Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1662: : Making ink tapping boxes

""Zhu Zi Tie" is unpredictable and records ten powerful mechanism productions. At that time, our most talented disciple of the Mohist tried to make the first mechanism ink attack box, but failed. Even if they were obtained by others, others practiced. Won't come out."

Ao Xuanji said: "Even if "Zhuzi Organ" is not lost, no one can make the above organ."

Hearing this, Xu Youling also became silent, and wanted to say a word that she was confident to make one of the mechanisms, but she finally gave up the idea.

Among the Mohists, there has been a rumor that if you can create all the ten organ techniques of "Zhuzi Organ", you can become a Mohist giant.

There was only one giant in the Mohist school. Since the ancient times, after that giant was beheaded by the blood demon ancestor of the blood demon world, no giant was born again.

The Mohist family has always been in charge of the elders.

"Next, let's go to the Soul Sword Clan. The patriarch of the Soul Sword Clan invited me to be the married man of his son. I owed the patriarch of the Soul Sword Clan a favor, and I had to pay it back."

Proudly said.

"Master, the patriarch of the Sword Soul Clan does this, I am afraid he also wants to use your momentum to strengthen his sword soul's power?"

Su Youling guessed.

The Sword Soul clan was considered a first-class power in the Great Sacred Land of the Central Zhou Dynasty, but in front of the Seven Ancient Great Masters, it was nothing.

For any force, including the Qin Dynasty, the Seven Great Masters of the ancient times are not to be desecrated.

Ao Xuanji nodded and said, "I know that although I am very repulsive of the other party's actions, I must pay back this thing."

As a strong man of the older generation, he is naturally very good-faced. After paying back this favor, he has nothing to do with the sword soul clan.


At this time, Zhang Mofan was already in the space of the mountain and river map and began to make organs.

"In the memory of Qinghuo Zhisheng, ten kinds of organ production methods are recorded, and the first organ is the ink attack box."

Zhang Mofan read the information carefully.

Once this ink attack box is made, it looks like an ordinary box on the outside, and ordinary people can't feel the energy fluctuation at all.

Because the mechanism uses the smallest energy, through the connection of various parts, to explode the strongest attack.

"The ink attack box, once opened, a thousand silver needles will be swept out of the ink attack box. The power of the ink attack box depends on the material. The better the material, the better the mechanism is connected. The stronger it is, if the best materials are used, it can even sneak and kill the most powerful."

When Zhang Mofan read this information, he couldn't help taking a breath. Why is this ink attack box too scary?

However, the more horrible he is, the more he wants to try it. No matter what, he has to try it himself.

Now, he has to make all the parts.

The box, the silver needle, and the organ parts hidden in the box.

Those organ parts are the most important, because those are the key to triggering organs. Each part is small and small, with circlips, gears, and many parts that are only found in Mohist art.

The size of these parts is required, and they must fit well, if they fail to fit, or there are errors.

For the lighter, the power triggered by the mechanism cannot achieve the expected effect, and it is very likely that it will not have 10% of the power.

In the most serious case, the mechanism cannot be triggered.

Zhang Mofan carefully read the information, and finally took out his own materials and began to make organ parts.

In the past, Qinghuo Zhisheng made organs, but he did not make such exquisite organs.

It can be said that Zhang Mofan tried a brand new mechanism with the experience of Qinghuo Shengsheng.

In ten days, Zhang Mofan built all the organ parts, there were hundreds of large and small parts, many of which were very precise.

"This Mohist technique is really not something ordinary people have tried, and they are really proficient in the principles of various organ parts."

Zhang Mofan tried a lot of sweat, and the real hardest procedure came. That was to put all the organ parts in the box and connect them one by one.

It is naturally impossible to do it with both hands, but to urge one's own sacred power to control the parts of the organs and connect them precisely.

And at this time, it is necessary to truly evaluate one's own Holy Spirit body, which can perfectly control those delicate parts.

Zhang Mofan owns the Vientiane Holy Spirit Body, so he still has absolute confidence in control.

After spending another day, Zhang Mofan finally finished the ink box.

However, it is very effective and needs to be tried.

Zhang Mofan put the ink tapping box aside, and then opened the box with Shensha. However, no silver needle flew out.

The first attempt, failed.

Therefore, Zhang Mofan continued to adjust and failed again.

"what happened?"

Zhang Mofan frowned, thought about it carefully, and said, "I understand, it should be because the parts do not fit. The parts must be polished again."

Then, Zhang Mofan carefully disassembled the parts in the box, observed carefully, and then worked out which parts need to be re-polished.

These parts can't be seen from the naked eye. You must use your own Holy Spirit to observe and challenge.

It took a full month before Zhang Mofan finally completed the adjustment and installed it again.

Zhang Mofan continued to try, standing in the distance, using the sand to pick up the box.

Whoops whoops!

Sure enough, silver needles were ejected rapidly from inside, the speed was extremely fast, if you really opened the ink attack box with your hands, you would be hit by a hornet's nest in an instant.

However, Zhang Mofan was not happy. According to the truth, his ink attack box should be able to hurt the strong man at the peak of the saint.

However, through visual inspection, its power cannot even reach one tenth.

"The mechanism in the ink attack box, I can be sure, that it truly fits perfectly, but the attack fails to meet expectations. What is going on?"

Zhang Mofan got a complete headache and sat on the ground directly thinking.

If he didn't make this ink attack box, Zhang Mofan would not even have the mind to practice.

After a full month, Zhang Mofan racked his brains and finally thought of where the problem was. It was that a part of the circlip was wrongly used. It should not be made of too hard metal material, but a soft material.

The harder the circlip is, the ejection power of the circlip can't be exerted at all.

"The softest kind of metal material should be snake skin gold. I don't have it at the moment. Wait until the Great Holy Land in Zhongzhou, and then find a store to buy it."

Zhang Mofan intends to give this ink attack box he made as a gift to Zhang Feng.

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