Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2384: : 5000 doudou method?

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Zhang Mofan carefully observed the three Dao Fa and felt that the fluctuations in two Dao Fa were very strong, and the fluctuation in one Dao Fa was the most vulnerable.

The most fragile Dao Fa is vaguely engraved with the number of five thousand horses.

As for the other two methods, one is 3500 horses and the other is 3000 horses.

"Obviously it is the most powerful Taoism, why is the fluctuation so low?"

Zhang Mofan shook his head secretly, and finally reached out to choose the martial arts of the five thousand horses. Yao Tiange frowned when she saw this scene, and she could also feel a trace of fluctuation.

The Taoism Zhang Mofan chose had very weak fluctuations.

When Zhang Mofan opened the cover, a jade-like book was placed quietly wherever it was. A few large characters were engraved on the cover of the book.

It's just that the engraved below is not the 5,000-pi Dao Fa, but an estimated 5,000-pi Dao Fa.


Not to mention Zhang Mofan, even Yao Tiange has seen such a description for the first time.

In general Taoism, the exact number of horses will be inscribed. The stronger the number of horses, the stronger the power. As for what does this estimate mean?

"Is it possible that if you cultivate, you may not be able to reach five thousand horses?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

Yao Tiange shook his head and said: "Taoism is different from martial arts. After practicing, the power is the strongest, and the number of horses is as many as the number of horses."

"I haven't cultivated to the realm of Taoism yet, so let's look at it when I reach the realm of Taoism!"

Zhang Mofan put away the Dao Fa directly, saying goodbye to the male fairy pavilion.

For him, the Dao Fa of 5,000 horses is already very good, even if it does not reach 5,000 horses, it is very scary to reach 4,000 horses.

After the two left the male fairy pavilion, they were about to leave the daughter city and rush to the Tianhuang Sub-Pavilion of the daughter country.

Tianhuang Pavilion has four sub-chambers and one general pavilion, Tianjian Ridge, Sendai, the Land of the Beasts, and the Kingdom of the Daughters.

News from Tianhuang Pavilion wanted Zhang Mofan to report on the branch with the jade charm.

at the same time!

Chong Xian Ge!

A waitress entered the Chongxian Pavilion, handed a note to a woman, and then left. This note was a secret message.

After Luo Zilin received the information, he was overjoyed, and he immediately approached Xu Luochen, saying: "Xu Luochen, I just received the information. That Mofan and the Yaotiange of the Nvzhuang Pavilion went together and left the palace. Intelligence, they should be preparing to leave Daughter City, this is our chance."

"Leaving Daughter City? What did he do when he left Daughter City?"

Xu Luochen was extremely surprised.

Luo Zilin said: "Now that Mofan has become the thirteenth genius on the list of talented talents, he will definitely be reused by the daughter country. He will definitely not stay in the palace honestly. He wants to go out and practice. It's a good opportunity for us to kill him!"

Xu Luochen showed joy on his face and said: "It is indeed a good opportunity to kill him. If we can take his head back to Xu's house and tell Zhang Mofan that it is Huang Qing, I am afraid that the reward will be more!"

Before, Zhang Mofan was just an ordinary warrior, and the reward reached one million Dao Dan, but Zhang Mofan has become the thirteenth strongest in the talent list, and the reward has been increased by at least ten times.

"Let's get out of the city quickly to ambush them!"

Xu Luochen said.

Luo Zilin's face also showed an incomparably killing aura. What they were waiting for was this moment.

The two of them have achieved a huge breakthrough in these three months.

Luo Zilin was successfully promoted to the early stage of Daozhen. As for Xu Luochen, he had cultivated to the peak of the early stage of Daozhen very early, and he was almost able to break through. If he hadn't been snatched from the emperor's favor by Zhang Mofan, he might have been three months ago. Breaking through the middle stage of Daozhen, and now, he has also successfully promoted to the middle stage of Daozhen.

Zhang Mofan was able to defeat the early stage of Daozhen, but they had an early stage of Daozhen, an intermediate stage of Daozhen, plus the means of their godly legacy, it was too easy to obliterate it.

The two were in ambush very quickly, and they came outside the daughter city very early. As for Zhang Mofan, it took a while for Zhang Mofan to go to the male fairy pavilion before leaving the daughter city.

"Confirm that only Zhang Mofan and Yao Tiange, I will deal with Yao Tiange, you go to contain Zhang Mofan!"

Xu Luochen said: "I killed Yaotiange as quickly as possible, and then we will join hands to deal with Zhang Mofan. It is best to be able to catch it alive. If you can't catch it alive, then kill it directly."

Luo Zilin shook his head and said: "I don't think it will work. Since Zhang Mofan can defeat Yao Tiange, his true strength is probably not weaker than me. What if he sees the situation is not good and runs away?"

Xu Luochen frowned upon hearing this, and said, "What should I do?"

"I will show up first. You are now the strength of Daozhen's mid-term. You must be hidden. They will not be able to detect you. You look for opportunities and directly attack Yao Tiange!"

Lorraine Good idea, let's follow! "

Xu Luochen nodded and agreed to Luo Zilin's plan.

Zhang Mofan did not notice that anyone was following them at first, but over time, he felt something was wrong.

In the vast void, the cold wind was blowing slowly, cold and biting.

At this moment, the air completely solidified.

Zhang Mofan turned around and really saw a figure flying by, it was Luo Zilin.

Luo Zilin stared at Zhang Mofan with a gloomy look, with endless killing intent, and said: "Zhang Mofan, you are really amazing. Not only has you become the emperor's favorite, you have also changed to become the thirteenth genius on the genius list. You are a good method."

During the speech, the powerful fluctuation of Dao power was also transmitted, showing the true momentum of Dao.

Yao Tiange looked at Luo Zilin, the person who came was unkind, and couldn't help asking: "Who is your excellency? We have to go out to work, leave quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being polite!"

However, Yao Tiange is also a little afraid of Luo Zilin. If a fight is really going to happen, she may not be sure to defeat the opponent.

"Luo Zilin, I didn't expect you to be successfully promoted to the realm of Taoism. Do you want to kill me and then go to the Xu family to ask for credit?"

Zhang Mofan smiled lightly.

"Not bad!"

Luo Zilin gritted his teeth and said: "Kill you, everything is peaceful!"

"Indeed, kill me, nothing will happen, and no one will know your identity. You can also pick my head to receive the reward. However, I guess you are not so stupid. How could a person appear in In front of me, you must have a helper, right?" Zhang Mofan continued to laugh.

Luo Zilin's expression sank.

It seemed that Zhang Mofan had guessed everything.

Both of them are knowledgeable, even if he is promoted to Daozhen in the early stage, it will not be easy to defeat Zhang Mofan.

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