Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2394: : Tianhuang Branch Pavilion

Sorry! "

Listening to Zhang Mofan, Li Susu blamed himself.

"Sometimes, I blame myself. I can stay in my own small world and get together with my loved ones and friends forever. However, in order to become stronger, I have to leave and come to this strange world of Gods. "

Zhang Mofan said lightly.

"You are so talented, if you stay in that small world, but Shenyu's loss, perhaps, ten thousand years later, you are very likely to become a god!"

Li Susudao.

It is normal to be able to become a genius on the list of natural talents and become gods. In previous years, there have been many geniuses on the list of natural talents who have become gods after they have cultivated to the realm of Taoism.


Zhang Mofan sighed for a long time. In fact, he knew that the moment he regained the sacred sacred fire, his destiny track had undergone tremendous changes. From that moment on, his life was destined to be no ordinary.

The two talked for a long time, and they fell in love with each other.

This Li Susu was not a nobleman, but also came from a small world, and later joined the Xuannv Palace, was reused, and became a genius on the list of geniuses.

However, Li Susu was not as bumpy as Zhang Mofan. He had encountered so many things when he first came to the Heavenly Desolate Realm.

"This time, Tianhuang Pavilion is probably going to re-rank the Tianhuang Talent List!"

Li Susu said: "You will definitely encounter that Jian Qingyang, your hat, it's better not to pick it!"

Zhang Mofan nodded and said, "I will trouble you to conceal my identity. At present, I know that I am Zhang Mofan. There should be no one else except you."

Currently, he is not Zhang Mofan, but Huang Qing, the daughter of the emperor's favorite, and the thirteenth genius on the list of natural talents.

"You'd better be careful. If you let Jian Qingyang know that Huang Qing is Zhang Mofan, he will definitely not let you go. Although your strength is strong, you still shouldn't be an enemy."

Li Susu reminded.

Zhang Mofan asked curiously: "Li Susu, that Jian Qingyang is so powerful, he can be ranked tenth in the list of talented talents, I have fought with him, and his strength is nothing more than that!"

"That's just a sword aura from him. I was wondering before why his strength is so weak. Even if he is suppressed in the Dao Sect realm, he can't lose to you. A sword aura can't exert its true power. Power, his horror, you are far from seeing it!"

Li Susu said: "However, your talent is not weaker than him, but your realm is too low now!"

Listening to Li Susu's words, Zhang Mofan became more curious about Jian Qingyang's strength, but he beheaded Xu Tong in front of Jian Qingyang. If Jian Qingyang really saw him, I am afraid that he would really want to treat him. Rush to kill.

After talking for a while, both of them sat cross-legged on Fenglingniao's back and began to meditate.

Zhang Mofan also talked with Baby Dragon, and said, "Baby Dragon, what is the result of Xu Luochen's ring?"

"The harvest is not small, Dao Dan has one million, and there are many rare metal materials. As for his Dao Treasure weapon, because of his fall, the spirit is broken."

The baby dragon said carefully: "There is still a scroll of parchment paper with nothing on it. My baby guesses that this scroll of parchment paper should be related to the mission of Xu Luochen sent by the gods to the desert world. However, this baby can't think of a way to crack it!"

"Let me explore it!"

Zhang Mofan said.

Immediately, Baby Dragon grabbed the scroll of parchment in his hand and spread it out directly.

Zhang Mofan urged the Holy Spirit body, explored the past, and the terrifying spiritual power penetrated through, and immediately found that the inside of the parchment was faintly fluctuating.

"The formation is actually hidden inside, but unfortunately, the formation is too cryptic. It is very difficult to crack."

Zhang Mofan recovered his mental power.

If you want to crack such a formation, you can only ask a powerful formation master.

"It seems that we can only crack it later!"

Long Baobao said.

Next, Zhang Mofan began to practice with his eyes closed, and began to slowly comprehend Dao Fa. The cultivation of Dao Fa can only be realized by himself, and the Dao Fa energy in Dao's heart will gradually increase.

After a full half-day journey, the two finally arrived at the Tianhuang Sub-Pavilion of the Daughter Kingdom.

When the two landed, an old man in Chinese clothes slowly greeted him and smiled and said, "If the old man didn't guess wrong, you two are Li Susu and Huang Qing!"

"How did you guess?"

Zhang Mofan said in surprise.

The old man in Chinese clothes smiled and introduced himself: "The old man is the steward of the Tianhuang Sub-Pavilion. You can call me the fierce steward. There are five geniuses on the list of natural talents in the entire daughter country, with two rankings. In the first nine, they have long since stopped asking about world affairs, and they should not appear anymore. As for the other one, the old man has seen him."

Zhang Mofan said, "Could it be that the top nine will not come?"

"Of course not, as long as you are interested in piercing through the building, they will appear!"

As Manager Lie said, he introduced Zhang Mofan and Li Susu into the Tianhuang Pavilion and said, "Huang Qing, our pavilion owner is very interested in you and wants to meet you alone."

Li Susu on the side said: "Huang Qing, you have just entered the Heavenly Desolate Talents List, and Heavenly Desolation Pavilion only sees your performance from the screen. This time, the Pavilion Master should want to ask you something!

"it is good!"

Zhang Mofan nodded.

Soon, he was taken to the highest level in the attic by the steward. Inside was a study room. A middle-aged man was standing beside the bookshelf reading a book.

"Pavilion Master Yuan, bring it with Huang Qing!"

Lie in charge.

Yuan Qing put the book in the shelf and said lightly: "Okay, you can go out."

After the manager Lie left, Yuan Qing walked to Zhang Mofan, sat down slowly, and said, "It seems that you are younger than the pavilion master imagined."

"Meet the pavilion master!"

Zhang Mofan arched his hands.

" Don't be too polite, your achievements will surpass this pavilion owner sooner or later."

Yuan Qing waved his hand.

Zhang Mofan said: "You are the elder, and I am the junior!"

"In the realm of Heavenly Desolate Masters, qualifications are of no use. You are ranked 13th on the Heavenly Desolate Talents List. Many people will respect you because this list is very authoritative!"

Yuan Qing said: "No one dares to question the authority of this list!"

Zhang Mofan nodded, without any doubt, those who can make the list are very talented.

"The pavilion master wants to summon you, but he just wants to confirm your talents again. Of course, what makes me most puzzled is how you hurt the real-world martial artist?"

Yuan Qing stared at Zhang Mofan's eyes and asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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