Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 970: I saw

No matter what kind of government, it is always necessary to have taxes, and to establish a ruling order, it is impossible without a strong army. The army, government agencies, etc., are all dependent on taxes to maintain. In the past, direct taxes were paid directly. , And even higher and higher tax payments, such as the head tax of the Amene Empire, is a kind of tax that ultimately makes the bottom people have to rise up to resist.

But now, if you use the contribution point system, it is very concealed. How many contribution points a person has in exchange for how much remuneration is all in the system. As long as various data can be entered in the system, you can There will be some deviation between paying and harvesting, and this deviation is taxation.

With this system, it is more concealed, and the people can dedicate their labor while supporting them. Therefore, when the call for supporting Alter became higher and higher, Mr. Alpha simply gave up Seth and turned to support Ai It's a lot, anyway, for him, who rule is the same, for example, is it not better to do it now? As for Alte ’s loyalty, is that necessary? He has been brainwashed. Who can he loyal to without loyalty to himself? In his brain, a brand has been branded.

"Yes." Elter said: "I will do as you ordered, to provide our fleet with more resources, to build our fleet even bigger, but even so, we are afraid that we have no power and The Empire Fleet is fighting, they are too big. "

Most of the starships here are ultra-small. A starship is actually built around a naval gun. It even lacks ruby ​​as the excitation crystal of the laser gun. When Elt fled, it was Flying in such a castrated version of the starship, even when they fled, they also destroyed their starship factory.

With such power, how can they conquer the empire?

"You don't have to worry about this. We seem to have weak power now, but as long as we persist for a while, we will have a strong fleet. Now, you can go back. I am optimistic about you and work hard! Throughout the galaxy, you can also be the ruler of the galaxy. "

"What about you?" Elt finally asked this question. This question also showed his loyalty: "This empire should be yours to rule."

"I like to watch your rule." Mr. Alpha said: "Okay, now go back."

There are still a lot of doubts in Elt's mind. This question can only be found slowly by himself. It cannot be asked here. Too many questions will definitely cause doubt.

He walked back to his room along the red line, followed, and fell asleep. When he woke up, it was already the next day, and everything was back to normal. It seemed that everything yesterday was really a dream.

After Elt regained his vitality, he began to pay attention to the creation of Professor Miller's contribution point system in the college. At the same time, he continued to run for president. The elections of the entire Union are in progress. Elt's election has already been It's nailed down.

Right in the other corner, Margaret controlled the spaceship, with the deep sea prince, on a difficult journey back. After a few days of flying, the front was already LM-122 wormhole.

Outside the wormhole, there are countless wreckage on both sides of the slow fog area. Several starships are cruising here. With this slow fog area, they can easily intercept any fish that are missing from the net and want to pass through the slow fog area. It is impossible to break through the line of defense.

The large-scale exchange of fire has ended, and many starships have retreated. There are only a few starships left. For them, this is a solid thing.

The further back, the harder it is to attack, and the wreckage scattered here will make the attacking party hard to move, and the guarding party can make more wreckage as long as the other party's outcrop fires far away, just drilled out The starship in the slow fog area has no energy shield and its power is turned off. It is simply the simplest target.

They have no possibility to wear it out.

As the confrontation continued, the defense here also slackened, so when Margaret controlled the spacecraft and returned with the deep-sea prince, he found a gap, crossed the line of defense, and headed towards the opposite side.

"Deep sea brother was rescued." On the medical boat, Princess Jingxi put down her hood tiredly and said to Commander Anna aside: "It's too dangerous."

Thinking about this experience, it made people feel unbelievable. Fortunately, they finally rescued the deep sea brother.

"I have sent someone to answer." Anna said: "His Royal Highness, I suggest that you better not contact him for the time being."

Don't contact your brother? Although I said that my substitute has been with my brother, it is not the body after all, but this sentence can be understood by a little thought.

These substitutes of your own side are the biggest secret. Was the deep-sea brother rescued by himself like this by accident, or was the other party intentionally doing it? After all, Qin Tian is still inside. If his brother ’s rescue was a conspiracy of the other party, he might have been exposed here.

That Margaret, just like an ordinary person No longer have memories, women can give everything to love.

Yes, it is like that!

However, if you want to control the avatar and fall in love with her brother, Princess Jingxi is also somewhat uncontrollable. If the brother finally knows, do you know whether it will break down?

No matter, in a word, he was rescued, it was already very lucky.

Qin Tian? How is he there?

"This spaceship I flew back to has a device for generating slow fog, which can be handed over to our people for careful study." Princess Jing Xi said again.

Slow fog, this kind of thing has been blocking yourself, if you can study this kind of thing, it would be great! This is also a reason why Princess Jing Xi must come back.

"Okay, great, I will join the research too!" Pete said.

At this time, there was a noise from there, and Qin Tian finally ended another day of exhaustion. After entering the dream, he chose to return to communicate.

"Brother Tian, ​​what is the situation over there?" Princess Jing Xi asked. She ran over a few steps, grabbed Qin Tian's hand, and looked at Qin Tian with her own eyes.

"My dear, I saw Mr. Alpha." Qin Tian said.



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