"Did you see the jade talisman in his hand? It should be the key!"

"Be sure to grab the key!"

Several martial artists, looking at this scene with fierce eyes, couldn't wait to take a shot immediately and **** the key directly.

After the one-armed man recognized Zhang Mofan, he couldn't help but reminded him: "Hehe, you have to consider carefully if you want to **** his key. He is the thirteenth genius on the list of natural talents, Huang Qing."

"What? Huang Qing, this man wearing a hat is Huang Qing?"

"Hua Qianyong, do you recognize Huang Qing?"

"Hua Qianyong has been hanging around with his daughter's country all year round. It is not impossible to know Huang Qing. If he is really Huang Qing, then it will be a little troublesome!"

The expressions of several casual repairs were a bit solemn.

If it were an ordinary martial artist, they might not hesitate to shoot directly, but the man in front of him was Huang Qing, the thirteenth genius on the genius list.

Just a name can make people feel lingering.

You know, this Huang Qing defeated the martial artist in the early stage of Taoism in the later stage of Taoism. Now, this Huang Qing has been promoted to Taoism, and even the four thousand horses of Taoism and martial arts can be easily displayed.

"Even if he is Huang Qing? What if we came here to compete with the warriors of the natural talent list. If we are really scared, what are we doing here? Ten of us, three of the late Daozhen, seven In the middle stage of Daozhen, if we work together, it will consume him!"

A man with a scar on his head said lowly.

Coming here, you are destined to collide with those geniuses, what's the fear?

Hearing this, the gazes of the warriors in the realm of Taoism all flashed fiercely, but they hesitated.

"Yes, we don't need to be afraid of him!"

Hua Qianyong also nodded and said: "If we can kill it, we can all be famous. In the world of the desolate, don't we just have a name?"

The second and third of Caihua Three Knights also nodded their heads. Before, the three of their brothers really didn't have any confidence, but now they are truly confident.

"I won't get mixed up. I'm here just to compete for adventures, but I don't want to compete with the geniuses of the geniuses. You will never imagine how terrible they are!"

One of the young people retreated.

He had seen the genius of the Tianhuang Talent Ranking, that was Jian Qingyang. The strength of the opponent was too terrifying, far beyond the imagination of people like them.

Although this Huang Qing ranked only thirteen, but the method is definitely not too bad.

"If you retreat, then retreat, don't wait for me and we will kill it, you will come to grab the key with us again!"

Hua Qian Yong said.

"You people, never know the horror of the talent list!"

The young man gave a contempt and left directly, but he did not leave too far, but wanted to see how this group of people died.

The nine people immediately forced them up and stopped Zhang Mofan.

"Huang Qing, I gave you a way out before, this time, it's hard to fly with your wings!"

Hua Qianyong rushed forward with a cold expression.

"We don't care if you are Huang Qing or not, hand over the keys, otherwise don't blame me for deceiving less!"

"Hand over the keys!"

The other eight people were also forced to go up, one by one, they locked Zhang Mofan.

Zhang Mofan looked at those casual cultivators, with a playful look on his face, and said, "Caihua Three Knights, when did you let me go? Obviously I was scared off by my name, do you think I have more companions now? , Can you kill me?"

"Huh, what do you say? Hand over the keys!" Hua Qianyong said.

Zhang Mofan took out the golden jade talisman, dangled it in front of the nine people, and said, "It's not impossible to ask me to hand over the key, but how should you divide it among the nine of you? Is it for you? Or is it for you? Or give it to you? Why don't you fight for it? I will give it to whoever can win!"


The scarred man's face became cold, and he said, "Do you think we are three-year-olds? If you want to play around with us, how do we distribute, wait until you kill you, let's fight together and kill him."


The nine figures started to move at the same time, and they all wanted to kill Zhang Mofan.

Zhang Mofan's eyes also flashed killing intent, and his body moved. When they shot, they also took the initiative to attack, and instantly appeared in front of the one-armed Hua Qianyong, and then showed the Ten Thousand Demon Slaughter Demon Halberd , A halberd tears past.

This halberd, unexpectedly, was extremely fast.

For Hua Qianyong, he never thought that Zhang Mofan would be the first to attack him. When he reacted, the whole person was already on the ground, leaving a huge blood hole in his chest, and even said The body didn't have time to move.

"What? Killed Hua Qianyong in the middle of Daozhen with one move?"

The few casual cultivators had their eyes widened, and couldn't believe that the scene before them was real.

This is Huang Qing's strength, the strength of the thirteenth martial artist on the list of natural talents, with the cultivation base of the Taoist realm, under the siege of many Taozhen powerhouses, freely taking human lives.

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