Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1891: : Youkai adult

   The appearance of Arohai King relieved the situation temporarily.

   Many warriors have seen Aluohai King, the king of the wild seas, what purpose did they come here?

   Qinglong ancestor pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Elders of the Four Gods and Beast Races, come with me to hold a meeting with Alohai King."

   Arohai King has been on land from the future, and now he is here in person, there must be some important things.

   Zhang Mofan saw the elders, one by one, they turned into shadows and disappeared. He didn't know what medicine was sold in the gourd of A Luohai King.

   Fu Xiaogu also walked in front of Zhang Mofan and bowed and said, "Master Zhang, the servant and maid did not live up to your expectations and invited the Sea King."

Sea King came to Zhang Mofan and said: "Zhang Mofan, I have heard of your deeds and I have to admire you as a man. You have helped us Sea-Monster clan so much. Our Sea-Monster clan can’t do anything about you. Ignore it."

   "Why did Arohai King come here?"

   Zhang Mofan asked curiously.

   "Alohai King was naturally notified by me. I know that with my own power, the separation between the human race and the monster race cannot be eliminated."

   Sea King Road.

   "Then do you think Alor Sea King can do it?"

   Zhang Mofan said suspiciously.

  Sea King said: "Alohai King just told me that the estrangement between the Human Race and the Monster Race is now resolved. I'm afraid he and the Four God Beast Family are discussing this matter."

   "What is he going to discuss?"

   Zhang Mofan shook his head. With the strength shown by the ancestor of Qinglong, it is impossible to solve this matter.

   However, he can only wait patiently.

In a meeting room of the Huoyanfeng Clan, the senior members of the Four God Beast Clan sat down. As for the Azure Dragon ancestor, he looked at Aluohaigod and said: "Aluohaigod, what are you going to discuss with us? If you are also here to speak for Zhang Mofan, then we have nothing to talk about." New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Aluohai King appeared at this time, and as anyone, he would think in that direction.

   "Actually, I am not talking to you about things, but someone else."

   A Luohai King said, holding a jade slip in his hand, and said: "What he wants to say is all in the jade slip."

"who is it?"

   Qinglong ancestor asked.

   "Slaying the demon saint."

   Alohai King slowly said.


   Qinglong ancestor's face changed slightly, and said: "Who do you say? Demon Slaying Sage? Hasn't he already fallen? Isn't he dead?"

   "What? Slaughter the Demon Saint? The Slaughter Demon Saint who led the 36 tribes to seal the Blood Demon Clan? The strongest of the Demon Clan after the Demon King in the ancient times has left countless legends."

   "Didn't the Demon Slaying Demon Sage attack the bound of the world and be chopped to death by the great catastrophe? Didn't he die?"


   The senior members of the Four Gods and Beasts all feel incredible.

King Aluohai said: "Master Demon Sage is not dead. Now he is slowly recovering his own strength, and it is not convenient to show up. So let me bring this jade slip. As for what he wants to say, I am not even myself. very clear."

  While speaking, he also crushed the jade slip, and immediately a large amount of soul energy gathered into a figure in the air, and it was the state of the Eighth Lord transforming into a demon saint golden body.

   At present, most of the Demon Slaying Demon Saints recorded in books are almost all demon saints with golden bodies, and few people know the status of the Eighth Master.

   "It's really an exterminating demon saint."

   "Meet Master Demon Saint."

   The ancestor of Qinglong was very excited when he saw Ba Ye, because he was one of the 36 tribe leaders led by Ba Ye.

   Therefore, he respects Ba Ye very much.

   The Eighth Master looked at the seniors of the Four God Beast Clan and said: "Do you know why this seat does not show up? It's not that this seat doesn't want to show up, but there are still powerful blood demons in the Zhou Yuan realm.

   "There are still strong blood demon races in Zhou Yuanjie? How is this possible? Back then, the demon saint led us to seal the blood demon ancestors, didn't all the blood demon warriors be expelled by us?"

   Qinglong Patriarch felt incredible.

   As for the other high-level people, they couldn't get in the way, but judging from the tone of Slaughter Demon Saint, this matter is absolutely serious.

   "At that time, this seat attacked the bound of the world, and the probability of success was actually very high. As a result, he was attacked by that guy and used a magic weapon of his blood demon clan, which caused the attack to fail."

  Ba Ye said: "However, that fellow was also badly injured by me. Now, the other party is probably recuperating."

   "Master Demon Sage, we don't need to worry about this at all. Now the Blood Demon Race is completely sealed on the Mountain of No Sacrifice, unless the regroup of 36 ten thousand demon treasures can be rescued."

   Qinglong ancestor said: "However, this is simply impossible."

   "It is naturally impossible for the opponent to rescue the Blood Demon Race, but what if they rebuild the boundary bridge? Do you think Zhou Yuanjie's current situation can still compete with the Blood Demon Realm?"

   Baye continued.



   Not only the ancestor of the Azure Dragon, the other senior members of the four mythical beast families shook their heads.

Although the talents of their Zhou Yuan realm martial arts are getting stronger and stronger, but the strong are getting fewer and fewer. Especially more than 20 years ago, the Qin Dynasty attacked the Zhang Dynasty, which led to the level of martial arts in the entire Zhou Yuan realm. A few years back.

   Nowadays, the contradictions between the demons and the human races continue to arise, and the old part of the Zhang Dynasty is also about to move.

   How does Zhou Yuanjie like this fight against the Blood Demon Realm?

   Since the other party dared to come, he must be fully prepared.

   Everyone was silent.

   "Now, I will explain three things to you. Please do them very well."

   Baye continued.

   Qinglong ancestor nodded and said, "Master Demon Saint, please tell me."

   "First, you must not announce anything about this seat. When this seat thinks that you can show up, you will naturally show up.”

   "Secondly, I have been investigating closely these days, and found that there is a vague atmosphere of blood demon in the sacred palace of stars. You must go and investigate in secret."

   "Third, the rule that the human race and the monster race cannot be combined is lifted."

   Ba Ye said three things in one breath.

   The elders of the Four Mythical Beast Clan changed slightly one by one. The first two things were nothing. As for the third, what does it have to do with dealing with the Blood Demon Clan?

   "Master Demon Sage, you are embarrassing us, the third, you also know that Master Demon Sovereign once announced the rules. It is not good for you to break his rules like this?"

   Qinglong Patriarch Road.

"The old demon king is stubborn. The woman in this seat was killed by his **** rules. Now, the whole demon race has the final say, not to mention, in order to deal with the blood demon race, to face For future crises, Human Race and Monster Race must unite."

   Ba Ye said coldly.

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