Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2376: : The real power of war

  Yao Tiange narrowed her eyes slightly, and the majestic power rolled over her body, condensing a layer of strong aquamarine light, like water bubbles.

   At the same time, the long sword in her hand exploded with great power, and hit the halberd fiercely.


The space around    seemed to have been bombarded by this sword, sweeping out a terrifying sword energy vortex.

  Yao Tiange didn't keep her hands, she really showed her own means, the shot was her own most powerful swordsmanship, and it directly collided with Zhang Mofan.


   Two intermediate Dao instruments slammed together, causing violent fluctuations. Yao Tiange remained motionless, but Zhang Mofan was directly retreated by the shock.

   Zhang Mofan's figure was shocked and he ran his own techniques to directly resist this powerful counter-shock force.


Yao Tiange's complexion changed, but she didn't expect that Zhang Mofan could withstand her swordsmanship. In her opinion, Zhang Mofan's use of the Heaven and Earth Overlord Art, her own strength has indeed reached the level of Daozhen's early days, but from her point of view, it is actually still There is a big gap.

However, she didn't know that Zhang Mofan's own cultivation techniques were too strong. If it were an ordinary person, even if they could contend positively, that powerful force would penetrate into it, and it would be impossible to withstand the physical defense of a Taoist powerhouse. .

   However, Zhang Mofan himself is a Xumi warrior body, able to withstand this power, coupled with the resolution of his exercises, successfully resisted Yao Tiange's move.

   Therefore, whether it is attack or defense, they have the background to fight against the strong in the early days of Daozhen.

   Without waiting for Yao Tiange's surprise, Zhang Mofan took the initiative again and swung out with a halberd. The thunder entangled on it, like a thunder god's halberd, directly landing on Yao Tiange's head.

   "This guy, is the offensive so fierce?"

   Yao Tiange was secretly shocked. Although Zhang Mofan succeeded in blocking her move, the advantages and disadvantages were also very obvious, but he did not expect that Zhang Mofan would still actively attack, and the halberd directly blasted his face.

   bang bang bang!

   A series of fierce collision sounds, constantly resounding, Zhang Mofan's successive attacks, every blow is very fierce and terrifying, like a storm.

   Although Yao Tiange was able to take all the attacks calmly and unhurriedly, he was shocked to find that Zhang Mofan's offensive became more and more powerful, and the offensive became more and more fierce: "He is also a **** body? Is the offensive so fierce?"

   She could feel a strong war intent from Zhang Mofan's offensive. This kind of war intent made Zhang Mofan's strength stronger and stronger in Vietnam, and this war intent came out of the divine body.

   Generally speaking, in the Heavenly Desolate Realm, those who can become geniuses have gathered a powerful divine body, but it is the first time she has seen a divine body like Zhang Mofan.

   For a while, Yao Tiange was completely suppressed by Zhang Mofan, and could only resist it, without even having a chance to backhand.

   Around the female fighting platform, countless warriors looked at this scene in shock.

   A warrior in the late Dao sect battled with the warrior in the early Dao sect, and the former actually suppressed the thick.

   How is this possible?

   At the beginning, Yao Tiange repelled Zhang Mofan with a single move, but now the situation has changed dramatically, and Zhang Mofan suppressed Yaotiange instead.

   "Huang Qing, I have to admit, you have given me more and more surprises."

  Yao Tiange looked at Zhang Mofan, the aquamarine blisters condensed all over his body, unexpectedly began to slowly expand, and finally all of Zhang Mofan's offensive was ejected.

   At the same time, Yao Tiange's gaze also became deeper, and the powerful Dao law fluctuated, rising from his body, and the long sword in his hand burst out with earth-shaking power and suddenly assassinated it.

   "The Dao Long Yin Sword!"


   The entire space dimmed at this moment, without a trace of light.

   The long sword that was assassinated suddenly became the only bright spot between the heavens and the earth, and then, a dragon roar resounded, shaking the earth.

   Two thousand one hundred horses!

   "Hahaha, two thousand one hundred horses Dao Fa, good come!"

   Zhang Mofan laughed when he saw this scene, and his big hand condensed a golden long sword, which was the Eastern Emperor's Great Sword. It drew a huge arc in the void and slammed the past fiercely.

   Slashing the Sky and Destroying the Excalibur!

   A long sword that extinguishes heaven's punishment swept out.

   The Great Sword of the East Emperor and the Great Dao Long Yin Sword collided very much.


   The sky is shaking.

   In the minds of everyone around, there was a horrible roar that echoed continuously.

   And after the roar.


   There was a muffled hum from the two at the same time, both of them withdrew, with blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths, and they suffered a defeat.

   However, Zhang Mofan's own defense is strong, not only the Xumi combat body, but also the rebellious body, the effects of the two will not be repelled, so the injury healed instantly.

   Zhang Mofan stood tall in the void, standing still, his breath still soaring to the sky, no signs of weakening.

   As for Yao Tiange's body, it began to energize, it began to be like water, twisted continuously, and then it returned to normal.

   Obviously, Yao Tiange has urged the body of the Dao to resolve the offensive.

  "Yaotiange was forced to display the Taoist style. Is it true that Yaotiange can't defeat Huang Qing?"

   "Not so, but Huang Qing's physical defense seems to be stronger!"

   "Yao Tiange still has a few powerful Tao techniques without actual combat~ As long as those Tao techniques are displayed, there will be no suspense."


   Many people were shocked when they saw this scene. They didn't seem to expect that the battle between the two would evolve into such a situation.


   Ren Qianqian said: "Mother Emperor, this Zhang Mofan, should be eligible to be selected for the talent list, right?"

Taihuang nodded and said: "With his current qualifications, he is indeed eligible to be selected for the talent list, and may even be ranked higher. If he has a hole card in the follow-up and really defeats Yaotiange, that ranking may be higher!"

   "Then do you think he can defeat Yao Tiange?" Ren Qianqian asked again.

Taihuang shook his head, and said, "Do you think it is possible? Just a Taoist body makes Yaotiange invincible, and Yaotiange has cultivated a martial art of 3,000 horses. As long as he performs this trick, Huang Qing will undoubtedly lose."

   At this time, Yao Tiange's body reunited and said: "Huang Qing, what do you have to do? If not, then it's over!"


The void dimmed completely. Eight giant dragons surrounded her body, and then under the guidance of her long sword, they gathered together, pointed to Zhang Mofan, and said: "Three thousand horses, eight heavenly dragons !".

   The people among them saw the eight phantoms of heavenly dragons floating in the void, and their expressions changed suddenly. This Yaotian Ge actually displayed the strongest Taoism directly.

   It seems that this trick is to be used to end the battle!

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