Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 96: I am not convinced

The clone ran quickly and looked at the kite that had fallen to the ground. The kite's skeleton had shattered. The clone was carefully held up by his hand and his eyes were very frustrated.

"Hey, you guys, why are you so careless." Jin Jiji said: "If it breaks, can you afford it?"

"It's okay, kites only." Princess Jingxi said: "He's flying kites for the first time, which is already good, but it's much better than when I was. There are so many things here. "

When I was little?

Confusion constantly appeared in front of the clone, and he clearly hesitated again.

Finally, he walked to Qin Tian and asked him: "100520, do you have it, when you were a kid?"

"Yes." Qin Tian said: "Everyone has it, unless ..."

"We have finished training, and ask to fight again!" At this moment, there, a group of wolves were screaming.

So, Qin Tian pointed to these people and said, "Go, let's, then, confront the practice."

"Princess, who the **** is he? It's weird." Kim Ki-ki looked at the clone and left, and said, "I think he is different from our ordinary people."

Princess Jing Xi nodded: "Yes, he is very different. In front of him, don't talk nonsense."

The changes to this clone were gradually made. Now, this clone does not know that his own side is the Armenian Empire. If he knows it, he must not fight him.

Bringing this clone down is a very dangerous plan, but letting this person adapt to the planet has many advantages. For example, from the look in this clone ’s eyes, he must have already known his life experience. Began to doubt.

He has no childhood. This is the problem of cloning people's biggest spiritual world. This problem is constantly fermenting. In the end, he will give up the creed that he has persisted in training for many years. Say it all.

"No, I'm not convinced." Just then, there was a sad voice over the simulator. Soloth's simulator hatch opened and he failed again.

This time, the defeat was faster than last time! As soon as he entered, he was killed by the other party. So neat, does the other party really have such a means?

Or does Qin Tian make weirdness from it? For example, you deliberately defeat yourself in the program.

At this time, Solothur's conviction was about to collapse. He did not expect that he had undergone careful training and thought he would stand out. Where did he know that it was the first one to end.

"Solotu, you can come here and watch your data analysis." Qin Tian said.

The simulator is very advanced, you can switch the angle of view, you can play back, and now, in front of the terminal, Solothur can clearly see from the outside angle.

His own plane, just after taking off, was hit by the opponent at a long distance.

how far? 300,000 kilometers!

On the simulator, 300,000 kilometers, that is a bright spot on the screen, yes, only the bright spot of one pixel, the other party's eyes, can actually distinguish a bright spot?

"We have seen such cases in the battle. In the battle in space, the laser beam is not disturbed by any interference, without any attenuation. As long as you can aim, you can shoot as far as you want." Qin Tian said.

Zorotu was depressed, and this time he was blinded by the other party. However, people were accurately caught, and his luck was too bad!

"No, then I will not accept it, unless, unless you compare with him!" Solotto said.

Everyone is under the opponent's hands, they insist on less than thirty seconds, this guy is definitely a master of the masters, except for good luck, can stick to the end, the rest of the people, no one, such a competition, what else significance?

Zorotu is dissatisfied, he depends on Qin Tian's ability.

Compared with physical strength, Solot is convinced, but until now, he has not found how great Qin Tian has made in technology. What if the invited confrontation personnel are first-class masters in the army?

Qin Tian didn't show his hand, how can everyone be convinced? Qin Tian smiled, did you disagree? I am the one who treats you like this.

Of course, what he is best at is fighting. In battle, how many lucks and how many lucks did he live to now.

These guys still want to see their own skills?

"Okay, let you see." Qin Tian said, drilling into the cockpit, before closing the hatch, shouted to the opposite side: "110250, don't keep it, come up with your true level! You just I haven't shown half of my ability yet. "

This sentence surprised Sorotu and others again, not yet half the level? Is it purely people's play?

After Qin Tian went up, the first thing was to bring up the interface and adjust all the progress bars in it to the maximum.

"No? The overload protection will be cancelled. The maximum is 15G, right? He hasn't worn a flight suit yet!"

"The gain is adjusted to the maximum, then it is too sensitive, even if the operating lever is shaken a millimetre more, it will have a counterproductive effect."

"The strongest power system also means that the head-to-head flight time is the shortest. Who can hit in such a short time?"

Of course, everyone knows the adjustment, but no one dared to turn the head, almost in the central position, this choice is the best.

Qin Tian has adjusted to the highest.

Keep? Who will keep in real air combat? Retention means death? As a carrier-based pilot, don't leave yourself any future!

Start, accelerate, take off!

The hatches around them turned black, Qin Tian scanned with his eyes, and at the same time, the radar detection was turned on, and the fighter plane was flying in the simulated universe view.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

Three hundred thousand kilometers is the distance that just hit Solothur. Now, the two fighters are constantly maneuvering.

That's right, after taking off and taking off, they flew in a straight line for no more than 3 seconds! And after approaching, their flight path has always been a curve.

Now, at the position of 300,000 kilometers, suddenly, the Skylight fighter spit out four tongues of fire, and it was very clear from the perspective of the terminal.

These four laser beams will instantly kill Qin Tian's fighter!

Qin Tian did not hesitate, he gently pushed the joystick, and the fighter jet was inserted straight into it!

That's right, in everyone's surprised eyes, on the terminal's image, the blitz fighter penetrated into the flame of the laser beam, but was not hit.

"Fault, it must be a program failure!" One shouted.

"Shut up!" Thorot shouted loudly: "Look clearly, our technology, in front of them, is worthless!"

Sorotu figured it out in an instant. Qin Tian's fighter plane got into the other party's laser beam and adjusted it at an extremely precise angle. It was dancing on the tip of the dead knife. Those laser beams could not touch he!

Who dares? None of them dare, because no one has this ability!

"Turn, they are all turning!"

Skylight fighters are turning, laser beams are turning, and they want to strangle Qin Tian ’s fighters, and Qin Tian ’s fighters are still turning, and the distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer!

Everyone is attentive. If they do n’t see it with their own eyes, they will never believe that there are such terrible tactics, such advanced technology, and such a strong psychological capacity.

They don't even know that this is Qin Tian's best on the battlefield. When watching the laser beam flying over the cockpit cover, he was inexplicably excited.



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