Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 930: Skydiving

In space, there is so much openness that it is too difficult to avoid the pursuit of dozens of carrier-based aircraft. Therefore, Elt did not hesitate to push the joystick and let the escape capsule rush towards the planet in close proximity.

Alpha Star, I am back!

There is no choice. Elt rushed in at a large angle. When he entered, the entire periphery of the escape cabin was burned with thousands of degrees of high temperature, and his spaceship has become a meteor!

Then, it entered the ionosphere.

The carrier aircraft chasing outside lost the trace of this escape cabin. When entering the ionosphere, any detection equipment was cut off. They can only follow the trajectory of the fall of the escape cabin, hoping to be able to leave on the other side. After the ionosphere, capture again.

However, after entering the dense atmosphere, they can no longer find the target to pursue, just like when the target enters the atmosphere, the high temperature of thousands of degrees has burned the spaceship.

Did the other party burn down or slip away?

Of course it slipped away!

At the moment of entering the ionosphere, Elter pushed the operating lever again to control the escape cabin to slightly deviate from the course. Then, the spacecraft turned its direction and the engine moved forward to start the braking operation.

In this way, they will definitely be completely burned by the friction of the air, the engine is working at full power, and the escape cabin is continuously slowed down. Facing the operation of Elt, Dr. Charlie said nothing because he knew Entering the Alpha Star is the most stupid decision. Needless to say, the carrier aircraft is chasing. There are so many defensive facilities on the ground, and they can be easily captured long ago.

Just avoiding the pursuit of the carrier aircraft, it is nothing, enter here, then you will never be able to get out.

Of course, it doesn't matter to Dr. Charlie, as long as the escape capsule is not attacked, he can be rescued, return to his own spaceship, and start his own research again.

It's just that the words just said evoke a trace of kindness remaining in his heart, but they will never linger.

Mr. Alpha does not need useless people. If there is no use value, he will be discarded. During this long period of time, Dr. Charlie has continued to carry out brain science research, and has been continuously recognized by Mr. Alpha, and many results It was not Dr. Charlie ’s original intention, but he did n’t look back and had to do it.

"Doctor, are you staying here, or are you going with me?" Elt said to Dr. Charlie.

Stay here, do n’t you just go together? Dr. Charlie looked at Elter with suspicion, watching him start wearing space suits, and then, carrying a special backpack, he immediately understood.

"It's impossible, you can't succeed, you are crazy!" If you do n’t enter the atmosphere, you ca n’t get rid of those in the back. If you enter the atmosphere, you will be discovered by the ground ’s defensive forces, so this is almost unsolvable, but now, These problems were solved by Elt. He adopted a more ingenious method, that is, after entering the atmosphere, he left the spaceship and jumped!

That special backpack has a delicate parachute, which is specially used for parachuting. In the rescue cabin, this is also a life-saving equipment, but generally, it is only used when landing close to the ground. When there is a situation, it can only be used when it can't land on the ground. Now, Elt wants to use it to jump from the sky!

Skydiving is an extreme sport, and accidents can happen at any time. Even insurance companies are reluctant to provide insurance services for such projects. It can be seen how dangerous it is. Moreover, the general skydiving is also from the balloon. Jump up and down, haven't heard of jumping directly down from the spaceship, do you know how fast this goes down?

Even if it was discovered after landing, it was better than falling to death while parachuting.

"I have set the landing procedure, now, goodbye!" Elt said, and walked to the door of the hatch, and then opened the hatch.

The sky outside is very clear, it is a good weather for skydiving!

Elt leaned forward, and finally looked at the interior of the spaceship. Then, the upper body went out of the force field area of ​​the hatch. Immediately, his space suit fluffed out for a while.

The air pressure outside is very low, very low, and the temperature outside is also very low, very low. This is a phenomenon peculiar to high altitude and a restricted area of ​​life. Now, if he is not wearing a space suit, then his blood will boil directly, inside his body The nitrogen gas expanded and boiled, causing him great pain before he died.

But now, there is no such phenomenon. Elt just felt the space suit suddenly swell. Then, his legs kicked and his whole body jumped out!

The rescue cabin swooped past him, and if it was not for him to retract his feet in time, he must have come into close contact with the rescue cabin! The body is estimated to be broken up.

Because the speed of the rescue cabin is very high, and when he comes out, the speed will decrease rapidly under the condition of air resistance. This is the same as jumping out of the carrier aircraft. If there is no ejection system, it is easy to be caught by the tail wing. Cut yourself in half.

Elt went out, he was like a kite with a broken line, and at a sudden, he was blown back by the violent wind. He stretched his limbs in the sky and tried to maximize his windward area. Use this Ways to slow down.

He must reduce the speed, otherwise when he goes down, the parachute will also rip because of the speed too fast, or tear his body.

Skydiving is a very dangerous sport, but there are still some people who will enjoy it, because they know that when they are alone in the atmosphere, they will have a special feeling, which makes people very nostalgic and obsessed. For example, it's like swimming in the mother's womb.

Due to the effect of gravity, Elt's trajectory quickly left the original curve and began to bend downward. He spread his arms and looked at the ground below to gradually show a specific outline. At the beginning, he could still watch Out of the arc of the earth, then you can see the specific landforms, mountains, running water, cities, forests.

He looked at the altimeter on his wrist. He had landed from an altitude of 40,000 meters to 10,000 meters. Now, his space suit is no longer bulging, and his speed has dropped. In the process, it feels the same as in a weightless universe. The body and limbs seem to be no longer their own.



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