Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1921: : Any objections

Chapter 1919

"What's going on? The emperor's brother was in his prime, why did he determine the heir to the emperor so quickly, and there was no sign at all, and the position of the emperor was directly passed to Qin Tian."

Qin De was very angry and couldn't accept such a thing at all.

Even Qin Tian had a shocked expression on his face. Who could have imagined that Qin Zheng had passed him the position of the emperor so quickly.

Heir to the emperor, that is equivalent to half the emperor.

Before, he had been competing with Qin De. Now, Qin Zheng announced that this incident has completely driven Qin De into the abyss.

This news made everyone feel a little caught off guard.

Not only Qin De and Qin Tian, ​​those dynasty ministers, and Zhang Mofan also felt incredible.

"Do you have any objections?"

Qin Zheng saw that the court was talking a lot, and could not help asking.

Those ministers naturally did not dare to say much, and Qin De naturally couldn't accept it. He stood up and said, "Brother Emperor, I have objections."

Qin Zheng saw Qin De stand up, did not feel any surprise, and said, "Do you have any objections?"

"Brother Emperor, you once said, let me and Qin Tian compete fairly for the position of the heir of the emperor. I don't know what criteria you consider? Qin Tian not only failed to capture Zhang Dynasty's chaotic officials and thieves this time, but also let Zhuqueying The loss of 10% of the troops is a huge fault. The emperor brother not only did not punish him, but directly gave him the heir to the emperor. I am not satisfied.

Qin De said.

As an ordinary person, he didn't dare to stand up, but Qin De was different. Qin De was Qin Zheng's younger brother, and he was also his own younger brother.

"Are you dissatisfied?"

Qin Zhengdao: "This is my decision, what do you disagree with?"

"Brother Emperor, over the years, the credit I have made for the Qin Dynasty has been innumerable, large and small. Almost everything has not been flawed. On the contrary, Qin Tian has done many things wrong?"

Qin De said: "Back then, in the Kunshan battle, because of Qin Tian's fault, how many Golden Guards did he lose to the Qin Dynasty? As well as the loss of the Nine Dragon Sacred Cauldron, he also has an unshirkable responsibility. I don’t need to do much about the Rubik’s Cube. Having said that, sending so many people, not even a female devil in the saint realm was caught."

"This time, I don't need to say more about the matter. Compared with all the ministers present, they are clearer than me.

Qin De's mistakes that Qin Tian committed can be described as precious.

Qin Tian's expression remained unchanged, looking at his uncle.

Qin Zheng smiled and said: "Qin De, is it because of these things? If you do all these things, can you guarantee that you can do better than Tian'er?"

Hearing this, Qin De righteously said: "Of course, if I were to do those things, I would definitely do better than the prince. However, I don’t want to compete with the prince, so I have many opportunities, all I gave it to the prince."

Qin Tian sneered at Qin De's words. This emperor was really thick-skinned. Many of the things he did were considered hot potatoes, even if Qin De handled it himself, he couldn't handle it well.

However, Qin De actually said that he had given up all this opportunity to him. These were obviously hot potatoes.

"Oh, is it so?"

Qin Zheng smiled and said, "Qin De, since you said that you gave up all the opportunities to Tian'er before, then I will give you a chance now. I hope you can take it well. If you can complete it, I can confirm the identity of the heir to the emperor later."

"what chance?"

Qin De arched his hands and said, "Brother Emperor, I must be able to do it."

"Zhang Tianxia and Yao Qing must be hidden in the Holy Land of Xiu Mo. You send someone to kill them and give you a month."

Qin Zhengdao.

Killed Zhang Tianxia and Yao Qing in a month? How is this possible? Absolutely impossible, not to mention Uncle Qin, even if Qin Zheng personally went out, it was impossible.

Currently, no one knows where Zhang Tianxia is hiding.

"Brother Emperor, didn't you deliberately make things difficult for me?"

Qin De's face became embarrassed.

"Intentionally making things difficult for you? Then leave this to Tian'er."

Qin Zhengdao.

Qin Tian walked over slowly and said: "Father, although this matter is very difficult, but the child minister will use his life's strength to complete this matter. The day Zhang Tianxia is eradicated, the child minister will become the emperor. Time."

"Hahaha, good!"

Qin Zheng raised his head and laughed and said, "Qin De, have you seen it? Do you know why you are not comparable to Tian'er? You value your comparison with Tian'er too much. Tian'er did a lot of things wrong, but those Things should have been wrong, these mistakes will make him stronger."

"On the contrary, you, in order to compete, have been cautious, lest you mess up what you do, and take the initiative to do things that you think can be done. People like you take my place like this? Let you sit on the position of the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, and within a few years, you will surely decline."

After Qin Zheng said it, his tone began to increase.

When these words came out, many ministers in the court were speechless. It seemed that they didn't expect that Qin Zheng would make such a statement, and he was really angry at his younger brother.

However, Qin Zheng's words are also justified. Prince Qin did a lot of things, but these things can't be done by ordinary people.

"Qin De, do you have any objections? What else can you object to? How old are you than Tian'er? Now, have you surpassed him in cultivation?"

Qin Zheng then scolded angrily.

Qin De heard Qin Zheng's words and didn't dare to say much, he secretly said in his heart: "Emperor brother, after all, you still don't trust me, but you find a reason to suppress me. Perhaps, from the beginning, You never thought about letting me inherit your position."

Thinking of this, Qin De also felt a deep hatred in his heart.

Of course, he didn't dare to expose this kind of hatred. After all, Qin Zheng gave him the position of the emperor, and if Qin political leaders deprived him of it, he could easily take it back.

"Do you have any objections?"

Prince Qin asked again, and seeing no objection, he also said: "If there is no objection, then retreat."

After Qin Zheng left, many ministers came to favor Qin Tian. As for those who favored Qin De at the beginning, they began to alienate themselves. Since Qin De had no chance to become the emperor, what did they come to favor? Silly?

Qin De looked at the faces that slapped his horses, and said coldly, "Qin Tian, ​​I Qin De will fight back sooner or later, wait and see."

(End of this chapter)

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