Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 944: Gifts

In the past few days, Alter realized the feeling of standing at the top, and he became famous.

Originally a very ordinary merchant, he planned to come here to sell some rubies and wait for the opportunity to reach the high-level. Unexpectedly, he made Ert stray into the other party ’s parliamentary election venue. As a result, he became famous and he exposed How ridiculous the current parliamentary system is. One person, one vote is the real democracy. It shows the reliability of the contribution point operation plan. All these, with the spread of the Internet era, immediately had a large number of fans.

Now, Elt is watching the people below.

"Everyone should have their own freedom of speech, so we also encourage people with more different ideas to come out to form their own political parties and participate in the election together." Elter's speech has never been more than To a few people, but to everyone, in the live broadcast, spread his thoughts throughout the Free Galaxy Alliance.

Although he does n’t believe in some things, for example, the more political parties, the better. This will only seriously drag down the government ’s efficiency. What kind of policy does the government want to implement? There will always be other opposition parties that will force them down and raise objections. Opinion, such a government has the lowest decision-making ability, otherwise, why the huge Amine Empire is imperial, it is because only the imperial system can quickly formulate any policies and can be promoted. The following people only accept The greater the size of the empire, the higher the effectiveness of the monarchy. As for what he is advocating here, he is all about disrupting the so-called Free Galactic Alliance and disintegrating them from within.

Anyway, the mess was created by Elt, and it has nothing to do with the deity. This is also his biggest support.

"Every political party must have its own political proposition. Now, the main program of our Liberal Democratic Party is that everyone is equal and that everyone is truly equal. Everyone can exert influence on this alliance." Elter He went on to say that when starting the name of the political party, he took all the names without hesitation.

"Now, I am the acting chairman of this party, but I will not engage in arbitrary dictatorship. We are constantly developing party members at the lower level. Every excellent party member can put forward his own opinions. Within our party, soon Elections must also begin, with party members electing the chairman and the chairman participating in the election. "Elt continued.

"Chairman Elter, someone from the new Texas planet is here." At this moment, Evelyn said to Elter: "They sent representatives and asked to join our party."

"Okay, invite them in." Elter said.

One more person means more power. If the current interim government wants to stop this trend, it is already impossible. Elt has always welcomed more people to join, the more the better .

Here came a strong young man. He was tall and powerful. After coming in, he said to Elter with a loud voice: "Chairman Elter, I represent all working people on the planet of New Texas and support you to become a Our leader! "

After that, he picked up a shiny trophy from his handbag. Under the indoor lights, the trophy shone. I do n’t know if it was all made of gold. At least the outer layer is like this.

"This is a gift from our new Texas planet." He said, holding the trophy solemnly, and walked towards Elt, walking very calmly.

This gift is very expensive, you must accept it! There was confidence in his face.

"No, no." Who knows, Elt shook his head: "I know that this trophy is the respect and love of the people of the new Texas planet. I have accepted this intention, but I cannot accept this gift. of." Elt has a solemn face: "Once we form a new government, we must be a clean and efficient government, fully serve our people, and serve as the people ’s public servants, if I openly accept gifts here, and the subordinate officials will follow suit. This mouth cannot be opened, no matter what the gift is, regardless of its value, I cannot accept it. I am very sorry. "

The young man was suddenly stunned. The expression on his face was very strange. He did not expect that Elt would actually refuse to accept the gift. This was made of gold. There are still a few gems inlaid on it. Doesn't he like it?

Where is there someone who does not love money?

"You must accept it. Before I came, I was entrusted by the people. Look at this, and pay tribute to you." The youth continued.

In the middle of the trophy, the words "freedom, democracy, and equality" are written. At the back, it is dedicated to the most respected Chairman Elter.

Aier nodded: "Yes, the people's heartfelt love for me, I have been able to feel it. I will remember this love, this trophy, please take it back and tell the people, our new government , Will refuse any act of accepting gifts, starting from my own, if there is such an act, it will be a shame for our Liberal Democratic Party. "

Elt's attitude is firm.

His attitude has once again won applause from the people below.

Idiot, is there such a gift? The live broadcast is still going on, and the whole league can see that this show by Chairman Elter will definitely win the favor of more people. You have to give a gift, come down and give it quietly. After the new government was established, it would be no problem to be the ball of a new Texas planet. It ’s enough to be a show, you ca n’t do it anymore.

Listening to the applause, the youth finally gave up: "Yes, sir, we will remember your education."

After he finished speaking, he walked down to an obscure corner, where he listened to Elter's speech.

After a few minutes.

"Huh, where is that young man? Where did he go?" Evelyn looked over strangely. The seat there was already empty. She also planned to interview this young man and continue to write a report. Evelyn, relying on Elt, has become the most influential reporter in the entire league. Every news of hers will have trillions of clicks every time. Every video will have everyone in the league attention.

That young man, that trophy, is definitely the most eye-catching news today. Digging the inside story behind and reporting it is very attractive.

Evelyn was about to walk over, and found the glittering trophy under that table, and suddenly released a hot light!



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