Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 908: White wolf with empty gloves

"Goodbye, my dear brother." Roosevelt said to those who went into space, with a strange light on his face.

This guy, he must have known for a long time! He knew in advance that his younger brother would come and knew that his younger brother would put himself to death, so here, with the help of these people, he killed his younger brother.

This kind of calculation, the most savvy calculation, as a businessman, he is really too qualified, or even over-qualified. This is clearly the most savvy politician.

In some small families, the brothers are harmonious and work together when they encounter things. However, in the big family, it is too common for brothers to fight against each other. In the family of the emperor, for the battle of kingship, it is even more dead and alive.

Now, seeing these people disappear into space with their own eyes, although it is for self-preservation, Elt still has a chill in his heart. This guy is a devil!

"Okay, now you can close the valve." Roosevelt shouted to Vader: "If you go on, you can't support it."

I don't know whether it is because of Roosevelt's force field shield or because of the gas. In short, in this airflow, he is motionless, like a gecko sticking to the wall.

Going down further, this place will become a vacuum, and as the pressure relief here, the doors of other cabins associated with this place are also closed one after another.

Vader pushed the handle back again. With his push, the pressure relief valve closed, the red warning light above the bulkhead, after turning a few times, the red light finally disappeared, and the internal air conditioning equipment began to pressurize. Provide a suitable environment in the cabin.

"Everyone, I have changed my mind and decided to give you ten times the amount of money to buy your rubies. Now, can we go back and talk again?" Roosevelt said.

Merchants, what is important is profit. Everything that just happened with Roosevelt seems to have been forgotten, and now it starts again.

Roosevelt originally planned to give them only 10% of the profits, but now it has become tenfold. So, do they still disagree?

"Then why didn't you say you want to give us ten times the profit earlier?" Elter said: "Aren't you just trying to attract us, and then waiting for your brother to take action, and then let us kill him? We even After finishing the transaction, how can I leave easily? Will there be police waiting for us? "

When dealing with such a person, you must be cautious, and if you are not careful, you will be sold by the other party. Although the other party ’s ten-fold profit for yourself is enough to satisfy yourself, but in the face of a fake loan you can set a trap What else can't be done by one's own hands to kill one's own brother?

Compared with the cost of ten times, the other party may be more willing to empty the white wolf and give them to the police. Is n’t that better?

"Your suspicions are justified. If you are not worried, you can continue to take me as a hostage. After completing the transaction, you get the money, take me out, and go to the edge of the wormhole, you let me go , So that you can be safe and worry-free. "Roosevelt said.

At this time, Roosevelt, still in a nanobag, could be suffocated at any time, but the tone of his talk was quite calm.

If you are afraid of being pitted by me, then treat me as a hostage. What are you afraid of?

"Okay, now give you an account, you give us the money, and then we take you to the spaceship to get those things." Elter said: "This transaction, you have to pay first."

"No problem." Elter said. In the translucent nanobag, Roosevelt activated a terminal with his finger, entered various numbers on it, and quickly completed the transfer. The Empire ’s banking system is quite advanced. After the transfer, , It takes almost a few seconds to arrive.

Needless to say the specific price, they all knew the price at the time of Alter's bidding. Now, looking at the series of digital accounts and entering the account of the Sagittarius cantilever colony fleet, should Anna be satisfied? Make money for her again.

"Now, can I get those rubies?" Roosevelt said.

"Okay, let's go."

Originally not far from the berth of the spacecraft, the transaction was completed on the spot here. Elt did not relax and took Roosevelt to the moored dock. It was empty here and was only guarded by a few people.

"Open the door." Elt said.

Vader pressed a series of numbers, and then, coupled with fingerprint and iris verification, the combination lock on the door opened with a loud bang after a few seconds of green flash.

"Come on, go in. Guests first please." Elt said, dragging Roosevelt forward to bring him into the spaceship, and then walk together, and he would not be given rubies until he was released.

However, at this moment, I saw the special smile on Roosevelt's face. This smile had happened when I was pitting his brother.

No, this guy is to blame!

Just thinking of this, I heard a bang, and the floor under my feet suddenly cracked a big mouth, like a manhole cover for a water well. When the foot was empty, Elt knew that something was wrong and immediately pulled himself. Nano bag.

This Roosevelt actually dared to be secret, so grab him and go down!

However, he was disappointed. Roosevelt's body, as well as the wheelchair, remained motionless, although it was semi-suspended, as if it had been fixed there.

It must be the force field generator, that thing, not only protects himself, but also allows him and other devices around him to exert force. This is definitely the strongest attraction, firmly attracting him to it.

In fact, he just did this when he opened the handle and let the cabin vacuum. Why didn't he pay attention to it at that time!

Elter regretted it.

"Goodbye, my friend." Roosevelt watched a few people fall, his tone relaxed, and said to the people next to him: "Now, go up and move those rubies down."

Then, he activated his bank interface and started to cancel the transaction. These people are really stupid. He has never heard of it. Recently, Imperial Bank has strictly restricted the transfer of funds in order to prevent fraud. Large transfers will be in Twenty-four hours later, it was thoroughly carried out. Before this, although there will be transfer records and arrivals, the money inside cannot be withdrawn, and the transaction can be canceled at any time!

This was originally intended to prevent fraud, but in fact, this scheme is too stupid, and it has spawned many new fraud methods. Send money to the other party before canceling!

Roosevelt has always been the biggest businessman here.


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