Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1978: : The game 100,000 years ago

Chapter 1976 The Game One Hundred Thousand Years Ago

What is the meaning of the existence of the Seven Great Masters?

Naturally, Zhang Mofan didn't know, he only knew that the Seven Great Masters of Ancient Ancient Times were to develop Zhou Yuanjie and make Zhou Yuanjie rise steadily.

However, listening to Death Sword's words, Zhang Mofan clearly felt that the significance of the existence of the Seven Great Masters in ancient times would not be that simple.

"Actually, it was not an accident that the Blood Demon Realm could invade Zhou Yuanjie, but a game over 100,000 years ago. We Zhou Yuanjie lost."

Death Sword said lightly.

"Game? One hundred thousand years ago? What is going on?"

Zhang Mofan was secretly surprised, this kind of thing was like a fantasy for him.

"In fact, our Zhou Yuanjie is only a low-level world, and outside Zhou Yuanjie, there are countless worlds as big and small as Zhou Yuanjie."

Death Sword Dao: "There are more than a dozen low-level worlds near our Zhou Yuanjie, and one of them is the Blood Demon World."

"It is said that more than 100,000 years ago, when we failed to win the World War, there were powerful people who helped the Blood Demon World to build a bridge."

"What? The mighty ones help the Blood Demon Realm build a bridge? What kind of strength is needed to achieve this?"

Zhang Mofan said in surprise.

These methods have completely surpassed Zhang Mofan's imagination. Could it be that outside Zhou Yuanjie, there are really other worlds out there?

"That may be the God we speak of."

Death Sword said, with awe in his eyes.

"What is the Jiezi War? Why did we fail to win the Jiezi War, such a thing would happen?"

Zhang Mofan continued to ask.

Su Fengqin on the side said: "According to God’s will, the weak have no value, because the weak are only consuming resources. Therefore, the world that Jiezi defeated in the war will be recognized as the weak, and Jiezi will win. First, even the strong."

"It is said that in the World War 100,000 years ago, the Blood Demon World won the first place. God helped the Blood Demon World to build a one-way bridge to help the Blood Demon World invade our Zhouyuan World."

Zhang Mofan listened to Su Fengqin's narration, and his heart was tumbling out of stormy waves.

At the same time, there was very anger in my heart.

Why? Why does the weak have no value for existence?

The weak will be slaughtered?

In the battle of the ancient times, if the Eighth Master had not successfully sealed the Blood Demon Ancestor, I am afraid that the entire Zhou Yuan Realm would be eroded by the Blood Demon Race.

All warriors may be colonized by the blood demons.

"This time at the Eight Peaks Conference, it is to select the most powerful geniuses and train them into preparatory players, so that they can participate in the battles in the future."

Dead Kendo.

"Master Giant meant to train me to become a world son?"

Zhang Mofan asked.

Death Sword nodded, and said nothing.

"Unfortunately, he is not even qualified to participate in the Eight Peaks Conference. This time, the Eight Peaks Conference is the last chance."

Su Fengqin sneered. In his opinion, Ji Yuyue really missed this time. Who could have imagined that Zhang Mofan had not been able to cultivate the strength of the vertical and horizontal directions for nearly two months.

Originally, Zhang Mofan had cultivated the strength of the vertical and horizontal directions in a month, and in the remaining ten days, he could still practice a few great vertical and horizontal techniques, and the seniors and sisters of them could also give pointers.

"Who said I didn't cultivate the strength of vertical and horizontal? I have already cultivated."

Zhang Mofan said.

"Oh? Have you cultivated the strength of the vertical and horizontal? Then let me see how strong the strength of the vertical and horizontal you cultivated."

As Su Fengqin said, his jade hand squeezed into a fist and turned into a fist mark, directly bombarding it out, like a golden hurricane, whistling towards Zhang Mofan.

There was no holy power in this punch, but it was urged by vertical and horizontal force.

And Su Fengqin's vertical and horizontal power is a hurricane, so the attack is mixed with sweeping power.

Zhang Mofan watched this scene, motionless, and also slapped a palm.


Zhang Mofan's palm and Su Fengqin's fist collided with each other, and he immediately felt a huge force sweeping over him. He took a dozen steps back, staggering back and forth, and almost fell to the ground.

Su Fengqin stood calmly in place, without even raising a single strand of hair.

"You have not cultivated the strength of vertical and horizontal at all."

Su Fengqin said.

There are strengths and weaknesses in vertical and horizontal power, but the gap will not be very large.

However, Zhang Mofan did not believe in people who cultivated vertical and horizontal power at all.

"Zhang Mofan, it seems that your talent is the same. I really don't know how you awakened the Three Lives Fighting Spirit."

Su Fengqin shook his head, feeling a little pity.

It seems that in the Eight Peaks Conference, they have no hope of death.

"No, Zhang Mofan has cultivated vertical and horizontal strength."

Death Sword spoke at this time, saying: "Although this power is very weak, it really exists. I can feel the fluctuation of the vertical and horizontal power."

"What are you talking about? Zhang Mofan really cultivated?"

Su Fengqin asked in disbelief: "Impossible, no matter how weak or weak the strength of the vertical and horizontal directions, it is impossible to have no strength at all. You must know that the ordinary warriors of the first rank of the great sage can cultivate the strength of the vertical and horizontal directions, but they can give themselves strength. , Bringing an increase of nearly 20%."

In other words, Zhang Mofan only used his vertical and horizontal power, and his attack could easily defeat a saint.

"He did practice."

Death Sword looked at Zhang Mofan and said, "Junior Brother Zhang Mofan, the Eight Peaks Conference is about to begin, let's rush over."

He didn't have time to ask Zhang Mofan what kind of vertical and horizontal strength he had cultivated. As long as he cultivated, he would be considered a disciple of the political strategist.

In fact, the spatial rules that Zhang Mofan comprehended really didn't have any attacks, but his true power was not used in attacks.

When the Death Sword urged his vertical and horizontal flying sword and took Zhang Mofan to fly away from Death Gate Peak, Zhang Mofan saw that many disciples flew out of the other eight peaks and flew towards a large hall in the distance. go with.

Finally, they landed one after another, to the square in front of the main hall, and retracted the vertical and horizontal flying swords.

Most of those disciples looked very young and energetic.

Su Fengqin opened the mouth and said: "Zhang This time only you are qualified to participate in the Eight Peaks Conference on behalf of our Death Gate Peak. You must fight for a place."

"What quota?"

"Prepare places for the world."

Su Fengqin said, "As long as you compete for this place, you will compete with other preparatory elders of the Seven Great Masters in the future for the status of elders."

Jiezi truly represents Zhou Yuanjie, and he will fight for Zhou Yuanjie in the future.

Zhang Mofan is not very interested in the position of this world son, but since he has agreed to Ji Yuyue, he can only fight for it with all his strength.

"Moreover, you can get the quota for this time, and there are many rewards."

Su Fengqin continued to add, trying to arouse Zhang Mofan's interest.

[Well, this one is more difficult to write, it involves a larger world view, and the fourth chapter is updated at 12:30. 】

(End of this chapter)

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