Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 982: Independent Starship

"Stupid, the most stupid design." The design plan of the starship began to be collected in the whole league. Various design drawings were continuously summarized to the fleet. After getting these designs, a staff committee composed of the fleet first To calm down.

Most of the designs are quite stupid behaviors, such as this flying saucer, it must have been conceived by a guy who has read a lot of science fiction. The sphere is the most beautiful shape in the world, but this does not mean the sphere. It is a layout suitable for spaceships. You have made the spaceship into a perfect sphere. Where is the engine deployed?

Looking at this again, it must be based on the idea of ​​bionics. This spaceship is like a praying mantis with open teeth! The internal structure of this slender shape of the ship will be quite narrow, which is definitely not suitable, because the officers and soldiers on the starship have been cruising outside for many years. The starships they live in need to be built for them. A sense of the world, an empty world, so that their hearts will not be so lonely, otherwise, the universe is so big, but they are curled up in such a small space, which is absolutely inappropriate. A long space flight can easily cause serious mental illness.

The people who joined the staff committee were originally full of expectations, but now, these poor designs are tormented by sleep and sleep, and almost all of them collapse.

They don't like this. For them, all the designs should appear in the world of science fiction, and they shouldn't be taken out at all.

Hey, why is this so professional?

Suddenly, they found a new guy in a large number of design drawings. This design picture is quite professional at first glance, because the other starship design drawings are all the simplest tools such as PPT and drawing board. However, the design in front of me was designed with the most professional CAD.

Specially designed, with a kind of beauty unique to the mechanic, now looking at it, the lines are so smooth, the front and the back are all majestic.

"It's a pity, it's really a pity." A staff member said: "This design is very professional, but as a starship designer, I actually don't design a star destroyer on this starship. This is absolutely not possible. Accepted. "

When he said it, he still had a lot of emotion, and it looked very good, but as long as he looked over, he could clearly see that it did not design a star destroyer at all, thinking that the starship was a transport ship?

It seems that it is really a transport ship, with three decks on the upper, middle and lower, and various parking berths on the deck. It looks like a space carrier in space.

Such a design cannot be allowed.

Just click on the fork to end this review, and the people on the side started: "No, you see the introduction above, there is a description, the main task of this starship is to carry our existing super star destroyer spaceship! Its force comes from the super star destroyer! "


Is this idea too advanced?

The previously designed starships carried weapons mainly including two aspects. On the one hand, they carried their own star guns, and on the other hand, they were carrier-based aircraft. Later, a space carrier that appeared to carry carrier-based aircraft and mainly carried out long-range attacks Even for a time, this tactic was considered correct, just as an aircraft carrier eventually replaced a battleship. In future wars, long-range battles between carrier-based aircraft will become mainstream.

This trend was also brought up by General Qin Tianda.

And now, the new battleship they plan tonnage is an order of magnitude higher than the most powerful battleships now, so, continue to carry ordinary carrier-based aircraft?

No, they simply carried their super star destroyer spacecraft!

This kind of spaceship is the product of hasty design. A spaceship is a star destroyer. Although it is flexible in operation, it has no long-term combat capability, which is inconvenient for interstellar warfare.

Now, this genius designer directly carries this super star destroyer spacecraft. Such a large-tonnage battleship can carry dozens of super star destroyer spacecraft. This is its most powerful. Weapons, you can attack and defend!

In addition to the super star destroyer spacecraft, they can also carry their top secret weapon, the slow fog spacecraft. It can be said that the previous starships carried carrier aircraft, and the current starships carry small spacecraft. This is the meaning of the existence of super battleships.

This is definitely a genius idea. In the past, they never thought that this could be done. They did not have this idea. In this way, their current super star destroyer spacecraft can also be effectively placed. Not to cause waste, it is definitely a genius design!

Who did it? Is it Professor Dennis?

The super star destroyer spacecraft was designed by Professor Dennis. Now this starship is used to accommodate the super star destroyer spacecraft for combat. Maybe it was also designed by Professor Dennis?

They looked at more information, found the designer, and immediately shook their heads. It was not Professor Dennis. The designer was an ordinary person named Merlin, working in a mechanic workshop under the fleet.

It turned out to be people inside the fleet, no wonder they can connect all of them!

"Quick, this plan, let's take a closer look to see how high its feasibility!" The staffs stared at them excitedly.

Now, if you enlarge the drawings and get the internal details, you can see the professional design of the other party. For example, every cabin is clearly designed. The piping, ventilation, and fire protection are completely professional level!

"Only the engine behind, not quite sure." They found the most imperfect place, it was just picking bones in the egg.

This kind of super starship was proposed by President Elter. There was already some idea of ​​putting satellites. The tonnage is higher than the current battleships. Even if their current battleships are also produced by the empire, the alliance is basically There is no matching engine manufacturer.

If you want to drive this super starship, what engine would you use? No one knows yet, so this design drawing simplifies the engine.

"Independent level? That's right, this name is nice." After seeing a name for this design, the people present sighed again. This design, called the independent level, has a profound meaning, even more so than the alliance. The grade is pretty good.

"Give this design to President Elt and let the president look at it!" Although there are still many designs left behind, the person in charge has already made up his mind.



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