Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 9: Impact fuel tank

Generally speaking, starships are huge. Ortiz class starships are cruiser starships and are the main combat weapons.

It is wide in the front and back, slender in the middle, and extends two huge forts. The overall length is close to three thousand meters. The upper and lower are densely packed with various artillery. Department, it is six high-power fusion engines.

In space navigation, the fusion engine is a common propulsion system that uses the principle of the mass-energy conversion equation to release the energy of nuclear fuel.

Now, with the command to advance at full speed, all six engines burst into flames. Each engine is almost equivalent to a small sun. With its promotion, the huge battleship began to accelerate.

Unfortunately, it is too late.

Almost at the same time it had just begun to accelerate, Qin Tian was flying the Lightning 2 fighter, and had flown to its tail.

Right in front of the nuclear fusion engine is the fuel tank of nuclear fuel, so that its fuel delivery distance is the shortest and easy to operate. In addition to powering the starship, it also provides other systems, such as various naval guns, such as ecological The system, the whole ship is heated and so on to provide energy.

Now, as it sails at full speed, the outside energy shield suddenly becomes dimmed. When the engine fully propels the starship, it will inevitably seize the energy of other parts, including the energy output of the force field generator required by the energy shield Also weakened.

At this time, Qin Tian had pushed all the operating levers in his hand to the front.

Hit it, hit it, that's where the fuel tank is!

Even if the energy shield is deployed at full power, he has enough confidence that even if his anti-material torpedo does not completely destroy the other party's shell, their shell will be damaged. Once the fuel tank leaks, the consequences will be very serious.

And now, in front of him is the fuel tank, this is absolutely not wrong, now, just hit it.

"Long live the empire!" Although he knew that no one had heard his voice in the intercom, he was still shouting out loud with all his strength, his life would end in the next second, and his life would freeze In just a moment.

Qin Tian had no choice. If he could choose the way of death, he would naturally be vigorous!

As he pushed the nose, the warning flashed faster on the holographic screen, and even the AI ​​system could not respond, and the voice was very rapid: "Collision is coming ..."

Qin Tian felt a huge impact coming from under his **** before he finished the speech. At this moment, he woke up and forgot to turn off the AI ​​system of the fighter. According to the predetermined procedure, when the collision occurred , He was ejected!

Sitting under his **** is a catapult seat. This ancient way has saved many people ’s lives. The solid rocket under a high thrust quickly ignited, and the sound of the cockpit cover slamming gun There were four holes in the four corners, and his seat opened the cockpit cover. In an instant, the whole person had flew away from the Lightning 2 fighter.

At the moment he flew away, the nose of the Lightning 2 fighter had been slammed into the starship's hull, and its nose hit the energy shield and immediately broke off. During the collision, sparks were splashing, and countless The debris flew across, if Qin Tian was still in the cockpit at this time, he had been photographed as a patty, curled up from three dimensions to two dimensions.

Under a huge overload, Qin Tian felt that all the blood was flowing to his lower limbs. In fact, the ejection was only half an hour late. In the cold space, the flight suit and seat he was wearing With the life support system he can only support for half an hour, he drifts in space and rarely gets a chance to be rescued. Why?

His eyes quickly turned black, and at the moment when he temporarily lost consciousness, he saw a scene that made him extremely satisfied.

The nose of the Lightning 2 fighter broke off, and the anti-matter torpedo in the middle slammed into it, ramming towards the outside of the weakest fuel tank!

At this time, the energy of the energy shield was reduced to a minimum, so the hard diamond shell of this anti-matter torpedo actually hit the starship's energy shield!

It went into it all at once, into the mirror-like energy shield, just like the armor-piercing projectiles used by ancient tanks. At 0.15 times the speed of light, it suddenly pierced the energy shield.

The tail is still exposed, its head is already in, and then the special collision delay fuze is ignited.

"Boom!" Qin Tian couldn't hear it. Everyone on the starship heard this voice. For them, this voice represented the coming of death!

The torpedo is small in size, just as large as a mortar shell in ancient times, and the warhead in it also carried only 1.5 grams of antimatter, but at the next moment of this fuze action, these antimatter flew from the magnetic restraint Come out and come in contact with the surrounding material!

Ordinary atoms, nuclei are positively charged, and extranuclear electrons are negatively charged, while antimatter is just the opposite. Atomic nuclei are negatively charged, electrons are positively charged, and once positive and antimatter are in contact, they will annihilate each other, and all the rest mass disappears and becomes terrible. energy!

Only the most complete period of the energy shield can hardly block its blow, nor can it be a fragile part. Now, the warhead has been pierced. Once this terrible annihilation occurs, the result will be the most spectacular.

The outer shell of the nuclear fuel tank is made of the hardest titanium alloy. Only at this moment, a huge opening appeared in the outer shell of the titanium alloy. The liquid helium inside surged out three times and immediately came into contact with the high temperature. Antimatter annihilation!

How high is the temperature? Equivalent to the stellar core!

At this ultra-high temperature, the three helium atoms vibrated at high speed, collided with each other, and combined together, a fusion reaction of a violent thermal nuclear weapon explosion occurred!

In the engine, this reaction is smoothly released, while in nuclear weapons, all are released in an instant!

Just like a grenade exploding in the mud, the mud flew everywhere in an instant. Now, the location of the fuel tank of this huge Ortiz class starship quickly becomes a burning little sun!

Anyone who glances at it will be permanently blind.

The sturdy starship quickly deforms outward from the position of the fuel tank, just like here is where the tornado wind blows, wherever it goes, any building will collapse, and any trees will be uprooted.

The starship exploded from the sky, and the entire starship became fragments in the explosion of nuclear fuel!



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