Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1725: : 1 halberd turns 5 wastes

Where is Zhang Mofan most famous? Naturally, it is the Suzaku tribe. Mu Xiaoman is a genius of the Suzaku tribe. He is regarded as a goddess by many younger children of the Suzaku tribe.

However, Zhang Mofan wanted to pursue Mu Xiaoman in front of everyone, and even threatened to take the first place. This was simply slapped in the face of the Vermillion Bird Clan.

As a genius of the Vermilion Clan, Mu Tianruo couldn't bear it naturally, and he recognized Zhang Mofan at a glance.

"It seems that I am quite famous in the Great Holy Land of Zhongzhou."

Zhang Mofan smiled and didn't say much.

"It's quite famous."

Mu Tianruo looked at Zhang Mofan with sharp eyes, and after a long time he came over, he smiled and said: "A martial artist who has entered the upper realm of the Holy Realm actually threatened to take the first place, really Zhou Da Holy Land is your Ziliang Sanctuary?"

Mu Tianruo's understatement made some of the Suzaku's geniuses appear to be abusive.

Many geniuses of the Vermilion clan have never met Zhang Mofan, thinking that Zhang Mofan is a powerful character, but at first glance, they realized that it was nothing but that.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean by that? Can't I take the first place?"

Zhang Mofan faintly smiled and said: "Who does not have the idea of ​​taking first place in the Tianjiao Holy War? Are you not? Do you dare to say that one of you has never thought of taking first place? It's just that you dare not say it. I said it."

No matter how weak the martial artist was, he would dream of taking first place in his heart, dreaming of the moment he was eye-catching.

"First, can you imagine it? Don't you look at your strength?"

Mu Tianruo said coldly.

"What is my strength, I know in my heart, as the No. 1 genius in the "Purple Cool Hidden Sacred List", I am ready to accept your challenges."

Zhang Mofan's words were neither light nor heavy, but they were provoking the entire Suzaku clan.

You know, the geniuses of the Vermilion clan are basically fire-cultivators, and they have very bad tempers. Hearing Zhang Mofan's words, they are also extremely angry.

Zhang Mofan knew that even if he flinched, the genius of the Suzaku clan could not let him go. When the Tianjiao Holy War came, he would still be targeted.

"This Zhang Mofan is too arrogant, right?"

"Can you not be arrogant? The "Purple Cool Hidden Sacred List" ranked first, even among the dynasty academies, it can also be ranked a certain place."

"However, he is going to stumble upon him after all."

The geniuses of the White Tiger and Vermilion Clan shook their heads one by one, not wanting to waste time here with Zhang Mofan.

Even if Zhang Mofan is defeated, what will happen?

Only when Zhang Mofan was defeated in the Tianjiao Holy War would Zhang Mofan know that he was actually very small.

At that time, Zhang Mofan really knew how ridiculous what he said just now.

After an episode, the three major forces once again set off. After flying for a few hours, they also encountered a lot of power geniuses.

"Zhang Mofan, you really have arrived at the barracks. You should keep a low profile. I think you will be targeted by students from many dynasty academies this time when you participate in the Tianjiao Holy War."

Jian Chenshan frowned.

Moreover, not only the Suzaku and Baihu tribes, but also the Qinglong tribe and the Ksitigarbha Snake Ghost tribe, they may not let Zhang Mofan go.

It can be said that Zhang Mofan pursued Mu Xiaoman and even threatened to take the first place, offending all the four great beast races.

Not to mention, there are other geniuses of super power.

Zhang Mofan nodded and said, "Even if I keep a low profile and flinch, they will also target me, but I don't care at all."

Anyway, Tianjiao Jihad was divided into groups at the beginning. With his strength, as long as he didn't touch the Saint Group, even if he went to the Enlightened Saint Group, he wouldn't have any opponents.


Jian Chenshan also sighed and stopped talking, always feeling that Zhang Mofan was a little bit fierce.

"Zhang Mofan, what is the halberd technique you just used? It's amazing. I remember that an elder of our sword soul clan also used a similar sword technique. He could use his sword aura to spur a humanoid sword aura to defend against the enemy, but you It can actually condense two clones."

Another genius of the Sword Soul Race also asked in amazement.

"This trick is also my practice in the Soul of Sword Space. The halberd technique I researched from the swordsmanship geniuses of the Soul of Sword Race is the second type of the halberd technique of "Halber Punishment." At the peak, five clones can evolve."

Zhang Mofan replied.

With a halberd, Zhang Mofan thinks he is the strongest offensive and defensive halberd method he understands. Now he has cultivated two clones, waiting for the third, fourth and fifth.

Even, he was able to bless the power of the Five Wildernesses into the five clones respectively, and promote the halberd technique to be stronger.

The origin is just a passive defensive halberd, a halberd to transform the five wastes, stronger!


Hearing Zhang Mofan's words, several warriors took a breath and evolved two clones, which was scary enough.

Soon, everyone saw that at the end of the line of sight, there was a dark sea area. As for the shore of the sea area, there was a large area of ​​tents. It was the military camp of the Qin Dynasty stationed on the edge of the Demon Sea.

Around those military camps, there were guards wearing golden armor, patrolling everywhere, the golden light on the armor was very dazzling.

"The barracks are here!"

Jian Leng said loudly.

Soon, the three major forces landed.

Immediately, an old man wearing a golden armor came slowly and said, "Students from the Dynasty Academy, gather here at the barracks, and the Sons of the Eight Sacred Palaces gather here at the barracks."

"Jianchen Mountain, I will pass first."

Zhang Mofan arched his hand and walked directly to the barracks opposite. He was immediately stopped by the gold guard who was guarding the barracks.

"Why are you alone?"

"I'm here alone. This is the token of my return to the ruins of the Saint Palace Inner Palace ~ ~ Zhang Mofan will show the token.

However, the Golden Guard waved his hand and said, "It's useless if you give me the token. The eight holy palaces must be led by the elder of the holy palace to be able to enter. Moreover, the holy son of the holy palace has not yet come. Just wait patiently outside."


Zhang Mofan nodded, and found an open place beside the barracks, just about to sit down.

From the barracks, a few saints came out. Judging from the clothes above, they were the saints of the holy palace in the early days.

One of them, seeing Zhang Mofan, his eyes flashed sharply, and said, "Isn't this the genius Zhang Mofan from the Saint Palace of the Ruins? Why are you here alone?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Mofan felt a little familiar, turned around, saw that face, and smiled: "So it's you?"

This person is Yuan Heng, the little prince of Yuan Palace, who was defeated by Zhang Mofan when he went to the Holy Palace of Guixu.

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