Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 2013: : The 8th soul

There are only seven rounds in the body of an ordinary warrior.

And to open the Eight Door Dunjia, you need eight incarnations, and the eighth incarnation needs to be developed by yourself.

Once it is successfully developed, there is no increase in itself, but it means that there is hope to open the eighth dead gate of the eight gates of Dunjia.

Among the politicians, many people are Qipu, and they don't even want to find a way to open the eighth soul, because they never wanted to open the dead door in the past.

Dead door means death.

"In the Death Gate Peak, I don't know how many disciples there are. They spent countless hours looking for a way to unlock the Eight Souls. This kid just got a serious injury and he automatically opened it."

The sloppy beggar couldn't help but shook his head, took out a few sacred pill from his body and gave it to Zhang Mofan to subdue him, then sat aside, touched his body, and remembered that the gourd was gone.

at this time!

Zhang Mofan's body has indeed undergone tremendous changes. The sword of the ghost and ghost hit Zhang Mofan's chest, and the wound began to heal.

However, when healed, a round of soul was formed automatically, in the position of Zhang Mofan's heart.

A heart has two atria, the left atrium is the heart round, and the right atrium is the eighth round of Zhang Mofan, the death round!

After this chakra is activated, it is still a bit beneficial for Zhang Mofan, because Zhang Mofan has more than a thousand secondary meridians in his body, so an extra chakra will make Zhang Mofan's exercises smoother.

Zhang Mofan was in a coma for three days before he gradually woke up.

When he opened his eyes and slowly got up, he saw the sloppy beggar drinking wine.

"Are you finally awake?"

The sloppy beggar said.

Zhang Mofan rubbed his head, recalling what had happened in the past few days, he immediately stood up and said, "Thank you, senior, for helping me."

The sloppy beggar said: "Are you a disciple of the strategist?"

Zhang Mofan didn't deny it and nodded.

"Because you are a disciple of the political strategist, I took action to save you, and you were injured this time, a blessing in disguise, and opened the eighth round."

The sloppy beggar said.

Zhang Mofan checked, and he really found that the main meridian in his body did indeed include eight incarnations.

The extra round of soul is also in his heart.

"What the **** is going on? I actually started the eighth round?"

Zhang Mofan felt unbelievable, and then he was shocked, and realized that he was hit by the ghost's sword aura in that position.

"You have opened five doors now, but you don't seem to have really mastered the knack. The improvement that you have brought to yourself by opening the eight doors of Dunjia is not great."

The sloppy beggar said, "Which peak's disciple are you?"

Zhang Mofan replied truthfully: "The disciple just joined the Death Gate Peak!"

"Dead Gate Peak?"

The sloppy beggar was slightly startled. It seemed that he didn't expect that Zhang Mofan would join the Death Gate Peak. Only the real dead brain would join the Death Gate Peak.

"Senior, you seem to know a lot about my strategists, are you a disciple of my strategists?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

The disciples of the political strategists can be said to be truly all over the Zhou Yuan realm. Although they have only practiced at the strategists for three years, they still hold a very respectful attitude towards the strategists. For them, there is a holy land.

Therefore, it is not impossible that the disciples of the political strategist will rescue him.

"That's it."

The sloppy beggar nodded and said, "I think you have a destiny with me, so I will point you to one or two and help you develop the various rounds of the Eight Doors Dunjia to a certain extent."

"What does this mean?"

Zhang Mofan didn't quite understand.

"The first door of Bamen Dunjia is the eyebrow round. After opening, it can improve the martial artist's insight ability. However, the disciple of the ordinary strategist can only increase his own insight by three times after opening the door. Warriors can reach four times."

The sloppy beggar explained: "Similarly, the same is true for other rounds. As long as you can develop, the power of your Eight Doors Dunjia will be at least twice as powerful as it is now."

Hearing this, Zhang Mofan finally came to understand that this is the eight peaks, isn't this what he is studying?

The disciple of Kaimen Peak has amazing insight.

The disciples of Xiumen Peak have amazing thinking ability.

The disciples of Shengmenfeng have a longer aura, and the sonic martial arts they have displayed are stronger than other disciples of the peak.

"Zongheng Bafeng's major is how to develop Bamen Dunjia to the extreme."

Zhang Mofan said.

"That's just the Lord's round of rounds, but all rounds of rounds have the same place, except for the dead rounds."

The sloppy beggar said: "I only point you for an hour, how much you can understand depends on your own good fortune."

"Thank you senior."

Zhang Mofan arched his hands.

Then, the sloppy beggar explained to Zhang Mofan the principle of the Eight Doors Dunjia, and how to use the domineering aura in his body to attack the chakra.

Among them, skills are required.

If it is a random impact, opening the Eight Doors Dunjia will bring a threefold increase.

Listening to the sloppy beggar's explanation, Zhang Mofan felt the unfathomable depth of the sloppy beggar. The other party's understanding of Bamen Dunjia had reached a terrifying level.

Bamen Dunjia is actually a deeper level of martial arts, capable of studying Bamen Dunjia so thoroughly.

"Who is this senior?"

Zhang Mofan was secretly surprised, and there was even an existence where he had met an expert. It was really hard for him to imagine that such an expert was only a disciple.

"Well, there is only so much I can point out. The next step is your own understanding."

The sloppy beggar flew directly into the air, turned to look at Zhang Mofan, and said: "Remember not to shame the strategists. You are very talented. Although I don't know who you are, I am very accurate. You have great hope to become Jiezi."

After talking the sloppy beggar left.

Zhang Mofan watched the scruffy beggar leave, and he didn't understand why the scruffy beggar had to say that, but he quickly threw the matter into his mind and began to study the Eight Doors Dunjia.

He now opens eight Dunjia doors, each of which has been improved by three times. If he can reach four times, his combat power will be greatly improved. This is not just an increase in strength.

For example, the insight is improved. Perhaps, just a little bit of insight, you can see the opponent's attack.

"This person is extremely strong!"

At this moment, the Azure Dragon Stone Talisman spoke: "I have deliberately reduced the aura just now, otherwise, it is very likely that he will perceive it."

"He should not be malicious to me."

Zhang Mofan said.

"He also seems to have a spirit aura, maybe the Vermillion Bird Talisman is on him."

Qinglong Shifu said.

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