Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1991: : Li Shishi’s difficulties

Li Shishi never expected that Zhang Mofan came to visit her, actually asking about Ge Feng, and immediately there was no Yuwang to continue the conversation.

Seeing Master Li's emotions, Zhang Mofan couldn't help but said, "Sect Master Li, although I don't know exactly what happened, please believe that I don't have any malice against you Xiaoyao Sect. I am Ge Feng's friend."

"You don't need to say much, if you don't leave, don't blame me for being polite."

While speaking, Master Li's body shook, and the powerful immeasurable holy way was released, showing the cultivation of the eighth-order of the Great Sage.

When the Great Sage cultivates to the seventh level or above, he can comprehend the immeasurable holy way. The so-called immeasurable is the boundless sea. The holy way blessed by the holy power can make the holy power as majestic as the sea.

Therefore, if the Great Sage breaks through from the sixth rank to the seventh rank, the strength will be very terrifying. As for the eighth rank, it will be stronger.

The Great Sage is above the seventh level, and every time he breaks through the first level, his cultivation will change drastically.

Zhang Mofan felt Li Shishi's aura and didn't want to fight with the other party, but fortunately left directly.

If Zhang Mofan does not try to please him, the relationship between the two will be even worse.

However, Zhang Mofan didn't stay away from Xiaoyao Sect, but lay in ambush nearby, intending to ambush an older disciple to see if he could ask for some information about Ge Feng.

Since he came to Xiaoyao Sect, he could not return without success.

However, Zhang Mofan waited outside for three days and did not see any disciples leaving Xiaoyao Sect.

"I have no patience to spend here."

Zhang Mofan once again came to the memorial arch of Xiaoyao Sect and shouted, "Sect Master Li, I really have no ill intentions. I hope you can tell me about Ge Feng."

call out!

However, just after he finished speaking, a sword light swept through the depths of Xiaoyao Sect, passing by Zhang Mofan.

"Your Excellency, this sword is a warning to you. If you continue to entangle you, don't blame me for being rude."

Master Li's voice came out.

"If you don't tell me, I will always stay close to your sect. As long as there are casual practitioners coming to your sect, I will send them away."

Zhang Mofan said loudly.

"Do whatever you want."

Li Shishi stood at the entrance of the hall and replied, re-entering the hall.

"Sect Master, maybe that person is really Ge Feng's friend?"

An old man walked out slowly.

"Do you think I will believe in others again? For our Xiaoyao Sect, Ge Feng is a benefactor and a sinner. He has brought glory to our Xiaoyao Sect and also brought disasters. If it weren't for him, our Xiaoyao Sect can be flat As An An continues to develop, my sister will never know him."

As Master Li said, tears shed in her eyes, "If it weren't for him, my sister would not have been killed even if she hadn't even been able to see her newly born child, and even the child would be taken away."

The old man also sighed and said, "Ge Feng can't be blamed for this. If it wasn't for Ge Feng, our Xiaoyao Sect would have long since existed."

"I will never forgive him, never will."

Master Li said.

"Sect Master, what you most want to do is to help Yaoyao find her child? Her child was taken away by the people of the Zhang Dynasty, and the people of the Zhang Dynasty are hiding in the Holy Land of Xiu Mo."

The old man said, "I have been investigating for so many years and I have also explored some clues. The black market in Longmen is very likely to be the power of the Zhang Dynasty."

"I know it naturally."

Master Li said, "However, we have no access to the black market of Longmen at all."

"Since that man wants to know the whereabouts of Ge Feng, we might as well send him to the Longmen black market and ask him to investigate. In this way, we can test whether he is really Ge Feng’s friend, and we can use him to help. We investigate the whereabouts of the Zhang Dynasty."

The old man said.

Master Li waved his hand and refused, "No, the Longmen Black Market is too dangerous. It is said that if you want to go to the Longmen Black Market, you must not only have enough wealth, but also have the strength, otherwise, you will have no bones if you have not entered the Longmen Black Market. "

"Are you worried about his safety? In that case, you can tell him directly about Ge Feng."

The old man said.

Master Li stubbornly said, "I don't have one, then do it according to your plan."

Immediately, Master Li invited Zhang Mofan in and said, "What do you call it?"

Zhang Mofan thought for a moment and said, "My name is Fengtian!"

He thought of a name at random, and it didn't have any special meaning, but it could be remembered by him.


Master Li groaned and said, "It's not impossible if you want to know about Ge Feng. As long as you do something for me, as long as you can do it successfully, I will tell you."

"whats the matter?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

"Do you know the Longmen Black Market?"

Master Li said.

Zhang Mofan shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

"The Longmen Black Market is a very mysterious force in the Holy Land of Moss. This black market only accepts treasures above the sacred artifacts. Of course, if you want to buy the sacred artifacts, you can also go to the Longmen Black Market."

Master Li said, "However, the location of the Longmen Black Market is very remote, and there are many evil and evil forces stationed around it. If you want to go to the Longmen Black Market, it is dangerous."

"What do you want me to do in Longmen Black Market?"

Zhang Mofan was also the first time he heard about this power, and after listening to the Sect Master of Xiaoyao Sect, this Longmen black market was obviously not simple.

"Explore intelligence, intelligence about the Zhang Dynasty."

Master Li said directly.

"Do you think the Longmen Black Market is related to the Zhang Dynasty?"

Zhang Mofan asked in surprise.

Master Li nodded and said, "Of course, the Longmen black market can't even penetrate into the strong Qin Dynasty. You should know that my Xiaoyao Sect has begun to decline. If I can investigate the information of the Zhang Dynasty, I will give it to the Qin Dynasty. Xiaoyao Sect will definitely be able to restore to its peak of the year."

"No, it's more than the peak of the year."

Master Li looked at Zhang Mofan with beautiful eyes, and the corners of his mouth pursed and said, "Of course, this matter is very dangerous, you can consider it."

"Don't think about I agree."

Zhang Mofan happily agreed.

Shishi Li was immediately stunned. She said that the Longmen black market was so dangerous. According to the truth, the man in front of her should not agree, and even showed a fearful expression.

Who would have thought that the man in front of him directly agreed.

"You don't think about it anymore? I can see that you are only the fifth-order cultivation base of the Great Sage."

Master Li said.

"Don't think about it, I want to know about Ge Feng, so I will try it at any price."

Zhang Mofan said seriously, "However, I don't have any resources. I need you to give me some resources." (To be continued)

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