Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2267: : Unlimited space

Back then, it was the Ghost King Sect who fanned the flames and killed their Soul Eater tribe. Indeed, many of their Soul Eater tribes went to devour the souls of others and claimed them as their own.

However, the clansmen of other races will also kill people for treasure.

They are all murders, but the purpose is different. Isn't it a crime to seize treasure, it is a crime to devour the soul of others?

It is precisely because of the ghost kingzong that the Soul Eater clan is debilitating and perishing.

Therefore, when Qin Zheng heard of the ghost kingzong, he exuded murderous intent for the first time, and this was the first time since the establishment of the dynasty.

"Yes, it's Ghost King Zong!"

The Eighth Master nodded and said, "Now, the Holy Ghost King has returned to the Ghost King Sect. When he truly regains his strength, he will definitely come back. His first goal will be your Qin Palace."

Hearing that, Qin Zheng's expression was a little solemn, even the Demon Slayer Sage thought he was not an opponent, and he wanted to join hands with him.

"Ghost King Zhisheng pretends to be Zhang Tianxia, ​​and he definitely wants to rule a new dynasty, so you should be prepared."

Ba Ye slowly said.

Qin Zhengdao: "Okay, I will work with you to deal with the Holy Ghost King. With the strength of the three of us, it should not be a problem to fight the Holy Ghost King."

However, Ba Ye shook his head and said: "The problem is very big. If the three of us work together, we may not be able to defeat it. Everything has to wait for Brother Fan to come."

"Zhang Mofan really cultivated to such a strong strength?"

Qin Zheng frowned. Back then, he attacked Zhang Mofan and wanted to kill Zhang Mofan.

Now, Zhang Mofan will really cooperate with him?

In fact, Qin Zheng was the passive party in this matter, because Qin Zheng had a huge dynasty.

Zhang Mofan and Ba Ye, if they do not find a way to deal with Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng and the Qin Dynasty will be fatally hit.

"Meet the emperor!"

At this time, the most sage Wanhua came in and said, "His Royal Highness said, don't do anything for the time being. Zhang Mofan is with him, but Zhang Mofan is cultivating and cannot leave the customs for a while."

"What? Zhang Mofan is already in the Qin Palace? When did he come in?"

Thinking of this, Qin Zheng couldn't help but inhaled. Unknowingly, he could enter their palace without being discovered. These methods are definitely not simple.

"We don't know, and there is one more thing I want to report to you."

Wanhua is the holy way.


Qin Zhengdao.

"You tell me to pretend to be a loose cultivator and approach Emperor Qin. Uncle Qin really wants to kill His Royal Highness. Moreover, he also knows that I am a spy. If it weren't for Zhang Mofan, even if he appeared, I'm afraid I would have been killed by Uncle Qin. "

Wanhua Zhisheng reported.

After Qin Zheng heard this, he sighed deeply. The one who should come is still to come. His younger brother, in order to fight for the position of the emperor, fights against Tian'er openly and secretly. Originally, such a fight is good, why should he want to kill?

"Did the prince kill Qin De?"

Qin Zheng asked.

Wanhua Zhisheng said: "The prince swallowed the uncle Qin's fighting spirit, and transferred the uncle Qin's life fighting spirit to Zhang Mofan's body. Now, Zhang Mofan is fusing the soul-eater fighting spirit."

"What? Devour Soul Beast Fighting Soul? Crazy, he is really crazy."

Qin Zheng stood up directly, hurriedly, and walked towards the imperial uncle's mansion. As for the Eighth Master and Seven Kings, they also followed suit.

When Qin Zheng entered the mansion and saw Qin De lying on the ground, he was dying. As for Qin Tian's Tai Chi and Qin Tian formation fighting spirit, he was still releasing.

But Zhang Mofan was sitting cross-legged on the ground, his eyes closed slightly, but his face showed pain.

When Qin Tian saw Qin Zheng coming in, he immediately folded his hands and said, "Worship your father."

"God, are you convicted?"

Qin Zheng said coldly.

Qin Tian said in a puzzled way: "Father, what is the crime of children? You have said that if the emperor has a murderous intent on me, I can kill him directly. All the titled Supreme Powerhouses on the scene can testify."

"I'm not talking about this. You transferred your fighting spirit to Zhang Mofan, which violated the rules of the clan."

Qin Zheng said coldly: "You are desecrating the Soul Eater."

Qin Tiandao: "Since I was born, the Soul Eater has died, and you have never taught me anything. I only know that I am Prince Qin. You teach me to know the good news. Zhang Mofan once saved me. I also retaliated with virtue and helped me many times, so I decided to do this."

"He saved you before?"

Qin Zheng said in surprise.

Qin Tian nodded and replied: "When the emperor and I went to Xiu Mo Sanctuary to attack the black market, if it weren't for Zhang Mofan's secret attack, I would have been beheaded by the master of the Evil Soul Race."

For a moment, Qin Zheng was also silent, and said: "Tian'er, you have not received the ancestral training, and you can't be blamed. Now that it has happened, just let the flow go."

Eighth Master looked at Zhang Mofan and said, "Brother Fan, what is he doing?"

"He is fusing our soul-eaters to fight souls. Although the probability of success is very low, he can still hold a glimmer of hope."

Qin Tiandao.

Ba Ye was slightly startled, then looked at Qin Zheng, and said, "You are from the Soul Eater? No wonder you all have so many souls."

The Soul Eater can swallow the fighting spirit, Ba Ye knows better than anyone else.

In ancient times, many powerful clans had extremely powerful fighting spirits, each with their own supernatural powers.

At this moment!

Zhang Mofan really entered the key point of fusion, because he tried hundreds of fusions, and the Soul Eater couldn't improve it, and it really reached the limit.

Therefore, this is the final fusion.

"Be sure to hold back and change to an ordinary person. I'm on the verge of collapse. Fortunately, my Holy Spirit is very powerful."

Zhang Mofan secretly thought Then he gave a low voice, and a tyrannical breath erupted from Zhang Mofan.

The Tai Chi Blue Sky Formation was directly shattered, and even Qin Tian flew out in shock, spouting blood.

Immediately afterwards, the soul-eater of the soul-eater came out of Zhang Mofan's eyebrows and hovered behind him. The body was also five feet tall, exuding a powerful spirit of fighting.

"The fusion was successful? And, how can his Soul Eater fighting soul be five feet tall?"

When Qin Zheng saw this scene, his cold face was incredulous.

As for Qin Tian, ​​a smile appeared on his face: "It's successful, hahaha, Zhang Mofan really succeeded."

Zhang Mofan slowly opened his eyes, put the soul-eater fighting spirit into the sea of ​​knowledge, and slowly said: "My fighting spirit space can infinitely contain fighting spirits!"

Infinite space, Zhang Mofan’s soul-eater’s fighting spirit has truly been transformed under the transformation of the four major fighting spirits. Its fighting spirit space has been opened up into an infinite space, which can infinitely swallow fighting spirits and merge into the fighting spirit space. .

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