Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1708: : Action begins

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"Everyone, today's action is related to whether my mother can be the lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace. I hope everyone can go all out. I specially prepared a pot of wine. Before the action, we had a drink and wished the action success."

Zhang Mofan said loudly.

Not to mention, this pot of wine belongs to Moqianfan, and Moqianfan also prefers to drink.

Therefore, when I took out the drink, it did not make people suspicious.

However, Zhang Mofan dropped something in the drink, the poison Roland used to frame the black soul.

This kind of poison is a truly terrifying toxin. It is colorless and waterless when dropped into the wine. Even if these ten demon elders are all powerhouses of the most sacred level, they will definitely use the sacred power when drinking this wine. , Have side effects and greatly drop in strength.

Ten Mo Lao's strength, combined, is indeed terrifying.

However, being poisoned by Roland's poison, although not directly paralyzed like the old souls of the Black Soul, and unable to move his whole body, it can also reduce his own strength by a level.

Everyone took the wine glasses, and Zhang Mofan poured them a cup of wine and said, "Come on, drink."

Black pupil refused: "Young Palace Master, I am too strong to drink, so I still don't drink it."

"Come on, just drink twice as much."

Zhang Mofan said.

This black pupil really does not know how to drink, and her strength is not very long. After drinking, the effect of poisoning Roland will soon have an effect.

"No, I'm afraid it will affect the next action, so Black pupil will pay the price of tea."

Black pupil said.


Zhang Mofan nodded, really afraid that Black pupil would drink this glass of wine.

When everyone drank this glass of wine, they threw the glass directly to the ground and began to act.

At this time, many masters from the Heavenly Demon Palace had gathered outside the palace. Upon visual inspection, there were at least a thousand people, almost all of whom were saints and great saints.

Even if Zhang Mofan saw it with his own eyes, he felt a little shocked.

It is said that this is not the entire strength of the Celestial Demon Palace, even half of it has not arrived, but the Ten Demon Elders dispatched by the Celestial Demon Palace is the true peak of combat power.

In the Heavenly Demon Palace, apart from those abnormal titles, the Ten Great Demon is always the strongest.

Immediately, Zhang Mofan led the army, boarded a demon ship, and slowly flew towards the sword soul clan.

This Heavenly Demon Ship is a Heavenly Demon Palace built by itself, and it is also a top-grade Heavenly Treasure, which contains many defensive formations.

Even, there is a formation that can be hidden, flying in the air, it would be impossible to detect it without a strong person carefully detecting it.

Of course, this Heavenly Demon Ship was not in Mo Qianfan's body, but was controlled by the strongest Demon Old Demon Rufeng.

Everyone standing on the demon ship is also aggressive, and they are not idle, they are still discussing countermeasures.

at the same time!

Among the Sword Soul Clan, there is also a ten-year succession conference. Many high-level members of the clan are present. Even the sword is shaking, sitting on a high platform, patiently watching the clan's competition.

The successor assembly does not ask about birth, status, but only strength.

Everyone can become the heir to the patriarch, as long as he is strong.

Moreover, as long as the patriarch does not abdicate, the successor assembly will be held every ten years, and the age cannot exceed fifty years old. From now on, you can continue to participate until a new patriarch is born.

Of course, at this succession meeting, the most favorable competitors were only two, Jian Zhengxiu and Zhang Feng.

However, more than a month ago, Jian Zhengxiu lost to Zhang Feng, so many people believed that there was not much suspense in this succession conference.

Along with the battles, the members of the Sword Soul Race also brought a very fierce competition to the Sword Soul Race. Everyone showed their strength, the sword soul that they had awakened.

Such a competition also showed the new hope of the Sword Soul Race.

But Zhang Feng, standing in the waiting zone, frowned, looked around, and couldn't help but said, "Has Xiaofan not come back?"

Now, it has been a month since Zhang Mofan left the Sword Soul Race. According to the truth, he should have returned long ago.

Luo Qingluan on the side also comforted him: "Maybe Xiao Fan was delayed because of something."

"How can there be such a coincidence."

Zhang Feng shook his head, and said, "He is already dangerous when he pretends to be Jian Yu. Maybe he was killed by the people of the Heavenly Demon Palace."

Thinking of this, he blamed himself so much that he should perform this task himself.

"Jian Zhengxiu wins."

At this moment, an elder stood on the ring and announced loudly: "After fierce competition, the two with the highest points are Jian Zhengxiu and the young patriarch. The next battle will be between them. Who can Whoever wins will be the heir to the patriarch of this heirs convention."


Throughout the scene, there was warm Patriarch! "

The elder called Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng froze slightly, Luo Qingluan on the side pulled his temperament, and he woke up, and immediately jumped to the ring and confronted Jian Zhengxiu.

The elder also jumped directly off the ring and announced the start of the game.

"Zhang Feng, I will prove to you today that I am the strongest existence among the Sword Soul Race."

As Jian Zhengxiu said, a strong sword intent burst out, holding a holy treasure long sword in his hand and directly assassinated Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng felt the sword intent transmitted from Jian Zhengxiu's body, and he couldn't help Zou Mei, and said, "When did the sword intent of Jian Zhengxiu become so strong? In a month, he actually let his sword intent, It’s increased tenfold."

What is the concept of ten times? It can completely crush a person.

Zhang Mofan also held the long sword, swiped it suddenly, and resisted.

The two long swords constantly collided, and cremation broke out, and Zhang Feng's whole body was shaken back a few steps.

Jian Jingtian was also surprised when he saw this scene: "Didn't this Jian Zhengxiu lose to Feng'er? Why has the strength become so strong? The sword intent is so strong, it is not the level that Wu Sheng can reach."

Sword intent is the artistic conception of sword. It takes a lot of time to cultivate. Even a martial artist in the Saint Realm may not be able to achieve this level of sword intent.

"This Jian Zhengxiu, wouldn't it be an adventure?"

Lin Ya couldn't help but guessed: "Moreover, we don't rule out that Jian Zhengxiu deliberately kept his hands in a battle with Feng'er last time."

However, just when the two were discussing, an elder flew over, and it was Elder Jian Fengchen.

"Patriarch, the Heavenly Demon Palace really attacked, and they sent a large number of masters to rush in from the entrance of the Tiangong pile."

Jian Fengchen reported in a small voice.

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