Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 976: Visit

In the past, the military factories were controlled by a large consortium. The leaders of the large consortium had close contacts with the government and the army, so as to maintain the construction of a fleet of starships.

And now, the Alliance will definitely rebuild the military factory, and this military factory has been specified to be managed by the fleet! This is definitely a major event.

In the future, the fleet will no longer need to coordinate between the management of the government, the parliament, and the military factory. The fleet commander will be directly responsible for the construction of the starship. Of course, the government ’s funds will also be given to him to manage No matter whether it is a contribution point or something, in short, this is a rich oil job, and it is definitely an honor to hand him over to him.

Now, Major General Hughes is even more supportive of Elter: "We welcome your visit at any time."

In fact, this is not in compliance with the regulations. After all, Alter is not yet a president. Only after being formally elected can he ask about the fleet. For a candidate like him who has not yet been voted for, he should go to the fleet. , That's inappropriate.

Of course, it would be wrong if we did n’t have this power. At that time, Te Weipu had just succeeded in the campaign and had not entered the White House. He began to say on Twitter what fighters are too expensive. He would not watch this happen. It was made clear that this model should be strangled, and as a result, those consortia hurried to explain.

When the communication was closed, Elt looked at He Xiao, apologizing: "I'm doing this, isn't it too much?"

Is this not excessive? He Xiao's face is a bit ugly: "We are on the planet, we can guarantee your safety, but if we go to space, then it is not necessarily the case. The position of the fleet now needs to cross a few wormholes to reach."

"Oh, that counts, when I pass by, maybe the votes have been completed here? In this case, I am the president and I have reason to inspect them." Elt said.

"I'm not talking about this, it's your safety." He Xiao said: "Now, your safety is the first priority. After entering space, I can't guarantee your safety."

"Do not worry about this," Elt said. "My experience during this time, you should know that I was originally a tramp in space. For me, space is a temporary home, stay Are you still afraid at home? Moreover, I have a hunch that my family may be in space, waiting for me. It is strange that I can't remember anything. "

As soon as Elter's words were spoken, none of the people present spoke.

Since this time, Elt has been busy running for president, doing a lot of fun, seems to have forgotten everything, in the later time, his brain was controlled by people, indeed nothing I remember, but the history of Elt has spread throughout the league.

He came with his family and friends, and now he is left alone, what about his family? What about his wife?

Evelyn came over, sat next to him, put Elt in his arms, and put Elt in his arms: "Relax, your request is not excessive, let's find it together. " You stupid woman, actually want to seduce Mr. Elt? He Xiao looked furious on the side, but He Xiaoye did not have a reason to object. He couldn't say he liked Mr. Elt?

"Then we need to prepare." He Xiao said: "We try to ensure your safety."

I have already mentioned this part, then He Xiao is definitely unable to oppose it. If you want to go out, it is not as good as on the Alpha star. It must be carefully prepared, such as a spaceship for commuting.

No matter where you are, you can take a spaceship to go out, which is a very rich talent line. Many people can only stay on land for a lifetime, and only local tyrants have this qualification.

If Elt has already become president, then the president naturally has a space ship specially prepared for him, and he can take a trip inside the alliance, etc., but now, Elt is not the president, so this is a bit difficult. Too.

However, in the hands of He Xiao, this is also very easy to solve. Since Elt is going to the fleet to investigate, of course, you can contact a starship of the fleet to come and respond.

The lowest-level destroyer was docked on Alpha Orbit's synchronous orbit. In the middle of the night, Elter and his party took a space elevator and got on synchronous orbit and entered the Alliance's starship.

Initially, the tool for humans to enter space was rockets, but the effectiveness of this tool is too low. Most of the precious fuels are used to overcome the gravity of the planet. The huge rockets of hundreds of tons have only a few real payloads. It ’s a ton, of course, it ’s extremely wasteful, so this kind of chemical fuel rocket has long been eliminated. Now it ’s used in this way. Take the elevator to enter the space, and then step on the spaceship in the space to leave, let ’s say, Large spaceships have almost no streamlined shape to meet the needs of the atmosphere, and are not suitable for navigation in the atmosphere.

"Mr. President, you are very welcome. I am Albert, the commander of the remaining starship." The captain of the starship said to Alte: "We will be sailing for two days before we can arrive. The starry sky where the main force of the starship is located is fighting for the safety of the alliance. "

Al nodded characteristically: "It's a great honor, can I visit on the starship?"

Of course, for two days, Elt ca n’t lie down and fall asleep, and now he ’s getting familiar with the fleet here. Those people are nothing at all. To truly control the world and expose Mr. Alpha when necessary The plot, in this case, must be familiar with and control the fleet.

This starship is very old. It has a service history of about 150 years. It belongs to a courageous class destroyer. When Qin Tian first entered the fleet, he was in this kind of starship. The memories of a hundred years ago when I was in service also poured in like a tide. This expedition at least allowed him to restore his memories, which is also a big wait.

"What about carrier-based aircraft?" Waiting in the empty hangar, Elt looked at the situation here, very strange.

"Since the end of the war a hundred years ago, there has been an extreme shortage of carrier-based aircraft pilots. Our brave-class starships originally had a quota of twenty carrier-based aircraft, but the carrier-based aircraft pilots were seriously inadequate. , Even if one pilot controls five fighters, at least four pilots are needed, but now, there is only one pilot who has just been assigned, so the carrier aircraft in the hangar has not been pulled out. What. "



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