Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 967: Human brain research

Xiaorong? When Alte's eyes looked over, the crowd watching the white flowers came up. On the outside of the crowd, there was a lone figure walking by. Although only a glance, Alter could recognize it, it must be Xiao Rong!

No, it should not be called Xiao Rong, Xiao Rong's stand-in here, Yana.

At that time, only Alte had escaped. The other substitutes had already erased their memories and were used by others. This Yana appeared here, which also explained a problem. The distance from the truth here is already very good. It's coming!

However, this Yana did not say hello to Elt, nor did she come around with enthusiasm, but slowly walked out.

Elt jumped onto the dining table with one foot. In the cafeteria, the most commonly used is one table and chairs. The table and the stool are connected together in groups of four. Now he jumps up and glances casually towards that side. At that time, Yana just turned back, her eyes were facing each other, and the kind of affection that would be cut forever!

However, just for a moment, Yana continued to walk outward, silently.

"Everyone, please be quiet." Elt jumped onto the table and stood up, of course, to give a short speech here.

"Science is the driving force behind social development. If there is no science, then we are still just a group of primitive humans hunting and preying! Thunder and lightning, there will be totem worship."

In the eyes of Elt, Friday appeared again. Primitive society, I have experienced it myself.

"Science makes our lives better, and the Alliance's Academy of Sciences is such an organization. I am very honored to be here today. I saw the torch of freedom and democracy, burning here."

Elt made a long speech before coming down. He ate a bowl of cut noodles. His approachable and undesirable lifestyle has won the favor of many people.

He Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and finally, this man's speech was over, and everyone also spread out. It was really tiring to be a bodyguard for this guy.

"Now, let's go to the brain science research department." Dean Philip said to Elter.

Al nodded characteristically, and after eating, he regained his strength, and the crowd went towards the top floor.

After entering it, Elt did n’t see anything unethical. The research room was small. There were dozens of researchers who were sitting there quietly, crackling the keyboard, although the voice Input is not a new thing for a long time, but the keyboard input method is faster and more efficient, which is widely spread in the graphical interface, but the server still uses the command prompt in the same way.

When he came here, Coro seemed to recover some energy. He turned on a switch, and in the central hall, a model of the suspended human brain appeared.

"Our simulation research on the human brain is to quantize the human brain, study every gully of the human brain, what it is used for, use a large number of computers to model, simulate, and try to find the mechanism of the human brain."

"So, what is the value of this research?" Elter asked: "I mean, after it is researched, what role will it promote the development of society?"

"The effect is great. Our current computer uses the calculation speed as an indicator. In fact, except for specifically used to calculate boring data to break records, it has no value. The calculation speed of the human brain is not fast, but it can handle it. There are many things, and the memory and other functions are also quite powerful. If we study all the structures of the human brain, then we can improve the existing computer, even if it only runs at a low speed, it can do a lot of work. " Coro said.

Low-speed research, sure enough, here is related to the slow fog research, of course, now Elt ca n’t mention the slow fog thing, this thing is only known to the upper society in the entire alliance, there is no Spread widely. Aier nodded characteristically: "Yes, what has happened now?"

"We have found a certain area of ​​the human brain, which is responsible for controlling something." After that, Coro demonstrated himself, sat on a chair in the center of the hall, and then put a helmet with various cables, Put it on his head.

"Xina, turn on the device." Coro said.

"Yes." When Xiao Na answered, Elter's heart was throbbing again. It was originally here. She also participated in the brain science research project here. Unfortunately, if control can be restored.

Xiao Na's fingers were skillfully struck on the keyboard, and then, on the holographic projection screen, the shape of a brain came alive, and some of them quickly turned green.

Coro raised his finger: "This is what controls speech. Through different combinations, we can get different words. We can already translate it by machine."

Sure enough, while he was speaking, the cortex of the brain in the holographic projection was constantly beating, and then, various translated codes emerged on it, and finally, the text that came out was exactly the same as his speech.

"Let's look at the operation again. I want to calculate 12345 times 12345."

This time is even more amazing. You can see the shaking of the cerebral cortex and the rapid rise and fall of various ravines. This kind of calculation can only be calculated when the brain is developed to a certain extent. There have been special people who have been engaged in this kind of challenge to create the world. Record.

Soon, the number appeared above: 159399025, the data are all correct! This Coro's brain is also quite flexible, and can completely break the record.

Coro came down and said to Elt: "Mr. President, are you going to try it?"

I? Try?

Aier's characteristic head: "Okay."

Elt sat up, put on this special helmet, and then Coro said to Xiao Na, who was on the side: "Xiao Na, now it's a matching operation, artificial modeling."


Xiao Na's fingers were fast and beating on top. Then, Alter suddenly felt an abnormal feeling in the brain. It seems that what memory is disappearing quickly?

No good, the trick!

Elt understands this time, that Mr. Elt has already started to fight against himself, no wonder he wants to compete for the president here, the other party did not play with the black hand, and did not use powerful means to clear himself. In fact, people are early I ’m going to plan now. Now that I ’m doing this, I will become the person of the other party!

"Mr. Elt, Mr. Elt, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, all kinds of sounds sounded around him. In Alter's brain, there was pain, and at the same time, all kinds of memories were like movies. Generally, it flashes quickly in the brain, scene after scene.



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