Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 964: Rescued

Not only does she want to move as much as she wants, she can even feel the status of the entire spacecraft, such as the operation of the nuclear power engine, navigation information, etc. When it is found that it can also control the quantum radar in front of the spacecraft At that time, Marguerite finally felt herself shaking.

What I have seen on Death Star, the human brain computer!

At low speeds of light, ordinary von Neumann computers cannot work properly because the speed is too slow. In the world of slow light speed, the easiest thing to think of is to use the human brain to calculate. Put the brain in a petri dish and plug in various pipes. The brain is only used for calculations. At the same time, the brain can be developed 100%, even with its own consciousness.

However, this kind of consciousness and previous memories are the most painful, because these memories will stimulate yourself, keep thinking about the previous state, and then look at the current situation. In contrast, how can you feel at ease, This is a kind of torment, it is better than death.

So, is this the same for yourself?

of course not! When she thought of this, she had already shivered, and then she looked down and saw her body, her limbs, and they were all there.

If it is in the laboratory, the brain is cut out in a petri dish, and it may be easier to study in formalin solution, but outside, in a separate small spaceship, this method is not suitable. The most suitable container for it is the human body.

So, now Margaret is at least complete, so how did she come here, what are she doing now?

Soon, more memories appeared in my mind. After being pushed to the operating table, the previous memories were smoothed out. Then, like everyone else, they began to be tested and found that her flying talent was good, so she became A pilot, of course, belongs to the kind of death squad.

This time it was the mission of the Death Squad, driving this small spaceship close to the edge of the star, releasing the slow fog and wrapping the star. Of course, her one is definitely not going to perform the same task as her. Five hundred ships, after their release, they retreated at a high speed from the direction where they ended. It is unknown whether they can withdraw.

Looking at her current situation, she should have failed to withdraw, and was attacked by the strong radiation of the supernova eruption. Under the radiation, she actually harvested, regained the memory of the avatar, and resumed contact.

This is simply too rare. In short, this is the case now. The starry sky where her spaceship is located is already the area affected by the supernova explosion. If there are conventional electronic equipment on the spaceship, it must have failed, but it is not now. Her spaceship is controlled by the human brain, and those slow fog cannot affect her.

So, what is she doing now?

This spaceship is controlled by the human brain, so it will not be afraid of the slow fog area, and can move back and forth in the slow fog area, that is, she can drive this spacecraft, cross the slow fog barrier, fly back to the wormhole, and join the fleet , And then study the technology on this spaceship, so that you can make a breakthrough, yes, just do it!

The other party ’s control of the brain is definitely still at a low level. It can only erase some parts of the memory, and cannot be modified, nor can it be added to taboos. For example, it cannot violate its own mission. This is already very mythical.

So, now turn on the navigation system, conduct interstellar navigation, determine the direction, it is best to be able to fly to the LM-122 wormhole, where it can directly merge with the fleet, if you can sneak attack the opposing guard ’s fleet from behind, it is even more All right! At this moment, the quantum radar showed that there was a large piece of debris that was flying towards the starry sky on her side. She was able to use her brain to control the spaceship to escape, but When she looked out, she immediately felt her heartbeat beating. She flew from space and was alone!

This person is wearing the flight suit of a senior officer of the Empire Fleet and wearing a flight helmet. Everything is intact. The helmet is coated with reflective film, and the face inside the helmet cannot be seen. However, Margaret is quite familiar with this body. You can't be wrong with this silhouette!

Start the rescue program!

This spaceship was originally a small transportation boat. The transportation boat has a lot of tasks, transportation, patrol, transportation, rescue, etc. Now, as soon as the idea moves, the spacecraft has started the rescue procedure and opened a huge fishing net. Things, and then skillfully picked up the senior officer flying in space.

When brought back into the cabin, the officer's body was almost stiff.

Even wearing a lightweight outer space suit, in the icy universe, the end is very tragic, the nuclear battery of the space suit will soon run out of electricity, the inside and outside of the space suit will be the same cold, he has floated in the universe After a long time, not only electricity, but oxygen is probably not enough to maintain.

If it were a little late, he must have died.

The helmet was taken off, and Margaret saw the familiar face. Suddenly, her eyes were full of tears, and she was indeed the deep-sea brother!

She tried to control her emotions, and then began to check, at this time, her brother's breathing is already very weak, if there is nothing ordinary, this, can't help herself!

Margaret skillfully pressed the other person's heart, and then, holding the nose, helped the other person to do artificial respiration, the deep sea prince's chest gradually rose and fell, his heartbeat was recovering, his breath was recovering, the comfortable environment inside the cockpit finally let him His body was restored to function, and he opened his eyes.

"Where is this?" He asked, then suddenly stood up: "No, I have to go back, my fleet is still there."

He remembered that when the light of the following supernova explosion was about to invade, his flagship had already accelerated, but it was still caught up. All the systems of his flagship suddenly failed, and the antimatter engine at the tail exploded violently. The entire flagship disintegrated in the air. He was lifted by a stream of air on the bridge. At the moment of the explosion, he had just put on his helmet, and then he knew nothing.

Now, it is here that he was rescued himself, he is the deputy commander of the fleet, he must return to his post.

"Your fleet is gone." Margaret said. When he said this, Margaret was very uncomfortable. There was also a copy of Margaret that caused this tragedy, but she did not restore her memory at the time. , The avatar did nothing to do with her.

Now, the wreckage behind them includes 5,000 cruiser ships and 500 battleships. The empire spent countless resources to build the fleet, which was actually eliminated.



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