Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 956: Princess's worries

"His Royal Highness." On the flagship of the fleet, Commander Anna once again saw Princess Jingxi.

During this time, Princess Jingxi has always been looking forward to regaining control of the avatar, but there has been no progress. Anyway, she has exposed her whereabouts, so she often visits the flagship.

"How is it going?" Princess Jing Xi asked Commander Anna.

On the other side of the wormhole, still in confrontation, of course they want to cross, but that layer of defense is an insurmountable obstacle for them.

"We are testing, hoping to find the loophole of the opponent's defense. Now, we have lost a dozen more carrier-based aircraft, but we have found nothing. Now, we may need to try another wormhole."

Anna was also very helpless. During this time of exploration, she found that the opposite slow fog was simply a fortress with both offense and defense. They could not break through at all. Since this is the case, maybe you have to try it in another direction.

Princess Jing Xi shook her head: "No, the other party's intelligence work is doing very well. When we passed, they must have been there too, so they will still face the same situation."

Until now, I don't know what kind of means the other party used, but the other party can know their own actions and make arrangements in advance, which is more surprising.

"Unless, we can have a sufficient number of fleets and quickly launch an attack from each wormhole. In this way, the number of opposing fleets is limited. It is impossible to take care of all the wormholes, so that we can have a chance. "" Anna said to Princess Jingxi.

This is also the most helpless way, purely competing for quantity, using quantity to crush each other, each wormhole launches an attack together, the other party will certainly ignore the head and tail, causing omissions.

Princess Jing Xi nodded: "Yes, this is a method, but the number of fleets required in this way is quite large, and it must be the main fleet of the empire."

"Yes, the main fleet of our empire has already planned to be dispatched." At this moment, General Carl came in and said to Princess Jingxi: "Your Majesty has issued an order to dispatch a thousand battleships, one Ten thousand cruiser ships form a huge fleet, ready to suppress the rebellion in one fell swoop. "

A thousand battleships, ten thousand cruisers? Is n’t that half of the Empire Fleet? Princess Jingxi suddenly felt that her eyelids were jumping wildly. At the beginning, the empire did not want to rebel, but only wanted to dispatch the fleet of the Sagittarius cantilever colony, and wanted to take this opportunity to weaken the strength of the Sagittarius cantilever colony fleet. Then, I suddenly changed my mind and asked the army to suppress the situation. These two methods are too extreme.

After all, until now, I do n’t know anything about the Fibre Empire, what if the Fibre Empire dispatched a starship and suddenly attacked the Empire?

Princess Jingxi always feels that this kind of plan is not stable.

"So how are they going to suppress it?" Princess Jing Xi continued to ask.

"They are planning to open a new channel, which suddenly appeared in the core of the other party and directly suppressed. Those slow fog barriers only have an effect on the existing wormholes. They have opened a new channel and will definitely kill the other party by surprise! This time, under the command of the deep-sea prince himself, His Majesty ’s purpose was to use the thunderbolt to cover his ears, so that the entire empire would see the end of the betrayer! "

The end of the betrayal is death, and the purpose of His Majesty must be to let the fleet be in rebellion, mercilessly, but those people who are deceived should be innocent, and those commanders, I am afraid that it is also innocent, or the reason why the other party ’s brain control is too powerful!

"Please connect me to the deep sea brother." Princess Jing Xi bit her lip and said to Commander Anna. Through the fleet-specific passage, soon, a holographic projection of the deep sea prince appeared in front of him. Blowing up, and right behind him, you can see that many staff are preparing.

"Brother Deep Sea, are you planning to personally command?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

"Yes, this is the first battle in a hundred years, my deputy commander of the fleet, always have to come to the front line." The deep sea prince said.

"Brother, I have an ominous hunch, please, be careful!"

Princess Jingxi does not have the power to order the Empire's main fleet. Moreover, she only has a hunch. This hunch is not very precise and cannot be said directly, so now she is very embarrassed.

"Okay, I know. When the rebellion is settled, I will pass by the wormhole where you are. At that time, we can meet, and I can leave a few warships to guard you. Okay, no. Having said that, I still have a lot of things to do. "

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that the communication was to be cut off, Princess Jingxi suddenly remembered something and said, "During the voyage, be sure to deploy the carrier aircraft ahead of time!"

The slow fog barrier still does n’t know any knowledge about it. It only knows that there is such a thing. Once the speed is too fast, it will become smashed when passing through it. The most stupid way can be used to deploy the carrier aircraft in front. Once encountered in front, at least the carrier will be crushed, so that the fleet behind can be prepared.

When will the Imperial Academy of Sciences be able to study these things? Princess Jing Xi is very uncomfortable.

"Understood, rest assured, we will be careful." The deep sea prince will cut off the communication again.

"Wait! All fleets, don't get together, you want to be a few formations, you have to be in the final formation."

What if the opponent sets a slow fog trap and traps all the starships? The best way is to divide the starships into several formations, so that even if one of them is under siege, the rest can still find a way, such as rescue in the past.

"Relax, we will consider it, that's it, goodbye!" The deep sea prince is indeed very busy. Thousands of battleships and tens of thousands of cruisers. Such a scale of dispatch is in the history of the Empire. It has never happened before, and scheduling is very complicated. The staff in the Fleet Command are too busy to deal with each other. The deep sea prince also participates and keeps giving instructions.

Closed the communication, the deep-sea prince shook his head, his sister was too careful, yes, this slow fog sounds terrible, but, if artificially constructed, how much area can be constructed?

When the fleet is sailing, the momentum is quite huge. In order to avoid collisions, the distance between the starship and the starship must be widened. Tens of thousands of starships require a stellar galaxy level. The other party may be constructed Is such a big slow fog barrier constructed as a slow fog trap?

It is absolutely impossible. This is no longer a problem of technology. It has become the power of the galaxy.



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