Fighting the Martial Universe

Chapter 1635: : Furious Storm

"Who are you? You can actually resist my evil sword and unite?"

Soul Guiyi looked at the Eighth Master, and also felt a little unbelievable, his own move, even a saint who entered the Saint High Realm, was enough to kill in seconds, but it couldn't help the other party.

"It's really amazing. I was beaten by a martial artist in the lower realm of enlightenment, and it didn't hurt that much."

The Eighth Master touched his arm, then his eyes became serious, and said: "It's not that easy to kill my brother."

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Soul Guiyi held the long sword and waved his big hand. The terrifying sage realm directly suppressed the Eighth Master.

The realm of the saint was purple, with more than two hundred and eighty holy patterns intertwined in it, and its oppressive force was terrifying.

As for the saints in the upper realm of the saints, in the saint domain, it is possible to cultivate 300 saint patterns, and the soul unity has already cultivated more than 280, which shows that it is almost reaching the peak of the upper realm of saints.

Looking at the cultivation level of the saints and the strength of the saints, you can't see anything at all. It still depends on how many saints are cultivated in the saint domain.

Baye felt the oppression of the saint domain, and directly released the brave beast, and the brave beast roared, waving its claws forward, directly shattering the oppression of the saint domain.

Ba Ye's own oppression disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"This? This is the Pixiu divine beast? You actually have such a divine beast in your body?"

When Soul Guiyi saw the huge divine beast, his face was also incredible: "Who are you? You can actually subdue the Paixiu divine beast."

"Pixiu's beast plus me should be enough to contain you, right?"

Bai Jing also flew over at this time, fell to the side of the divine beast of Pai Yao, and confronted the soul.

Soul Guiyi smiled, and said: "Although the Pixiu Divine Beast is powerful, I can detect that it does not dare to just enter the eighth rank. It is equivalent to a saint. If you two join forces, it will not be mine. opponent."

"It's just that I don't understand why Zhang Mofan is here?"

This space is too fragile, for Zhang Mofan, it is meaningless.

However, he heard Bai Jing say, to find something, is there something good here?

However, Zhang Mofan couldn't become holy, even if he got something good, it wouldn't make any sense, right?

"If I tell you that our young master came here to be holy, would you believe it?"

Bai Jing smiled, trying to interfere with her mind.

It is impossible for a person who can never be sanctified to find something to be sanctified. It is impossible for anyone to believe it.

Soul Guiyi said, "Whether he can be holy or not, it doesn't make any sense to me, because he is going to die today."


Behind the return of the soul, a pair of purple wings unexpectedly unfolded, which were a kind of Tianbao, released, which could increase his speed to the extreme.

Almost instantly, the unity of the soul disappeared and entered the storm against the current.

"Damn, let's go against the storm."

Ba Ye and Bai Jing stood directly on the backs of the sacred beast, and rushed into the wind wall.

Soul Guiyi entered the storm countercurrent and couldn't help but said, "Here?"

He suddenly recalled something. Back then, he sent someone to kill the prince Zhang Dynasty. This seems to be this place. Moreover, when his subordinates reported to him, he also said that he was condensed by the strong against the storm. Blocked.

"No wonder, I haven't gotten a reply from my subordinates ever since. It turned out that this East State was actually blocked by the storm's upstream."

Speaking of this, Soul Guiyi suddenly had a bad feeling.

This Zhang Mofan is from Dongzhou. His talent is so powerful, and he is also in his twenties. Isn't he the prince of the Zhang Dynasty?

Thinking of this, he was shocked and said: "It should be impossible, the prince of the Zhang Dynasty, it is impossible to have twins fighting spirits."

Regardless, for him, whether Zhang Mofan is the prince of the Zhang Dynasty or not, he must kill Zhang Mofan today.

At this moment!

Zhang Mofan had already searched for the most violent place against the storm, and the storm was indeed terrifying. With his current cultivation base, he could not bear it.

Zhang Mofan can only activate the battle armor to defend himself so as not to be injured. He has already felt that Soul Guiyi is chasing him.

"This soul is united. If you don't kill me today, I'm afraid you will not give up."

Zhang Mofan speeded up, but found that Soul Guiyi was already approaching him. This speed was completely beyond his imagination.

"go to hell!"

Soul Guiyi held the long sword in his hand, a sword tore through the storm, and a terrifying sword light swept towards Zhang Mofan.

Zhang Mofan dodged fiercely, and saw Soul Guiyi appearing in front of him, with a hint of cold light on the cold silver mask.


Soul Guiyi drew his sword, and wanted to cut off Zhang Mofan's entire Realm! "

Zhang Mofan's eyes flashed, and the pattern of stars and meteorites flashed in his pupils.

Suddenly, Soul Guiyi felt that his defense seemed to have fallen into a starry sky field, and the surrounding stars and meteorites were constantly bombarding him.

Immediately, his Holy Spirit felt a tingling pain, which slowed his movements.

Seeing this, Zhang Mofan once again rushed to the distance. He could feel that the violent storm was nearby.

Because the area he was in was the most violent resistance of the storm. It should be the center of the entire storm against the current, and the violent storm was at the center.

Soul Guiyi fell into the realm of stars and woke up almost instantly, only to find that Zhang Mofan had escaped again, and he swung a sword again.

That sword light smashed all the storms that swept around, and that sword struck Zhang Mofan's back firmly.


Zhang Mofan spouted a mouthful of blood, and flew forward. It happened that there was an eye in front of his eyes, and he plunged into the eye.

Inside, infinite wind blades were constantly cutting on Zhang Mofan's body.

However, Zhang Mofan instantly locked a group of pitch-black storms, like a group of small tornadoes, sending out one of the strong madness, and the wind blades swept out of it.

That storm was the tenth-ranked barren wind in the list of barren winds, and the storm was violent.

Zhang Mofan didn't hesitate, slapped his hand with a big hand, displayed the Great Wilderness Floating Hand, and took the mad storm directly into the finger space.

All of the first fifteen wastes have been collected.

Zhang Mofan was also excited in his heart, and it was imminent to become a holy.

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