Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 919: Slow fog trap

"Damn it!" Vader clearly saw it in the back. It should have been a fatal blow, but the starship behind him turned on the energy shield at a critical time! That kind of large starship, after opening the energy shield, will certainly be able to withstand the previous attacks!

Moreover, the other party not only turned on the energy shield, but also turned sharply in space, and the laser beam flew across the edge of the starship.

Fighting in space, it is very difficult to win a sneak attack. Generally, it is suppressed by firepower. A large number of artillery fires form a dense dead firepower network, so that the other party can not avoid it. After running out of light, the starship ran out of oil and dried up.

And now, their escaped starship cannot reach this level.

"Damn, they're consuming resources, what's the use of building these chicken ribs?" Elt said nothing.

That's right, in his eyes, these starships have become chicken ribs, unable to attack each other, and it is not possible to attack the other side when fleeing. What use is such a starship?

The curse was cursed. Now, of course, Elter knows the crisis is critical. With the attack just now, their acceleration slowed down a bit, and the following starships accelerated quite quickly.

"Twenty thousand kilometers away!"

"Ten thousand kilometers away!"

"Why didn't they fire?" Elt operated the starship, swaying left and right, doing basic dodge S-shaped flight, which made his speed increase slower, but now, as the other party keeps approaching, Elt found this special place.

Does the other party fire? What is the reason?

At this distance, the densely flying fleets behind could destroy them as long as they opened fire, but they destroyed the starship factory of the other party. This is the stabbing of the horse honeycomb. These starships did not fire at themselves. It doesn't fit their style at all.

"Five thousand kilometers away!"

On the ground, five thousand kilometers is quite long, but in space, five thousand kilometers is almost a passing scale. Now, while Margaret shouted, I found one, two, three The starships constantly flew past them.

"They want to surround us!" Elter said.

When the other party does this, does he want to surround himself and then capture him? How can this be? In the interstellar battle of the galaxy, there is no such example.

"They spread out!" Margaret said again.

At this time, those starships were already escaping the outer periphery of the starship, but on the outer periphery, they were not approaching, but were spreading to the outside world. When this situation was discovered, Bowman suddenly realized something, and then pulled it up. Operation lever.

The hull of the starship began to move upward, turned 90 degrees, and flew towards another dimension!

In the galaxy, the universe is three-dimensional. However, in actual combat, almost all battles take place on the ecliptic plane. The entire galaxy is a flat shape, flying perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy, then fly out of the galaxy. Too.

Just now the other side was surrounded by the ecliptic plane, and then spread out. Now, this long star-shaped ship-shaped starship actually turned its head and flew vertically upwards, which was beyond all the starships of the other side. Expected.

"They are laying traps there!" Elter said. trap? Margaret reacted first: "Is it a slow fog trap?"

Slow fog, which is invisible to the naked eye, but when the light passes through it, there will be strange visual effects because the speed of light slows down. Now, when Margaret looks backwards, she really found that On that plane, the surrounding light has changed significantly. Under the effect of visual persistence, the light of the stars in the distance has become a handful of arrows, just like the one seen on the dead star!

Sure enough, it was a slow fog trap. Their starship was able to spread the slow fog, which shocked Margaret again.

This means that if your own fleet fights against each other, you have to be more careful. The other side may spread slow mist, which can be used as a shield or a trap. Engaging such opponents is there a chance of winning?

What is that slow fog? Until now, Margaret was not clear.

According to the membrane theory of the universe, that might be a special force field film?

"Fool, a bunch of fools, they exposed their cards so early. If this ship escapes to other galaxies, the secret of our fleet will be revealed!"

In Skynet ’s room, looking at a specially enlarged screen and looking at the pursuit process inside, Mr. Alpha was extremely annoyed. His voice was a little sharp, and it sounded like a girl ’s voice.

Do you need a slow fog trap? You only need to use firepower. Do n’t aim at the opponent, aim at the starry sky in front of the opponent, and interweave the firepower. In order to avoid the collision, the opponent can only slow down.

At this moment, Mr. Alpha had a conflict. He no longer wanted to stay in the back. He was going to the front desk to direct the fools to fight.

In this way, are you planning to insert the banner of freedom and democracy throughout the galaxy? If I had such a strong general like Qin Tian, ​​how good it would be!

This idea is fleeting in his mind. Qin Tian is his enemy, Princess Jingxi is also his enemy, and he is the one who can't wait to break corpses!

If the Sagittarius cantilever fleet comes to attack and both Qin Tian and Princess Jingxi come, then he must go out in person and tear the opposing fleet into pieces!

"Alarm, alert!" At this moment, Skynet system issued a warning signal again. When Mr. Alpha zoomed in another window, he was surprised to see the information displayed in the window.

The Sagittarius cantilever colony is coming towards the LM-122 wormhole that leads to the three thousand second gap arm colony!

Did the other party delay for a long time, or did they decide to act? Now that the other party has arrived, you should fight yourselves.

It's a pity that these abominable businessmen couldn't catch them alive.

"Major Hughes, leave a destroyer and destroy the escaped target. All remaining starships rush to the LM-122 wormhole!"

Sitting in his chair with his back to the camera, Mr. Alpha gave the order again.

"Why?" Major General Hughes is puzzled. After all, they are chasing the escape target at full speed. The order they just received is still alive.

"The Sagittarius cantilever colony fleet is dispatched, and the war is about to begin!" Mr. Alpha said: "Looking forward to your LM-122 wormhole, creating a brilliant victory, to inspire our people, and annihilate their fleet, We can spread the fire of freedom and democracy to the Sagittarius cantilever colony! "



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