Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 902: Free Galaxy Alliance

The military power of any country is limited, and it cannot be expanded indefinitely. For example, the current 3,000-second gap arm, and the internal military power of them, cannot strictly guard every wormhole. Otherwise, the army is dispersed, and once the situation is met, the fleet that is assembled is the most powerful.

Now, when it is found that several targets are approaching towards their own side, Elter is a bit strange. What is coming? Will it be a fleet?

Doesn't look like it, is it a merchant ship?

"The stowaway ship in front, please report your intention immediately, otherwise you will be attacked!" At this time, the call on the public frequency band came from the call system, the other party continued: "This is the Free Galaxy Alliance Armed patrol boat. "

Free Galaxy Alliance? What is this? When he heard the call, Alte's face was suddenly suspicious.

In the entire empire, it takes a lot of courage to call out a slogan of freedom. This is the difference between imperialism and democratic republic.

In an imperial country, the emperor has the supreme power and has the power to kill and kill the entire empire. The other subjects of the empire can only be loyal to the emperor with no intention. The basic system of imperialism, democracy? free? Don't joke, the power of the emperor is granted by God, you fart people, that is, honestly accept the rule.

The democratic republic system is different. The basic feature of this system is that everyone has the power to manage the country. The most perfect embodiment is that the head of state is not hereditary, but elected, one person, one vote, elected The head of state, this head of state is not in power indefinitely. After a few years, he will be re-elected, and, if he is re-elected for a maximum of two terms, he cannot be re-elected.

Under such a system, it is fully ensured that the head of state is serving the interests of the people. If there is anything wrong with him, even the people can oust him from office. For such a system of monarch power, there is great progress.

However, this is only a superficial situation. In terms of the history of the empire, the founding emperor fought everywhere and defeated a large number of countries, including many countries with many democratic systems. These countries are the weakest and have the most fighting power. Poor, and, after the war, almost all of them chose to escape or surrender, and there was no decent battle at all.

The reason is too simple. The truth is often in the hands of a few people. The kind of parliamentary system brings extremely low efficiency. A proposal, even if it increases some military expenditure, will continue to be noisy and noisy in the parliament. I think that money should be used to improve people's livelihood. The members of Parliament seem to be elected below, but in fact they are the spokespersons of certain interest groups. They have argued for the benefit of their small groups, resulting in many proposals being stranded. As a result When the war came, there was simply no preparation.

The great founding father established this huge country, and will not tolerate the power falling into the hands of others. Therefore, it is undoubtedly that the country should be governed by His Majesty's descendants. Therefore, the huge country , Will eventually become a monarchy centralized system.

What your majesty said is absolute authority, as long as your subordinates are obedient, your majesty ’s orders cannot be questioned. In this way, the efficiency is quite high.

Of course, a prerequisite for such a system is that His Majesty is wise enough. If His Majesty is a fool, the whole country will suffer. However, under modern technology, the descendants of every emperor must be smart. In a war for supremacy, the one that wins the final victory is even more outstanding, which is also considered a victorious fit. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible to want one vote per person in a vast galaxy such as the Milky Way, it will cause an election to last for a long time, and it is still costly Huge, organizing votes and counting votes of residents is very complicated and cumbersome, and there is a high probability of problems.

Regardless of whether it is the Empire of Armenia or the Empire of Fibre, they are all imperial. In the entire galaxy of the imperial system, there is actually a republican voice. How can it not be surprising?

"Did the spaceship in front of us receive our call? Please answer immediately!" At this time, the voice came from the phone again.

"This is the big mouth of a private spaceship." Elt shouted in the intercom: "We are here to do business, we are regular vendors, because the Imperial Fleet controls other wormholes, so we deliberately started from here Walked by. "

In fact, this spaceship is no longer the same as the original Big Mouth. If nothing else, let ’s say that its speed of light flight ability is the ability that the original Big Mouth integrated from the broken parts could not have. Now Elt came by letter, which is actually a kind of memorial.

When Margaret heard the big mouth number, she was also very excited.

"Vendor? What kind of business are you doing?" Shouted the other side.

"We are jewelers, come to sell some jewelry." Elt said: "My name is Elt, just came from the auction of the Sagittarius cantilever colony."

I pondered for a while, and then immediately responded: "Very welcome, please come with us, we will show you the way. In the starry sky of the Free Galactic Alliance, armed martial law is enforced. Ordinary ships cannot cross the border, otherwise they will be vulnerable to attack. . "

The vast starry sky is too unrealistic for the fleet to patrol, so when the two sides are close, you can find the opposite spaceship, which is almost similar to your own spaceship. It belongs to a type of modified armed traffic boat, and Looking at the other party, it seems that it was just a coincidence to meet oneself. Did they chase those pirate ships and just came here?

Elt thought secretly in his mind that now, they had no other choice but to keep up with the armed patrol ship ahead and head towards the starry sky.

The entire cantilever colony, the starry sky is vast, the universe is large enough to make individuals feel incomparably small and insignificant, under the leadership of each other, they passed through two wormholes, in front, a star is near.

This is a medium-sized star, the simplest single galaxy in the universe, and there are several planets on its periphery, and the wormhole here is obviously artificially developed in a modern way, so when passing through the worm When the hole came, it was very close to one of the planets.



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