Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 940: for freedom

"The people inside listen, you are surrounded, now please give up any resistance, put your hands on your head and come out one by one!"

A loudspeaker sounded outside.

Hearing this voice, Elt's heart was even more delighted. What did they say? They came better. If they secretly came in and arrested themselves, then forget it, so loud now, Just be able to confront them and let them know the power of the people!

"Now, let's uncover the true face of the current coalition provisional government!" Elt walked to the window with a fervent look, and then signaled the reporter to twist the camera over and do this. The reporters are also familiar with the camera and wait until the camera Turn around, you can find that they have been completely surrounded by flying vehicles, at least a few hundred military police have come!

"What crime did I commit, you want to catch me?" Elt stood by the window and shouted to the outside. He showed half of his body. Once a sniper wants to kill him, he can also hide. After all, once he If you kill it, then it is completely over. If the opponent is ruthless enough, you should do so.

"Your conviction will naturally be known when you get to prison. Now, come out obediently, otherwise, we will go in to catch people!" Headed by a fat police chief, he shouted to Elter, this Looks like it's enough to be offensive.

"It turns out that you have to put me in prison without going through trial?" Elt shouted: "Who gave you this power?"

"This is an arrest warrant issued by the interim government! You are a fugitive, a fugitive who destroyed our entire starship factory!" The police chief said: "Don't think that you can escape the sanctions by disguising yourself!"

Sure enough, they were also very clever. Instead of talking about what Elter did today, it came down to Elter blowing up the factory. If the conviction was established, it would be no problem to arrest him.

However, Elt has broadcast all the previous events. At this time, countless people who are watching the live broadcast feel the shame of the government, forcibly ask for rubies from others, and then attribute the crime of blowing up the factory to On the other side's head, the government's behavior of blaming the horse is really abominable!

"If you don't come out again, we will formally arrest!"

The fat policeman below spoke while activating the equipment.

Now, there are many ways to catch prisoners, without the police rushing to take risks, they can have all kinds of advanced equipment, such as ultrasonic cannons!

Just like the water cannons that used to deal with thugs, they now have ultrasonic cannons. This cannon can emit ultrasonic waves. Within a few minutes, everyone in the entire building can be comatose, so it is very easy to rush in and catch people. Too.

Of course, if there are old, weak and sick, it may bring some physical damage, which is within the controllable range.

Now, if you do n’t surrender, you have to rush in and start!

"Well, I can go out in order not to harm everyone." Elt said: "Although I know that as long as they fall into their hands, they will be sentenced to death. My remarks have affected their Reign, but I do n’t want to involve more people because of me. "

A glorious and positive image appeared like this. Elt was about to go down, and Evelyn caught him: "No, Mr. Elt, you can't go out, you are a true freedom fighter, you can't Just being caught by them, we will not agree, nor will the audience in front of our live broadcast agree! "

Of course, we cannot let Elt go. If Elt is gone, where will they go to find such valuable news? In this live broadcast today, Evelyn's account has risen more than 300 million! If in terms of multiples, it is ten times the number of his original fans, it is conceivable that now her account is already super rich, as long as Alte has been protected, it will always be able to rise, this way Good opportunity, how can it be wasted?

Not only Evelyn, but other reporters are also broadcasting. They have gained a lot. At this time, there is absolutely no way to compromise. Moreover, they must also show their own glorious and upright image. Free fighter! "Yes, we will never let them succeed!"

"Friends in front of the live screen, we are now on the McCand Farm on the Alpha Star. If you are nearby, please come over immediately to support our Mr. Elter, he is the real soldier of our Free Galaxy Alliance ! "

"This is McCende Farm. We are surrounded by evil police. They are going to take Mr. Elter and sentence him. We need your help!"

For reporters, the masses are most likely to be mobilized. Now, they all think of the last way to mobilize the people around them, even if they are only nearby residents, if they are watching the live broadcast, and if they come to support, it must be possible. .

At this time, the fat police outside were still giving an ultimatum.

"Now, give you three minutes and come out immediately, otherwise, we will shoot!"

"Justice will win!"

"Long live freedom!" Just then, a slogan sounded inside.

These guys still shout slogans, so how can they be loud again? Can they still be saved?

The fat policeman looked at it with disdain, and suddenly, he seemed to hear a slogan in the distance.

what happened?

In the nearby manor, the workers came out in a tractor, and they shouted the slogan: "Long live freedom!"

The residents in the nearby town drove the car, and although they could not fly, they drove over at the fastest speed and gathered from all directions toward here.

A flying bus came from a city in the distance. Inside the bus were young students. They waved their fists and shouted, "Long live freedom!"

The sweat on the fat policeman ’s forehead came out. He knew that the situation was complicated in an instant. With the increase of these people around, it will cause great trouble for their arrests. Problem, but a riot of civilians about to evolve.

These **** civilians, how could they not thank the interim government for their rescue from the empire's slavery!

Even Alter was stunned. Why are people here so riotous? Even if your own speech is sensational enough, there is no such effect.

Where did he know that such a scene has been staged recently, and the crowd also drove the colonial government through such riots!

Compared with the previous incitement, Elt's speech now makes them even more excited. Being the master here, he has the right to elect the president!



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