Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 994: Great Seal

The face of General Schwarzenegger was full of contempt, and the fighting power of the Fibreich Imperial Fleet was so vulnerable.

Upon receiving the order of His Majesty, his fleet immediately set off. When they came to the battlefield, they saw this scene. Several starships were exploded. It seems that only the last one is left?

The starships that are chasing, the formation has been scattered at this time. In fact, even if they have this attack formation, they will have a chance to win against their own opponents, but the other party will change into a defensive formation. It is even more chaotic!

Therefore, General Schwarzenegger was not welcome, and led the fleet, immediately rushed up, he himself was the leader, the flagship rushed to the front, and actually rushed into the formation of the other party is changing!

Just like a red-forked fork on the cheese, the formation of the other party was immediately chaotic. The starships of each ship were desperate to escape, and they were continuously pursued by the fleet of General Schwarzenegger. In space, it turned into an overwhelming pursuit.

As a hunter, he became a prey in a blink of an eye. In the end, less than half of the starships escaped, and the rest were exploded in space.

This is the first time since the end of the last war, General Schwarzenegger made such an assessment to his opponent: It is vulnerable!

Over the years, the war in the Fibre Empire has not stopped. Although it is said that the veterans will fight more and more elite in the battle, but the veterans are not the unstoppable Xiaoqiang, there will always be people who die, and new recruits will continue to add in Even the commander will be quickly promoted from the lower level. An ordinary first officer on the starship may eventually be promoted to the commander of the squadron. Without any experience in the military school, he can be assigned a heavy responsibility This kind of fleet has no problem in fighting the wind, and a little frustration, then it will lose its proposition and correct judgment.

General Schwarzenegger has come to a conclusion.

Although the Armenian fleet has not fought for a hundred years, their training is the most adequate. Even the most grass-roots officers and soldiers have good academic qualifications, and they are constantly running in during exercises, just like they were just now. Although they rushed up in a swarm, their cooperation was quite tacit.

Now, General Schwarzenegger looked at the vast Xinghai with a satisfied smile, and the wreckage of the starship explosion was everywhere. At this time, the only starship that was spared was already waiting for them.

"Let's go and see." General Schwarzenegger said.

"General, will there be fraud?"

"Fraud? They were killed by us dozens of ships and lost tens of thousands of people, just to fool me as a commander of a squadron?" General Schwarzenegger said: "Let's go, let's look at the prince of the Fibre Empire go with."

When the spaceship is close to the other starship, you can see that the other starship is full of marks of attack, the surface is tattered, and some naval guns have been destroyed. The entire starship seems to collapse at any time. same.

"I think it's time for this starship to be sent to the ship recycling facility!" General Schwarzenegger sneered and looked at the approaching door. Aliosha with white hair stood in the hangar. When General Schwarzenegger got off the traffic boat, he knelt on his knees: "Weichen Alio Sha, willing to work for the sacred and inviolable emperor of the Armenian Empire, has since become a child of the Armenian Empire and is faithful. "

Alyosha held a plate in his hand, his head was down, and he looked very pious.

A piece of cloth was placed on the plate, and under the cloth was covered with a square and square. Looking at the loyal look of Alyosha, General Schwarzenegger held his cigarette pot in his mouth and opened it casually. With the black cloth over it, Schwarzenegger was suddenly surprised when the head was lifted.

The pot fell from his mouth and fell to the ground. General Schwarzenegger's favorite pot was split in half in a collision with the ground. He didn't regret his pot, but just opened it Closed eyes, it is like seeing the most incredible thing.

"This is your Great Seal?" Schwarzenegger asked. He didn't even have the courage to pick up the stone, just looking at its white luster and the special totem pattern in the stone. And asked seriously, his heart was beating in a tom.

The Great Seal was still in the age of paper in ancient times. At that time, individuals had a seal and made a painting, and they put a stamp on it, indicating that they painted it by themselves and showed their identity.

At the same time, the king of the country also has such a seal. This is the national seal, which symbolizes the authority of the emperor. Any government order issued by the state must have this seal.

One of the most expressive is a traditional jade carving carved out of the He's Bi, and was ordered by the sky, both Shou Yongchang, whoever gets this thing, whose emperor will be justified, and from then on, the national seal will be completely Earth became a symbol of imperial power.

Although it has already developed into the digital age, an empire needs to use the national seal to publish its official state book. It can be said that only with this thing can it be called a righteous emperor!

"Yes, it's our Great Seal. The Seventh knew that it was in my hands and kept chasing me. Now, I dedicate this thing to our emperor!" Alyosha said.

"How did you get this Great Seal?" Schwarzenegger asked. This matter is of great importance. He must ask clearly.

"At that time, Princess Jingxi led the colony fleet and killed the first emperor, um, that dog emperor." Since Alyosha had already decided to loyal to the Amini Empire, even his own dad was scolded, dad. It is the dog emperor, and his prince is also a pup.

"At that time, the entire starry sky was full of wreckage. All our starships were searching in the wreckage. Finally, my starship was lucky enough to find this Great Seal. It was sealed in the force field and was not damaged."

Think about the whole galaxy full of debris, looking for it in the whole galaxy, that is the needle in a haystack. Finally, Alyosha found it, but this did not bring him luck. Instead, he was first attacked by swarms. Finally, He was the first to be defeated and has been chased here, and he did not hand over this Great Seal!

He took this treasure to show his sincerity. In this way, the emperor of the Armenian Empire will believe in his sincerity, because everyone knows the meaning of this thing. The emperor of the Armenian Empire got it, it is justified. The emperor of the Fibre Empire, that is, in name, the galaxy has been unified!



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