Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 932: I want to run for president

Since the president of the Free Galactic Alliance is elected here, there must be an elector? I rushed into the venue so hurriedly, what are you doing here?

Elt thought about 10 million countermeasures in his mind, and I think this is the most reliable one. I came to participate in the election!

Can't you ever use force against someone trying to participate in the election of the president?

After Elter finished speaking, he looked towards the rostrum. There was only one old man on the rostrum. Seeing it like this, should it be a person like a parliamentarian? He had already stood up, and when he heard Elter ’s words, his face was even more angry: “Election? You are a big tone, do you know what it takes to run for president? You suddenly broke into our most solemn and sacred meeting , And then said to run for president? You arrogant guy, come here, take him to me, and give it to the Union Court for trial! "

"Slow!" Elt shouted: "Look, your profile, what are the characters there?"

Elt pointed at the wall, where the writing was clearly visible. Freedom, democracy, and rebellion throughout the colony were precisely for this purpose!

"Now that you are talking about this, then, I want to know, in this world, are all people equal?" Elt's voice was loud: "If not, then the previous system, What's the difference? "

"Yes, this is exactly the goal of all of us. The Armenian Empire, decaying and declining, the emperor standing high above us, we simply cannot experience the sufferings of the people. We want to break this kind of monarchy. Beautiful. "The old man said.

This ideal is broadcast to the entire world. The rebellion in this world can spread so quickly, and a new system can be quickly established, because everyone is looking forward to such a system, and everyone is equal!

"Since everyone is equal, then, although I am an ordinary citizen, I should also have the right to vote and be elected!" Elter said: "When you see me coming to participate in the election, just arrest me like this, What is the difference between that and the Empire? Is this system a democratic system? "

In the words of Elt, everyone is speechless. If from this perspective, yes, the ordinary person in front of him may also participate in the presidential election.

The question is, do you deserve it? An ordinary person, whose identity and origin are unknown at this time, must participate in the presidential election? What ability do you have to lead this world?

The old man could n’t wait to get rid of him immediately, but now, he really dare not, because this election is broadcasted to the entire league, originally wanted to let everyone see the grand occasion, everyone supports the most respected The first president was about to be born, and as a result, such a guy suddenly appeared.

Moreover, the old people did not expect to cut off the external broadcast as soon as possible, because they said that democracy, the right to broadcast is the basic power, and the government would not interfere. As a result, such an unexpected scene appeared.

What exactly is going on? The old man forcibly suppressed his anger. Now, since this guy does n’t know that he wants to run for election, let him be ugly!

"Then you talk about your proposal," the old man said.

If you want to manage a country, it is not a simple matter. How can a country suddenly manage to govern a country? Depending on his age, when he was an angry youth, he was almost the same, and it was impossible for him to put forward some constructive suggestions.

"I ..." That's right, Elt did not have much preparation. He just said that he wanted to run for the election, and he really said it casually. If he wants to live here, he has to give himself a tall identity, so that they dare not grab themselves If you really say something here, what should you suggest?

His mind was thinking quickly.

"If you can't tell, then you are not eligible to run for president. Being a president, you want to lead the entire alliance to a better tomorrow. It is not just one person. Our entire alliance is like a big family, everyone is safe. That ’s the job, so you can go back and be your worker. "

As soon as the old man ’s words fell, Elt said: “I think the most important thing for us is the distribution system! Workers like me are the builders of the country and the cornerstones of the country, although not the most important. But it is an indispensable element of the country. However, our workers are at the lowest level of society. We earn the meager wages and eat the lowest-level meals. They are only enough to support a family and children, and they are expropriated. A lot of taxes, especially head tax, can be levied on us. Our hard income is finally taken away by the state, so our distribution system must be changed! "

Distribution system? Hearing Alter ’s words, the old man sneered: “So, how do you plan to change this system? Remember, your system is not only for the benefit of the public, but also for the country. If you take the workers’ income from labor, It ’s all given to themselves. The country ca n’t collect taxes, so the country cannot develop. If the alliance has no money, it ca n’t build starships, and ca n’t fight the upcoming war. Will collapse. "

This stunned youth, wouldn't it be said that all the workers' labor income is given to the workers? What does that country spend? No matter what the system is, the country has to collect taxes, and if it does not, it is impossible for the country to continue.

"Yes, this is a contradiction. The root of this contradiction is still the current basic system, so if it is me, it will completely change this system. In our country, we will completely cancel the evil thing of money, and we give up using it. currency."

"Haha, haha, this is the funniest I've ever heard." The old man on stage laughed haha: "Okay, farce is enough, you don't have any ruling ability, you can only speak such empty talk and big talk If you cancel the currency, the whole country will be completely messed up! You can go now. We are equal and free here, and you will not be caught because of your nonsense here. You have wasted too much of our time. Now. "

I'm not going to refuse to arrest you for the time being. You just have to leave. When you leave the hall and the corner where there is no camera, there will naturally be a gendarme who will arrest this guy who speaks loudly.

Of course, Elt also knows the old man ’s ideas. Now, he must let the public know that his philosophy is correct, so as to ensure the safety of Elt.

Elter said aloud: "No, this is the most essential. Currency is the source of sin and the most direct means of exploitation by ordinary people!"



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