Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 951: Prestige reaches its peak

"Yes, that's it!" One of the following listeners shouted loudly: "We are engaged in underground operations and often work continuously for more than ten hours, or even twelve hours. We sacrificed our own happiness and happiness. This We fully support the new system! "

"Yes, that is, we deliver food, day and night, all year round, we also sacrificed our own happiness and happiness!"

The following immediately became chaotic, and many people expressed their excitement. They began to sincerely support this system.

In fact, as long as they are the lowest-level workers, who will only work for eight hours? They all have a long labor time and labor intensity. On the contrary, only the upper-level rulers will enjoy the whole day, and the current status of Elt is established by the people at the bottom. His system is even more Get the support of the bottom of the people!

He Xiao glanced at Alter and had to say that this man is still very brainy. He said that the system can actually be implemented, and at the same time, he said for a long time, it was equivalent to not saying.

For example, how much contribution can you get from delivering food? What is your underground miner? The specific value is still unclear. There are too many opportunities for black box operations, which can be supported by everyone and can be used anytime, anywhere. This kind of operation is simply amazing.

"We support this system, and we support Mr. Elter becoming the president of the Union!"

"Only Mr. Elter is considered for us!"

"One person, one vote, one person, one vote!"

More and more voices broke out throughout the conference venue, and they were all excited. If this system is implemented, those nobles and those who earn nothing will become victims under the system. Really become the master of the alliance!

"Long live President Elt!"

I do n’t know who screamed this slogan first. In the live broadcast, this slogan soon sounded within the entire league.

Seth and others looked at each other. They did not expect that it would eventually become the case. They thought that the system could be refuted completely. They also invited many experts on the spot, and they were conducted in the School of Finance. Could it be an illiterate Pass the test?

"Dean, Dean!" Nuren seemed to have grabbed the straw, and shouted to the Dean who was sitting below. The Dean of the School of Finance should sneer at this system. Right, where is there such an economy? !

However, the old fox, Dean, does not know when it has slipped away. Now if he refutes, it is to fight against the entire Union. To be Dean, not only should he have outstanding academic contributions, but also certain communication. Mind, the dean will not do such a stupid thing.

Elt was also quite satisfied with this scene. He watched the following emotions come out. After the outburst, he pressed with his hands and all the people stopped.

"Since we are holding this meeting at the Alpha Finance School, during this time, I will be resident here. I will design this system as soon as possible. I hope the Finance School will cooperate with me in this work. Iliu Dean Shen, you will definitely support it, dean, you stop for a while! "

At this moment, the dean had just passed through these noisy crowds, and walked to the back door. Now Elt shouted like this, all of them looked at it. So, the old Ileutian fox could never escape, He turned his head and looked at the crowd with a smile on his face.

"Since Mr. Alter values ​​our college so much, then our college will cooperate fully." Ilyushin said, now, they are riding a tiger, but anyway, the college is doing academic research. It is enough to treat this as a subject.

"President Ilyushin, your name will surely be immortal and become the pride of the entire league." Elt said to Ilyushin, first buckled him a high hat, and then said: "Please start to set up immediately , It ’s best to complete it within half a month, our league needs it very much. "

"Hey, Elt, the league hasn't said it will re-elect!"

Seth opposite exploded. What happened? Have you regarded yourself as a winner? The coalition is still controlled by the interim government. If the interim government does not nod, it will not change the way the election is conducted!

"Really? Then listen to the people's voice!" Elter said.

"General election, re-election!"

This voice sounded in the conference hall, in the entire academy, in the entire Alpha Star, in the entire Union, everyone is issuing the slogan of this call, re-election, we want President Elt!

Elt's election has already been determined. This trend is irreversible!

"Mr. Elter, you will live in our Taekwondo Association first. All members of our association will do their utmost to protect your safety." He Xiao said.

Al nodded characteristically and gave Evelyn a meaningful look.

That's right, this is also a well-planned step for Elt.

In the process of Elter ’s rise, Evelyn provided a lot of help. Without Evelyn, there would be no Elter. Now, her reporter, in the process of Elter ’s fortune, has provided the largest stand by.

However, Elter ca n’t rely on Evelyn forever, because people can change. If he only depends on Evelyn forever, then the power can easily be elevated by Evelyn. This woman is very ambitious and definitely not only hopes As a reporter, what ministers do you think she might want to become president when she arrives?

Now, when I came to the academy, it just happened that Elt found new support. He can use these college students. They are the easiest generation. By relying on them, Elt can easily realize his plan.

Moreover, here is the safest, even if someone wants to assassinate him, it is impossible to blow up the whole academy?

"I also very much you stay here." Evelyn replied immediately, she is a smart person, of course, can understand the meaning of Elt, since Elt likes to stay here, then he must follow every step, so that Can continue to increase his influence, otherwise, what if he is replaced by this Xiao He?

This sturdy woman, who loses every day beside Elt, can't rest assured!

In the cheers, Elt left. When he waved to the audience for the last time, the following cheers were warmed up. Elt's prestige has reached its peak!



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